Monday, February 9, 2009


"We the People"
John Doe Bank I, John Doe Bank II, and so forth
along with
Jane Doe Investment Firm I, Jane Doe Investment Firm II,
and so forth.

OK, it is out of the bag! President Obama made it clear and convincing today during his first presidential news’ conference that the Americans were ripped off. With words to the effect that the U.S. Treasury has been raped, isn’t it time that "We the People" make it our stance to get back what is rightfully ours to begin with, our money? That is the reason "We the People" need to act now and "ask not what your country can do for you" - give away your money - "but ask what you can do for your country" - sue the bastards. The money that seems to have disappeared Houdini style is out there somewhere? Most likely it is being used for no other purpose then to party hardy, buy designer clothes, charter yachts and snotty vacations at exclusive resorts. Not to forget the champagne and caviar. I don’t know about you, but around this household "Hamburger Helper" is becoming a staple not of choice but out of necessity for survival! The disappearance of "We the People’s" money is fraud. This malfeasance is actionable by "We the People", as to take the money and run, to take the money under false pretenses, it is a crime to the point that it could be considered criminal under the auspices of treason. So it is time for a class action lawsuit. Now I realize that approximately 1/3 of the loot from a successful lawsuit could go to the lawyers representing US, but that is OK because during the trial and tribulations, it will become known through evidence just who took the money and ran to the nearest designer shoe store. This needs to be an action backed by all concerned and through the will of the true hard working American people. The U.S. Treasury has been robed and nobody in Congress is doing a damn thing about it accept giving us all a bunch of lame excuses! So if you are sick and tired of these gutless excuses coming our way from the Hill, that the first bailout failed and the money has evaporated so what we will do better next time, then you need to get involved with this CALZONI, - Class Action Lawsuit Zeroing in on Officials and Nauseating Idiots. Bottom line, Congress failed the first time around so should not be given a second chance. So with enough signatures and enough support, we can show Washington that the American people mean business. If they cannot see to it and act upon what has been stolen away with no attempt at all to see to it that it be recovered, then "We the People" must stand our ground and prove to them that even though acting in the capacity of elected officials, "We the people" mean "mean" business our way, if they cannot do it their way - the no accountability way. So join this class act action lawsuit now. If interested, send a correspondence of approval to . Electronic signatures accepted. And in efforts to get this thing moving forward, it will require a champion in every state to act as an agent. Volunteers from the states are needed. If interested in becoming the single point of contact(SPOC) in your state with respect to getting the stolen money back into our hands, e-mail such desires along to the above e-mail address for consideration. Felons welcome. Unemployed Americans welcome. Remember, the clock for redress is ticking away with respect to the statute of limitations. But maybe the money is still hid away in some instances, still there for the taking back, money that belongs to you and I and not theirs - crooks a.k.a. nauseating idiots - to squander, act now as it may still be reasonably recoverable. With this lawsuit "We the People" will be able to infiltrate offshore tax-havens that have been used to abuse the process of checks and balances and allowed this country’s economy to tank away to nothing but unbelievable debt for our children and generations to come. Americans did not fight WWI and WWII for this state of affairs before us, where so-called Americans steal what belongs to us all, theft that has no other intent accept to weaken this nation to the point of almost economic and ethic distinction. Act now or forever kiss this America Dream goodbye! Act now, or they will forever spend your money in peace while laughing all the way to their resort!

CopyRight 2009 - Dixie Productions/MSK Media/Eagle Rock Press
Contact: or or

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