Thursday, July 9, 2009

Hardball Hard-Up

I watched that Hardball thing the other night, and it is still all Sarah Palin. In fact the commentator was about to blow a forehead fuse over the fact that Palin supposedly retreated - quitting refined - due the defense that the “ethic” complaints against her was causing this state to go broke. And the commentator had the audacity to think Alaska is in dire straits economically. Talk about being misinformed. The price of oil is up, so is the income this state garnishes for its resource exploitation. The Constitutional Budget Reserve is still pretty healthy, in the billions. Fact of the matter, we didn’t need any of that “stimulus” money had we tapped into the reserve, to be used as it was designed to be used. And as some of us uphold the 1st Amendment there are guys performing shovel ready projects, like cleaning the artwork along Elmore with toothbrushes! One cannot get a flight to Prudhoe Bay, as things are going strong in the oil patch and there exists not enough qualified help from the local hire ranks so we are importing workers from the Louisiana swamps. I worked with this one guy. He was on his R&R way down deep in the Bayou and while lighting farts to entertain his white lightning drinking buddies, caught a couch on fire. When he jumped up and down to extinguish the flames, a cushion spring serrated his leg. Not to worry, just more booze and an Office Depot stapler can work wonders! Folks, hide your kids, as Alaska isn’t getting inundated just by media freaks but by the Bozo bus mentality. And we want a gas line? So Hardball, get a grip on your Hard-up Hard-on! And it was the same scenario on the FOX. And is Shannon Moore desperate for female attention? Sob, sob! Anyway, this state spends way over the “Palin Ethics Debacle” amount just to study “Bridges to Nowhere”. So far the Bridge To Nowhere Authority has spent over 5-million just on the Anchorage to Pt. McKenzie wet dream, and I have not seen one shovel at work! And why in hell does the Anchorage community want easier access to our beloved city from the Wasillabillys? And what about the money wasted trying to measure the penis size of a male Musk Ox here in the “Last Bimbo” state? And what is it costing for the amphibious assault vessel soon to be delivered to Pt. McKenzie with no place to go, courtesy Uncle Don courtesy the U.S. Taxpayers? That weapon turned ferry is going “nowhere”! Talk about Don, there is clear and convincing evidence that the Don will soon step down. Wow, then that means there is a vacancy in the House. And guess what? Acting Alaska Governor Parnell gets the privilege to fill that position. Have we been taken for a joy ride? Palin is a shoe in, as that would give her the forward-looking momentum to run for the presidency. Why do you think MoanaLisa attacked Palin over her “quitting”, as when Sarah gets to D.C., Moanalisa may as well call it quits. Think about poor Begich surrounded by MoanaLisa and Palin – talk about hot britches. As for Palin’s nomination to the Congress, it means many, many Shannon Moore steps closer to the White House and is a pre-meditated approach wherein Don seems to think he is doing his duty – to vacate his representative position so Sarah can continue to entertain the country. This entire scenario has been hatched out behind closed doors. Remember, not once did Palin ask Don to step down while he was under investigation still. The Don has spent well over 1 million bucks on legal fees defending that off course coconut. And didn’t Palin ask Ted to bail out when he was caught red-handed with his mouth in the cookie dough jar? So this entire Palin Peyton Place has been growing and I would bet that Don becomes her campaign manager, or something like that, and when Palin gets the White House, Don will be in line for a pardon. “Don & Sarah, trying to set Don free, abusing the government buracracy, first comes merging then comes quitting then comes Sarah bouncing back in her Queen Bee fashion….” The rest is history gone haywire! And I can see it now, the Don’s memoirs, “How I Wasted the Taxpayers”, or “Fishing Pole Taxation”, or “The Rabid Skunks of Congress”, or “Palin, Revenge Upon Pelosi” or “A 2% Tip Is Too Much”.

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