Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The "Porta-Party" Ticket

It was so refreshing to see Sarah Palin absent from the inauguration, the balls, the luncheons and the on-site interviews. Yet she did sneak in an interview with some weirdo named Beck. The only problem with her absenteeism from the greatest political show on earth is the fact that she must be back here in Alaska, screwing something up. Here in Alaska on her watch we have experienced through the roof heating bills. In addition on her watch, we have experienced through the roof motor gasoline bills. We have oil and refineries but pay the highest gasoline prices in the nation! Through her watch we have seen many oil infrastructure projects get shelved, because she raised the corporate taxes on the one and only time-tested job making infrastructure. On her watch, she sold to Canada the Right-of-Way for a natural gas pipeline. Remember what happened when Yukon Pacific held on to the ROW, no gas line, no jobs, no nothing! And that welfare energy check she distributed, well it was used against us when the natural gas suppliers asked for the rate increase. So we got screwed again. And subsistence villagers are going hungry. People in Alaska are on the verge of starvation and she does nothing, but place destiny in Rick Warren’s patheticism. Or whatever church following she bends over too. So it looks like this is testament to bringing more of the same on her remaining watch. But enough on Sarah, as I had the greatest laugh of my lifetime just yesterday. If indeed laughter is the best medicine, this inoculation I received – laughter that is – from watching Fox’s Hannity, I will be healthy for the next ten years! In fact, I might save money on my health care insurance. It was Hannity’s new non-competitive broadcast wherein he had a deal called “The Great American Panel”. See, Hannity was in competition with Colmes until Obama won the election, then cry-bay Hannity threatened to quit, so Colmes the liberal was runoff. Anyway, this show with its “Panel” consisted of Joe the Plumber and two other bozos that all total had an IQ that was equal to George Bush’s IQ divided by Bush’s dog “Barney’s” IQ, which equals out to the IQ of a turd following a good dump. Or in laymen’s terms, equal to that of Ann Coulter constipated. Seems when plumbers enter the scene so does “crapology”. This panel was debating the day before the inauguration, which was disrupting all other show time crap, except the football finals. Anyway, the only thing that Joe the Plumber – I am sorry as Joe is an AUTHOR – well the only thing he could call upon to debate was the “porta-party” situation in Washington, D,C,, at the mall! He mentioned that there were 500,000 crappers available for the upcoming inauguration and that wasn’t enough and tried to blame this on the Obama administration. Joe, if tomorrow crap is a problem it is still on George’s watch! Of course, Joe was a Plumber before his ten-minutes claim to fame and now he is a Fox political contributor and an AUTHOR, so he is well versed in “crap”. I think he is working on a book called “Porta-Party Fundamentals for Dummies”. Anyway, if this guy is any indication of what is to come in the political arena, take his credentials along with Sarah Palin’s and low and behold, we can have the “Porta-Party” Party ticket. Worthless as “crap” and if ever to power, this country will sink further into the cesspool of ridicule, but maybe that is where Joe can strut his stuff and a place wherein Sarah can get a first hand account of how it feels to be “crapped” upon.

CopyRight 2009 – Dixie Productions/MSK Media/Eagle Rock Press
Contact: Storylineonline@gci.net or www.Storylineonline.com or www.chinookjournal.blogspot.com

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