Monday, February 16, 2009

Painters Wanted

It is a dangerous proposition when Bill "NoseBleed" Sheffield gets to propose how the stimulus money earmarked for Alaska may get spent. Sorry, can’t refrain away from using that "earmark" label. Lets face the facts, his namesake at the Ted Steven’s International Airport’s useless train depot is just more evidence of failure. It is waste not want disobeyed, something we should have learned in kindergarten. Just another eyesore in the list of failed infrastructure projects for this state. Like the eyesore across the bay at Point McKenzie, Don Young’s failed wood chip export facility. The Kodiak Launch Facility? How many veneer plants have opened and failed down in southern Alaska over the years that Ted, Don and Frank controlled the Federal purse-strings? I miss the three-stooges, don’t you? The waste and failures this state’s bureaucrats should be ashamed of, when all the time there was no intent on success. And I will admit that not once did my paycheck come form these projects, as I have better sense and ethics when it comes to who and what feeds my family. Pork is welfare. In fact even the pay scale for Federal project creation is endowed in "pork", Davis-BACON! If Americans would only take control of this out of control freight-train, this would mean for a better off country. Now I am in favor of projects for jobs, but we seem not to do it right when it comes to the handout frenzy. Had the Trans-Alaska-Pipeline been build like these government "pork" projects, there would be a price to pay. And this state is soon to acquire the biggest heist of all times upon the U.S. Treasury - thanks to Don - the high-speed amphibious military assault ship turned a passenger friendly ferry, to be named in honor of Frank Murkowski? Say it isn’t so, the name game. He failed as governor, Bill that is. He failed as depot passenger recruiter, so please spare my taxation and send him back to the "nosebleed" specialist or forever will the Treasury bleed. This is "My" money these monkeys are about to get their hands on! My hard earned money. No Bill does not know what it means to work hard, neither does Ted, or Don or MoanaLisa Nepotism Senator. And when we see this feeding frenzy going on, in efforts to get a piece of the action from Uncle Sam, it is more evidence that this system of checks and balances is about to be wrecked once again. Fast-tracking major construction projects under the "American Recovery and Reinvestment Act" is guaranteed to fail, as there exists some mighty hurdle timelines for this "bailout" - and hurried along crap like this can and will promote dire consequences upon the environment. What comes first, economy or the environment? The consequences of fast pacing could set this country back too the dark ages! Oh, we are already there. I disagree, especially here in Alaska. Greta, please go home and take Toad Palin with you. Anyway, the state of the state of affairs with respect to the economic showdown can be summed up with two episodes I witnessed just yesterday, only one day after the Congress approved a massive bailout to the rich. Why so? I am sure with the trickle down theory the only thing the hard working Americans will see from this bailout is a bill! Somebody will end of paying for it, and the rich honestly believe that they can take it with them! That’s what this bailout thing will end up, pennies on the dollar for the true Americans. Why? Because we true Americans are still working and spending! Anyway, while waiting for a friend after an invigorating run, I waited outside a local grocery store, during my cool-down cycle. Grocery stores are always a very good barometer to what is happening in the economic arena. A lady carrying a bag of dog food existed the store. Wow, she can at least continue to feed Fidel. Then she stooped, breaking fast in her tracks, as a penny loose on the pavement caught her attention. Now it was cold outside. It was snowing, but that did not deter her determination to scarf up the coin. But it was frozen upon the concrete, wherein she painstakingly tried to free it up, digging it out with what appeared to be once a makeover and manicured set of fingernail fangs. Persistent she was, as finally the treasure was hers. Then she meandered off, a little dazed and confused while looking for her vehicle. That fight with the penny was a workout! Soon she approached her car, wherein Fidel waited in vain. It was a Mercedes Benz and Fidel was one of those little handbag designer type dogs! All that for a penny lifted is a penny earned. What value is a penny today? Do you realize that its costs 2.3-cents to mint and distribute a Lincoln head? I hope it is a lucky penny. Then I was down at the Nordstrom. On this Valentines Sunday. Talk about a Valentine’s Day massacre! There was no indication of a slowdown in spending here in the 49er! Except the table that advertised the hand-me-down low-down marked-down handbags - designer type - promoted a Macy’s Day underwear sale frenzy.. Now these are mark-me-downs, still costing well up there at $300 bucks, but there was this frenzy going on, for a handbag? Handbags, a senator’s way to hide away un-taxed income! Then while meandering down a side street, I noticed fresh moose hoof impressions in the sidewalk snow, right in downtown Anchorage. It leads right to the 2nd Run. Somebody said it was Sarah’s footwork. Is this her new campaign office? The name rings a bell. It used to be called "Leftovers" or something like that, but the legalese went crazy when there came a trademark issue, so came the name change. But I do believe it has something to do with Sarah’s upcoming pageant. I hope she keeps running amuck in the political arena, as we need something to keep us laughing. I bet this store is a front, for PAC money. Anyway, this state is about to receive a whole bunch of money for nothing, as part of the Congressional "bailout" program that will have as much chance to jumpstart the economy as would building a bigger port would help the Anchorage economy. Remember, the port expansion had something to do with the Bridge-to-Nowhere which had something to do with Bill Allen lying about building this humungous oil field module fabrication plant over across the bay. That was the reason for the high-speed Navy boat, to ferry workers to high paying jobs out at Point McKenzie. So that is why this state should receive ZERO, as we only know how to waste money. And remember, we have the Constitutional Budget Reserve. We should be required to spend that reserve first, then we would soon realize what it means to strive for success instead of failure. But I hope with all the free-for-all greenbacks coming this way - courtesy the U.S. Taxpayers - that there can be made available some money for "PAINT". According to a most recent account by insurance executives reporting about the high fender bender rates in and around Anchorage, it was conceded that the main factor to why we like to play bumper cars is the fact that the road line markers are missing. For years I have complained about this. Why does this state use such cheap paint? Come the first snowfall, the newly painted street markings just disappear. And this state doesn’t get any harsher weather then some of the Great Lakes states, wherein road paint means just that, stay in your lane. I do believe that the paint this state buys is specially formulated for Alaska, at a bargain rate some 10-times the normal price. And this special formula is designed to "Not " last, in efforts to create a few jobs. That is what Alaska’s failed infrastructure is all about, nothing sustainable, just throw money at anything and everything to create jobs, that is why Bill has a train depot named after him that is used for nothing, except one wedding in the last ten years of operation. And it takes money to heat that waste. It takes maintenance, so why not create some real jobs, tear the damn thing down is my sentiment. Better yet, turn it into a homeless shelter. But I doubt if my wishes will come true, for decent and safe road lane marker paint, as the "Taxpayers’ Rip-off Act" no longer includes any money for the arts, and that is probably how our bureaucrats see road paint, as artwork! America, the land of the growing homeless and home of the con artists, as true art is missing in action as is my future, courtesy those that feel it necessary to rob the Treasury with a designer like handbag.

CopyRight 2009 - Dixie Productions/MSK Media/Eagle Rock Press
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