Thursday, October 8, 2009

When I Was Hungry...

I haven’t ventured downtown Anchorage since Begich left office and turned out the lights behind him and before the City Hall door could kick him in the you know what! But the lights are still out on the 5th on 5th, so who in hell is running local government? Looking at the condition of the roads, it appears no one. Is this one of Sullivan’s cost cutting energy saving and paper work reduction acts in the making? Oh, that’s right, the mayor’s office was moved over to a cheaper location, at Jerry Prevo’s ABT tax-free haven. I guess its payback to the devil when new mayor Dan disenfranchised the voters. Bottom line, Sullivan should have stayed away from the Assembly’s vote on equal rights. I think it is called interference over executive privilege. We saw what happened to this country when Bush exercised the privilege over righteousness. I guess Sullivan is out to ruin this town! Bottom line, Prevo used his influence and congregation of lemmings to interfere with the process and Sullivan went along for reasons suspicious that warns beware the “Corrupt Bastards Club” still maintains a membership. But I hope if Sullivan is successful in raising property tax that the increase will then include church property. According to scholars, even though there exists language in the Constitution that suggests a separation between church and state, nowhere does it say that a church cannot be made to pay its fair share, to provide property tax towards the common good. Let’s face the facts, the good old days are over with. A church uses the same property tax supported services that a homeowner or business owner enjoys for a fee. Besides, church today is nothing short a slimy business that can use every nook’n cranny tax haven to hide away zillions in income and use that money to set a greedy agenda. It just isn’t fair upon Americanism. The free ride is done with. As far as I am concerned, there is no longer a separation as church is getting into everybody’s business. And a quick calculation of un-taxed church property here in Anchorage proper alone forecasts enough extra income to pay for all the unions’ pay raise contracts for the next three years! Wow, downtown is real dead. Empty streets, empty stores, reminded me of what one would expect at 4am but not at high noon! The coffee shops seemed the only place were clientele were still contributing to the economy. What ever happened to the price of a cup of coffee, “brother can you spare a dime”, not a chance. But maybe the cost is justified, as coffee comes in these high tech cups with these weird like lids. Hey, its cold out even in early October so I don’t need that waste of cardboard insulator! But the insulator hugging the cups today are not just items of necessity to ward off a law suit, but double as advertisement. And this one sang out a warning – about hunger. Hasn’t this nightmare been cured yet? Especially in a country that has the technology to feed the entire world? That is why I believe in health care reform with a public option. Maybe it will include nobody gets left behind a meal – three squares a day. Think about the option as a means that bans forever someone going hungry. Lets face the facts, good nutrition is a ways and means towards a healthy lifestyle, so it is the basis for any health care reform and paramount to a successful program. So maybe the silver lining with Obama’s call for reform is the fact that hunger will be met head on. So if we start all over with health initiatives, then maybe people will become more health conscious, thereby becoming less ill. And success will catapult this country forward, wherein health care will be affordable and we will find that the costs continue to creep lower and lower. What a concept, a healthy America! What is truly amazing comes before us evidence that one still finds hunger in Alaska. The statistics are mind boggling beyond relief and belief. Here in a state that is awash in natural resources, a state that has miles and miles of wild land abundant with fish and game, a state that obtains - through the generosity of the U.S. Treasury - up to 3-times the average amount from regurgitated income slashing taxes then the rest of Americans, and there are people and families that are still going hungry? You know what, maybe we should delay paving the roads for a few years and use the money to feed the hungry. The road pavement is crap to begin with, so I would take gravel roads if it meant spending the money to help out the hungry. And why not open up the new downtown civic center as a food depot for the hungry, as this wasted space isn’t being used for anything else! Can you imagine what it would be like after one year’s time if the entire military budget were used not for weapons of mass humanitarian destruction but upon methods of mass humanitarian decisions, like feeding the hungry and finding a cure for breast cancer. Why breast cancer is still a horror in this country with all of its hi-tech medical wizardry is beyond belief to the point that there must be an ulterior motive to not find a cure. It sucks, as does “my belly full but me hungry” cry from a small child. But when we see how upset the wannabe neo-conservative fanatic fan club membership gets when we talk equality, it is apparent greed should also be taxed, as it seems that it has gotten to the point that it is an evil manipulator, wherein that “brother” aspect is but a historical landmark with no meaning whatsoever to the “Now” generation. I guess “either with us or against us” means feeling OK if your neighbor is starving, especially if that neighbor is not aligned politically with the “Corrupt Bastards”. So to those that brave hunger today, along with those that brave a scary world without medical coverage, this country used to salute you with open arms, nowadays it appears a different kind of “arms” at the greed seekers’ disposal! So as representatives abandon their posts for fear that to do what is right may abandon the contributions to their “war chest”, off in the distance I hear this song that really tells it like it is: “America where are you now don’t you care about your sons and daughters. Don’t you know we need you now we can’t fight alone against this monster”. And the monster here comes in many shapes and forms, just look around you, it is front and center. And if you are still dumbfounded Jerry, try looking in a mirror, its scary even without a Halloween mask of horror!

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