Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Dickman Poll

A recent survey by the Dickman Pollster - Alaska’s Other Pollsters - indicates a serious concern with respect to tourist traffic here in the “Last Frontier”. Many would be tourists bound “North to Alaska” have already cancelled out, due to various reasons. But 2500 individuals that had booked a trip for the 2009 summer season - one of the best summers of record - then cancelled out have done so NOT due economic difficulties. This poll provides the following information that should help understand why the Alaskan tourist trade downturn is alarming upon historical records. Those accepting the survey were asked the following question:

“Was Sarah Palin in any way shape or form reason to why you cancelled a trip to Alaska?”

Results of Survey:

1000 or 40% surveyed said they were tired of hearing about Alaska’s Sarah Palin in the news and everywhere else, so with that in mind and out of protest decided to go to another place wherein they could enjoy themselves without political fallout. Many were frightened away when their pre-recorded tourist update advisory mentioned “Alaska, the Palin State” and no longer said anything about the natural scenery or fishing reports. One would-be tourist gone irate said that she spent almost an hour on the phone with a “customer representative” trying to find out if she and her husband would see the “mountain”, - a.k.a. Denali - and were told they had a better chance of seeing Palin in the news.

1000 or 40% indicated that they were now afraid to visit the 49er since Russia is so close(Sarah insists that she can see Russia through her bedroom window at her home in Wasilla). The cold war lives on! Those surveyed said that if provided a gun and ammo upon getting to Alaska, then that would make a difference but their cheapskate package deal didn’t include that level of protection.

500 or the remaining 20% said that they had a better chance of seeing Palin in the lower 48 states then here in Alaska, as she likes to gallivant around on the entertainment circuit.

The 500 who stayed at home due a better chance to see the celebrity wannabe were asked an additional question. “Who is Sarah Palin?”

250 thought she was a roller derby queen turned politician.
150 thought she was the figment of John McCain’s “political babe” imagination.
50 thought she was a Drill Sergeant gone AWOL.

Drill Sergeant? Wow, this is it, there exists people in the know out there in wha-la land, even though it seems to be in the meager minority ranks. Bottom-line and like I have plogged upon earlier in my career, Sarah Palin will be known for her “Drill Baby Drill” mentality which has enough fallout by now to camouflage the “Drill” sentiment with “Pollute Baby Pollute”. Her steadfast resolve to open up fragile and pristine environments for the wrecking ball mentality is showing its ugly face right about now. Stay tuned, as this will soon be headline news in an upcoming documentary. If interested, funding for filming this documentary is accepted under SarahWACKO at
storylineonline@gci.net. Please do not get this link confused with SarahPAC, the endless pot of gold that protects Sarah’s selfish interests, wherein it is testament that people that contribute to her aspirations are SICKO!


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