Monday, February 9, 2009

Where's the Beef?

Like the rest of the country, Alaskans are ready for this "Change" thing to take effect. In Anchorage - please Sarah stay away - we long for "change" at the local level, like maybe a new restaurant? Wow, dream come true February. So being Saturday evening it meant heading over to this new food joint that recently enjoyed a decent write-up in the Anchorage Daily Stool, or whatever it is called these days. I know this paper is missing a decent dance venue columnist, but maybe in the food category it won’t mean failure to the reading public. Like anything new to Anchorage, things take time to get anchored so this place wasn’t very busy, even for a weekend night. Also, no beer and wine list yet means something here in the state of cold and dark and Sarah Palin innocence. Innocent of what? Yes, dark and cold means I am talking about Sarah’s Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde the truth away personality! She’s a dimwit witdim. Anyway, it was easy to find this new joint and I ordered a Mexican burger, in hopes that it would be a delight like what I was used to indulging upon down Houston way. Down south, good Mexican food fare can be found anywhere at anytime, just like Irish pubs in Dublin. Mexicans love to eat. Irishmen love to have sex. Anyway, the burger was not anywhere close to what was anticipated. Like special seasoned meat cooked to perfection with maybe a good wallop of authentic Queso cotija cheese. Boy, if this is "change" we are in for it! Instead it was a plated rendition of the TARP recipe, commonly referred to as Troubled Asset Relief Program and may be better off titled as "Barf". "Where’s the beef" was my sentiment! Honestly, this burger had more additions beyond patty-cake, patty cake that made the modern day Stevens & Young "porkenomic" theory lack luster. It included everything not asked for - just like the Obama bailout treaty. First, there was a plain old American beef patty, followed by run of the mill cheese, maybe the fabricated kind. Then, you could see where the Democratic Congress stepped in to escalate a heart attack upon the recipient paying for this heart attack on a bun. This concoction was about as close as one can get to a definition of what is happening in Congress, in the attempt to disenfranchise healthy eating and fake out a healthy stimulus to the economy. The menu description called for a slice of ham, none to be found but I paid for it. Just like how the American Taxpayers are paying for nothing. Then the menu description called for authentic Mexican sausage. It was just a run of the mill hotdog, split in half. Again, the wool pulled. This was all topped off with bacon. It was the ultimate Congressional burger of waste! And the fries, well they needed a whole lot more time in the Fryolator. It wasn’t cooked yet! Just like this bailout crap. This burger reminds me so much of what is going down up on the Hill. It sounds good, but the deliverables fall way short of expectations. The recipe for success needs tweaking, it needs serious re-evaluating. But the way this government spends my money - wastes seems to be a better fit - it is a crying shame. It is all based on all talk and no thought legislation. The other day I went skiing the backcountry. See, over the years there have mysteriously appeared these park benches in the middle of "Nowheres". This state has not only visions of "Bridges to Nowhere" but park benches already deployed "Nowhere". Now to place park benches on trails in "Nowheres" is not a cheap affair. Twice I have taken to enjoy these resting places only for this nap attempt to be disrupted by angry intruders, as these things are usually located on knolls, favorite spots for bears to take naps also. About 3-pm bears like to go looking for "food". Why somebody thinks it is important to place park benches in way-out places is crazy, but for a reason these things appear, as it is just more of the same "pork" recipe. Buy the ingredients and try to make something edible. And once "crap" like this begins to infiltrate, it is like a cancer and doesn’t stop here, as the buck doesn’t stop at the U.S. Treasury anymore. The U.S. Treasury has become a fly-by-night safe haven not for the money but for the crooks. Anyway, now it seems that the un-used park benches are to see company, as right here in Anchorage, in the middle of bear country comedy central, "Kiosks" are coming! Really, several areas along salmon breeding streams that are frequented by bears after scaring the "crap" out of those that think park benches belong to the taxpayers are getting a makeover, courtesy the US taxpayer. Maybe the electronic gismos should include the screaming sounds of a young biker getting mauled to death! This is such a crappy way to waste money. See, nobody sees what is going on in the middle of the woods! But it is no different then finding stone pedestals under construction at the BLM Science Center, fake stone it is. The center is nothing short a day care center supported by those in high-up places that can’t seem to pay taxes for nanny. The "porkathon" has evolved to the point of diminishing return as there exists today so many "government" jobs created out of waste that it is at the point of no turning back. Why is it when the rest of private industry has to furlough workers that government just puts a ban of hiring, a hiring freeze, as if this is a responsible action? Talk a bout waste. How much did it cost to revamp the TSA? I am talking the new uniforms, pants, coats, shinny brass badges and maybe even underwear. And guess who pays for it? Did Chertoff own stock in uniform retailing? I bet somebody had a hand in this ridiculousness. And government workers just received a raise in pay. It follows the monkey-see, monkey do mentality. See, Congress gets an automatic pay raise each and every year, so what is good for the goose is good for the gander, so a pay raise follows suit. Here is my take on getting the economy back to a state of buoyancy. Congress, our representatives, has one and only one mission, to see to it that life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is for everyone they represent - that is their mission in a nutshell. So they believe that to meet such goals, it requires approximately $175,000-dollars per