Sunday, July 12, 2009

Sarah Palin's Legacy

Once again the “Outsiders” - a.k.a. Pandora’s Pundits - are feverishly trying to cash in on foretelling what will be Sarah Palin’s legacy. Failed run at the presidency as John “Madman” McCain’s running mate? A multi-million dollar book deal wherein the ending was not until she resigned? Can you imagine quitting just so a book has an ending? And how much did this risky retreat to wha-la land swell the endorsement? Was it the pressure from Goldilocks book publishing, for a few extra million? “Take the money and run, take the money and run”. Why is it Palin likes to “quit”? Questions, questions, questions. And is it true that before he died Oscar Meyer tried to promote a contract with the Palin’s to drive around the country in a “salmon red” WienerMobile pushing “Salmon” wieners? Imagine that, Sarah and Toad running shore to shore in the dog salmon car? Now that is something she could do with ease. And think about it, a different small town pageant parade every weekend wherein she could reign the beauty queen. She could be even more famous with another base, the kids. And she wouldn’t have to worry about difficult political or environmental questions while on the circuit. About the only difficult question may be something like, “Where’s the beef?” Now it may be still too early to tell her true legacy, but the “legacy” path is already following a path of destruction. What? Here it is in a nutshell for Sarah’s fruitcake audience. Sarah Palin’s legacy will be “Drill Baby Drill”. That catcall made famous during her campaigning for McCain. Talk about irresponsible behavior! The “calling” in effect is an all out run amuck attack on the oil fields of Alaska, especially offshore, wherein such haste can have but one outcome – waste! And it didn’t just start when she took up residence in Juneau, as once upon a time Sarah was appointed the chairwoman of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission and in that position decided to take on “Big Oil”, like Exxon-Mobil, British Petroleum and Conoco-Phillips. This state commission oversees everything oil and gas related. In fact, so powerful that it has jurisdiction over the EPA! And it was around that time that the playing field was softened to allow drilling where once drilling was not feasible, from an economic standpoint and most notably from an environmental standpoint. The more fragile the environment the more it adds to the cost. This for years scared away “Big Oil” from drilling where no man has drilled before. Today, we are stating to see the fallout coming of such allowance and the irresponsible behavior, wherein anybody can head out on the pristine tundra or open waters and poke holes in the ground in efforts to find oil. When Sarah was the “chairwoman” of the “commission”, she quit that position also, after she broke into another board member’s computer while engaged in a spy vs. spy mission. See, another commissioner was doing GOP business on the state’s dime. Sound familiar? Stay tuned, as soon there will come a Moore - NOT Shannon - like documentary that tells it like it is, the sad truth of what Sarah allowed when she infiltrated government on the heels of corruption, when the time was right for her to cash-in on MurCowski’s reign of corruption for her own reign of “Pollute Baby Pollute” Bottom line, somebody isn’t watching what went on back then so is not watching what is going on this day, from what went on behind closed doors yesterday. It was favoritism that has taken this state down a rocky road of destruction with respect to environmental stewardship. Many thought we learned the lesson with the EXXON Valdez wreck when matter of fact that made it a little easier, as to climax that nightmare is tough too do, but that atrocity upon the environment is used as the guide to what and what we cannot do or go after. It basically brings back the sentiment that the “solution to pollution is dilution”. What the “commission” allowed and endorsed by the governors basically opens it all up to exploration and exploitation. See, the state allows it because it is the “black gold” that allows so many bureaucrats to have useless jobs as it is oil that fuels this state’s economy. And nobody likes to be a whistle-blower as there is “zero” protection for speaking up. And Sarah was behind a lot of the fancy footwork that has this “Drill Baby Drill” as out of control as John McCain’s presidential bid, like NOT allowing polar bears on the endangered species list. Polar bears are getting mad as their habitat is dwindling and what is left is interfering with oil exploration. Palin was so far out of touch with political reality when at the same time environmental responsibility was just a suggestion, I am glad she quit. But it may be a little too late as it is tough to stop or change horses in midstream. That is why her legacy will be remembered in my book as “Drill Baby Drill”! And why did Sarah give Levi so much guff when this kid without a future was trying to cash in on any and or deals wherein he was part of the “Family” from Wasillabilly country? I give the guy credit! Palin may be doing the same thing, cashing in! Maybe she finally realized if you can’t beat them, join in. Hey, I just received a phone solicitation from some outfit trying to promote Sarah. It isn’t only book deals that has Sarah seeing the $$$$. Hey, with crap like Palin’s memoirs hitting the market book shelves, it has the same effect as book banning burning. Her crap displaces real writings. Bill Clinton did the same thing. He was paid 10-million and the book only sold ¼ that amount. See, this kind of crap hurts the real writing world. Real writers - just to get published - have to recoup the losses of the celebrity status quo trying to be famous in print. About the only book Palin is good for is a comic relief book. Anyway, the solicitation person was wondering if I would be interested in “Beta” testing some Palin endorsements. Wow! First there is a rendition board game designed like “Srabble” The only difference is the fact that “SCAB” is limited to words of four letters or less, proper spelling isn’t necessary and cheating is allowed. And then there is the board & card game called “Where in the World is Sarah Palin”, modeled after “Carmen Sandiego”, wherein people try to guess what her next move is. And then for my time answering the questions I was offered a pass to another new game show, “Is Your Turtle Smarter Then Sarah Palin?” Egad, what fame and fortune can do to disrupt decency! In ending, it is “Drill Baby Drill” that will soon take Palin’s audience by surprise. Hopefully before her next political move, as there is a problem at hand with this annihilation upon righteousness in environmental stewardship and her base may want to find out the truth so help us God, so they can baste away her political and financial aspirations to Doomsville, forevermore forever Amen. Maybe this state should honor her with this title, “Wicked Witch of the North”!

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