Saturday, February 14, 2009


It appears as though Congressmen Don Young has the answer to a sinking economy. I am sure this Nobel cure comes about from lessons learned with the TEA-Lu bill that he authored, when relaxing down in Florida under a coconut grove tree. Boink! The latter bill was the biggest and heaviest highway appropriations bill ever signed into law. It will never be surpassed. It was historic, and named after his wife - Lu. Anyway, according to Don in his latest e-mail news-shot opportunity "for every $1-billion invested in transportation infrastructure, 38,000 jobs are created, as well as $6.2 billion in economic activity". Wow, so finding that the "Stimulus", a.k.a. American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, has earmarked well over $27-billioin for highway construction projects, Bozo math sounds out recovery is here - even before the shovels hit the frozen Alaskan ground! "Recovery is coming, recovery is coming". Some guy that looks like Don just drove through the neighborhood, like on a Paul Revere mission. If the Bozo math holds true, with the jobs creation and the aftermath money activity, the highway part of the "Stimulus" will create in excess of 1-million jobs and invite $167-billion of economic activity! Way to go Don, as this means that the rest of the "stimulus crap" isn’t necessary, As a matter of fact, do away with all the other "krop" - pork spelled backwards and meaning "crap" in pig Latin - and just make this recovery act an extension to the TEA-Lu bill, maybe TEA-Lu Take II. I do believe that Don is on to something. We should all take the pen in hand and write in Don as a potential for the Nobel Prize for economics. Maybe also the Carnegie Mellon award? And not to forget the Bozo Math Award, through the Bozo Bus endowment. See, with $790-billion available to buy makeup for Pelosi, I mean money to kick start the economy, using Don Young’s theory and reinforced by Bozo math, if all of this money was indeed shovel ready, like for highways, it would mean this: 30-million jobs! That’s a 3 with 0000000 lagging zeros! With that, $5,000-billion in economic fallout activity! That’s a 5 with 000000000 zeros lagging behind. It means $5-trillion my friends! So come Monday of next week, those who like Davis-Bacon wages and are tired of their old warn-out hourly wage, all in favor could hit the ditches with shovel in hand, to build something. It doesn’t matter what, just start digging as the money is already being printed! That would mean a run on the Home Depot, for shovels. It would spark to life the economy. And when one looks at those numbers, it means a jobs creation program that would last at least 10-years, and then it would be time to re-work the roads. It is the perpetual jobs creation theory, but our government says "Nay" to perpetual motion, or any thing that even hints to such, so sorry Don, as you tried, but the bureaucrats got in the way. And what really gets me, the "Stimulus" bill was over 1,000-pages in length. What ever happened to the government’s efforts at the "paper reductions" act? See, politicians start these down to earth programs but they never practice what they preach and it ends up just another wasteful attempt at something. Using Don’s theory and once again Bozo math, it could have meant a one-page act, something any idiot could have understood. But not one, not one representative of the House or Senate could tell a lie, as not one had read the "act" in its entire before it was time to cast thy vote. Why so? They are all idiots and we as taxpayers get to pay for it all, even their lack of reasonableness. Ethics? Accountability? These things are still just a far and away suggestion, not a prerequisite. Shovels, what a novel idea - maybe to knock some sense into the ridiculousness of it all. Now I did find the time to read through most of this Congressional "novel" of piracy. Why so this piracy? Because in this bill or act - or maybe ax upon the taxpayers is a better description - there exists billions for the military! There exists a separate military appropriations bill, as taxation is specific for a strong militia. It is supposed to be kept separate, as that is what is understood by the Constitution. To combine military funding inside a "Stimulus" program is so against the rules and regulations and underlying existence of the Constitution, it calls upon the entire Congress that voted for this inclusion to be held in contempt, of what I do not know. But in contempt of something. This is what happens when we elect representation that knows not how to read or are too busy wining and dining with lobbyist to take the time to read legislation of importance. I challenge to call or e-mail your representatives and ask if they read the "Stimulus" before voting on it. If they lie, then ask them why the inclusion of the military stuff. Shovels, they keep digging themselves deeper and deeper into that hole. I do believe the taxpayers need a separate ways and means to hold accountable our representation’s malfeasance, especially when it comes to robbing the Treasury. That is what it is in a nutshell, highway robbery. Sorry Don. We need a tribunal, which is allowed for under the Constitution, to try our Congress. Now tribunals have seen a whole lot of scrutiny lately, but maybe it is time to relax that scrutiny in realization that there exists tools available to us in "Our" Constitution, and start using such too our advantage. Think about it. A tribunal "By the People and For the People". So we can have a say as to where our hard earned money ends up, besides makeup!

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