year - not including perks like free medical, dental and clothing allowances - to sustain that goal for themselves. So what is good for the goose should be good for the gander, US! So that should be where the minimum tax takes effect. If a worker makes less then the salary of a senator or congressmen, there comes no taxation. And I am a true believer that the individual states should be setting the pay of its representatives. So if I had to pay no taxes on my income like most of the Democrats that have been part of the Clinton administration and are trying to take over this "change" era, then the money saved away from the crooks in efforts to build kiosks in the middle of "Nowheres" would be mainstreamed into the economy, as no true Americans like to save - we love to spend. It would basically mean one of two things. You as a taxpayer would have a whole lot of extra loot to have fun with, or Congress would have to take a drastic pay cut, to bring down that minimum wage figure in concert to what true Americans make and take home. Furthermore, isn’t it time that taxation be part of everyone’s responsibility? Religious freaks feel that they do not have to pay taxes. Take for instance the Abbott Road Christian Brotherhood of Thieves, located on the corner of Abbott and Lake Otis. For years that "business" in disguise has held on to a piece of property and now it is up for sale. They can sell it without penalty and use the money to further their hypocrite agenda that would like to place blacks back in slavery, starting with outlawing gay relationships. I say tax the hell out of the devil worshippers. There is no true religion that has come of time that meets with approval the Creator’s mandate. It is all a doom and gloom ritual wherein they make us believe that giving money will protect us away from the evil, their own invented evil. Hey, did you catch that commercial during Superbowel Sunday? The one wherein the ATM machine goes crazy and starts puking out the cashola all over the sidewalks? The subliminal message is this. We have allowed the U.S. Treasury to be robbed. The money that was there in safe-keeping is being distributed like hotcakes on a Depression era Sunday, but it is not the hungry that are the recipients, but the greed seekers that have for years been in bed with our so-called representatives. And then the guy using the money machine gets nailed by a city bus, that is "US" my friends, but it is not a bus that we have been hit by, but a freight train, as Nancy Pelossi is not a very good engineer. Talk about Casey Jones riding that train high on cocaine, how about the Rabid Skunk high on estrogen? We have been skunkified with what is going down today upon our rainy day piggy bank. "Skunkified" is defined as lied too and evidenced by a rotten smell of guilt that carries for miles and miles in every direction. Today, that piggy bank - our piggy bank - is filled with IOU’s, with your name and my name and all the time we were taught that falsification of another’s name was a crime! The present bailout legislation before Congress is the ultimate "pork" giveaway program. See, for years, with Congressional bums like Don Young and Ted Stevens, the "pork" had finally come under scrutiny. But low and behold, to stop the out of control train, it could mean that these lazy sons-of-bitches could loose their jobs and have to go to work for a living, just like Daschle. So the solution to this "pork" dilemma? Just come right out in the open and be honest with the American workers that you don’t give a rat’s ass about what we think. Just give it all away. Bottom line, we have a broken government. Don’t believe me? Well what one industrial infrastructure is not crying for help these days? Yes indeed, the military machine defense contractors like Lockheed, Boeing, Northrup, General Dynamics and Raytheon to name but a few, as we have not one but two wars of a lifetime. The listed contractors swallowed in excess of 160-billion dollars last year. And these outfits are just that, funded by the taxpayers. And it is not unusual that the CEO’s of these lucrative not affected by a tanking economy outfits takes in millions, your buck my friends! We are getting raped all along the way. And these wars of a lifetime are made possible by those still in power with no end in sight. To stop the wars now would mean just another industry looking for a bailout. So we pay here, there and everywhere. But rest assured, there is a park bench somewhere in hiding, never to be used, and the price tag for this absurdity would shock the Dickens out of reality and righteousness. If they - Congress - only knew how hard we worked for that money in the first place, then maybe they would not be so un-smart with our capital, now being used to buy empty assets with a value less then "Fools" gold, but it looks and sounds so believable. Sick nation, yes and I have the urge to "Barf" as my stomach can only take so much. Talk about pain and suffering! How do you spell "Relief"? SREWED. One last thing. I sent Alaska’s new senator Begich a note, asking him to answer two things of interest. First and foremost, why did he renege on his campaign promise that he would forgo a Congressional pay raise if he were elected? And secondly, what is it costing the U.S. taxpayers for TurboTax’s free offer to download its 2008 tax preparation program? No answers yet for two simple questions. Remember, nothing is free. Since the early 80’s, we have wasted over 600-million dollars in efforts to supposedly revamp the IRS Tax Code haven of loopholes for thieves the rich and the famous. What has happened, nothing! It was money wasted because there has been no intent by our leadership to fix the sinking ship. Money wasted merely as a smokescreen to instill the chill that Congress cared about the hard working class heroes of this once great country. It is time to revamp not only Congress - back in line to what was envisioned as a bonafide "Congress" that is supposed to uphold the Constitution - but it is also time way over due to revamp the outdated tax code, for a simpler more kinder system of taxation wherein the bread winners have more control of what they take home, wherein we can control what it is used for without abuse, including war!

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