Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Off Her Knocker Rocker

Come get me Tom Van Flake! Sarah Palin is “Off Her Knocker Rocker”. McCain did indeed create a knocker rocker monster extraordinaire, “Sarahstein”. And what is with “MegaWitch”, Sarahstein’s spokesperson not in the know anymore? Were not these two Alaskan pageant queen-bees genuine fleas of a rod? I believe Sarah now ends up having a leaner political career then Katherine Harris. For those that forget, Harris was the stool pigeon down in Florida that allowed voting irregularities during the 2000 presidential election to show that democracy is being compromised for anything Bush. For her collaboration to disenfranchise America, she was promoted up to the House of Congress but lost out trying to become a senator. She was on the march to become the 1st “female” U.S. President. But was late for all the Congressional breakfasts, because she wasted too much time plastering makeup upon her face. Sarahstein has disenfranchised America and derailed women’s rights by using her wannabe political clout to waste precious time at photo-ops. In the end as can be expected, the lucrative book signing! Maybe book burning should be allowed! What, Sarah’s all for book banning? Harris and Palin show that “females” are quitters when it comes to the political arena and they have not backers replaced by hackers. But when Frank MurCowski ruined the statesmen like quality of Alaska’s political history past, it opened up the arena for fakes and wannabe politicians like Sarahstein, wherein IQs less then a snot would suffice. I just made it back into town. The worse thing about being out of town and working way up north is the fact that FOX news is all we get. And being way out in “Drill Baby Drill” territory, the newspaper arrives months out of date. And with the Internet access controlled wherein CNN liberalism is on the “blackout” list most of the time, we get a one-way opinion of facts. See, GCI controls the airwaves in Alaska, so that outfit sees too it that the news’ coverage is a one-way street. Hey, GCI is one of the biggest donators to the GOP here in Alaska! What do you expect, but more control through manipulation upon the 1st Amendment. And they make tonnes of money bringing high-speed Internet service to the bush, courtesy Uncle Sam’s generosity – the taxpayers’ dime! I wish somebody would give me back some of my money for free! So everybody is trying to piece together what forced Sarahstein’s retreat away from her political holdings. The verdict is still out. Maybe Palin has not yet revealed the real reason and that is why MegaWitch is still AWOL with answers. I am really surprised that MegaWitch didn’t take over the helm. And Bill O’Reilly sucks. He went on a ranting rage that Palin was a quitter. You know what Bill, I know a mom that had a Down’s Syndrome child. It is a full time job, so maybe, just maybe Sarah has come to the realization that “Choice” means dedication. But I really doubt that she threw in the towel for her children, as she threw her family under that out-of-control train with Casey Jones McCain at the throttle. The other bad thing about being away from Anchorage for a spell is the fact that when one returns, it means learning to drive all over again. Just how many traffic lights does this town need? Is there some kind of kick-back going on or is the DOT design team aligned with stupidity? Again, is there an IQ lower then that of a snot? And there is not one iota of traffic light coordination, so road rage is alive and well. In fact, this city just lost the coveted “Brotherly Love City”, because road rage - especially upon those that like to ride bicycles - is as out of control as the Palin administration. Look out! I was over at the Peterson Towers and low and behold, that is where Begich’s Alaska staff of 200 plus is about to take up quarters. At least Ted had the decency to use Federal installations for his local office. It was over at the Federal Court House. The office was difficult to find and getting to Ted’s receptionist meant navigating a maze, lots of security. I guess that was because Ted at one time was Pro-Mad Temper, 3rd in-line to take over the presidency. Wow, were we lucky! But there was supposedly a back door to Ted’s office, for rapid response - Bill Allen’s entrance. But now Begich wants to be just like the rest, and throw money away to rent space from a private equity investment firm that owns the Tower. So why in hell have we used taxpayers’ money to build all these Federal installations here in Alaska yet we allow these politicians to spend more for “private” office space? And it has nothing to do with accessibility. In fact, it is more towards inaccessibility! Maybe that is how they like it. Lets face the facts, with modern day networking and access not yet denied, representatives don’t need offices here, there and everywhere. In fact in this day and age we don’t need representative miss-representation, as with “Twitter Dee & Twitter Dum”, we can vote for ourselves on all issues of interest, including traffic lights. But I did hear a rumor and if such is true, maybe we should demand that MoanaLisa “Nepotism Senator” MurCowski along with Mark” We Need More Rockets” Begich and Sarah “Maybe Young’s Replacement” Palin to move their offices over to that Federal installation on Tudor, into the facility that sits unknowingly way off in the weeds, the FBI “Special Agents” detachment! That way the Fed. can keep an eye – a private eye – on the stooges. Really, can you imagine Sarahstein getting a shot at Don’s seat? When I was at the Peterson Tower and trapped in the elevator with “Twitter Dum” talking on a cell, I could here the calling party talking about Don stepping down, something to do with being incoherent and illusionary since getting hit on the head with a coconut. Hey, can representatives apply for disability? What do you mean they are all already disabled? Representative Sarah Palin! “Do you swear to tell the whole truth so help me Jerry Prevo”! Representative Sarah Palin, I can hear it now. Instead of a Te-Lue appropriations bill named after Don’s dame, it can be called the Te-Toddler, in honor of Sarah’s husband. Then we can be entertained with the Te-Trigger, and on and on and on. Who in hell would name their child after a gun component? Let’s see, we were cleaning our guns when we decided to have intercourse! It turned us on, the smell of gunpowder! Now of course her quitting as the governess of Alaska could be for other reasons of insanity, like so she can take over son Ben’s seat on the SEMCO Board of Directors. See, that was the seat that was given to son Ben and for due consideration to do nothing, Ben made off with $70,000-dollars. So maybe this Michigan based rip-off company needs people in high places. Let’s face the facts. In order for Enstar to continue to rip us off in efforts to keep our houses’ warm, somebody must overlook what is going on. Sure this state has a regulatory commission, but that board remains constipated and cannot produce anything that helps the consumers. I think it is time to get one of those twitter gadgets. With all the time spent wasted at “red lights”, there has to be something to pass away this wasted time. And another thing, how come all that Alaskan made beer that costs and arm and a leg is Budweiser in disguise? I have yet to taste any beer made in this state that is credible, except from the micro-breweries around town. Is it the water? As the mass-produced stuff appears watered way down. And that is maybe the best thing to wean us away from Palin’s inebriating grip, as her agenda is just a way watered down pathetic mess message and her legacy will be but one thing to remember, “Drill Baby Drill”, as that mental mindset is leading too a destructive ways and means pattern of abuse on the North Slope. Time will tell, but she will be long gone and any “Grill Baby Grill” will be left for others to defend. Birds are dying from this “Drill Baby Drill” agenda of destruction wherein the state regulators are turning a blind eye. And another thing, did the state already paint the road lane demarcations? What is with so cheap of paint? Then again, what is with so cheap a political scene as found here in Alaska, wherein a low-life wannabe like Sarahstein can steal center stage and still think that she can see Russia from her backyard. And she thinks she can lead this country forward? Help!!!!!! Before sigh Nora Odonnell, it seems that Fox’s Greta is the most disturbed over this Palin retreat. Why? Well maybe she has a crush on the “Toad”. Hey, what is with this Mt. Marathon race wherein those running up a steep mountain get to see no other scenery then that of another man’s sweaty ass? “ALASKA the wild land of the weirdoes”, Sarahstein style!

1 comment:

  1. Very nice article but it is too long......

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