Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Letters To Big Tim - #1

Letters to Big Tim - #1
January 20th, 2009

I’ve been meaning to communicate, but for some reason the time and place did not invite such an endeavor, until today that is. In fact this writing is long overdue. Maybe a little recap is necessary. Meet the Press is a little different these days. Not by any stretch of the imagination a lesser venue or outlet to conduct cross-fire debates, but different. It just isn’t the same, it may never be the same. Regardless, I am still a fan. You had a certain “coach like” approach to how you conducted business. It was really something to see you in action, down to the last seconds, so close to victory. You were like the Knute Rockne of football. You were pretty darn good at the sport of journalism! I am sure you heard the news, about Barack Obama winning the presidential election. Today was his big day. Today seemed to be America’s big day, as it was Obama’s inauguration day. It was his debut as the Commander-in-Chief. All went well except when Chief Justice John Roberts tried to rewrite the Constitution, during the swearing in. Somehow he wanted to rearrange the “faithfully execute” part of the oath of affirmation. Barack and his wife even walked the parade route following the swearing in, people were going crazy! I watched and observed as your colleagues covered the entire affair, maybe party mood is a better indication of what it means for Americans, and this hip-ha-hurrah mood has been going on now for at least 4-days. And its freezing in D.C., but that did not deter from the sentiment and action of “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country”. You could almost hear that in Obama’s speech. Besides getting out and voting this time around, Americans are getting out to demonstrate that we want America to succeed. That we are ready and willing to take back what is ours to begin with. To take back what was stolen away during the Bush terms of endangerment. It isn’t all ruble and ashes quite yet, but close too it. A whole lot of things have gone down since you left the anchorage. Of importance to mention is the fact that an overwhelming interest and a revival like renewal towards politics has shown its face, something you professed through your journalistic huddles, sideline refereeing and “official” challenges. Bottom-line, you made politics interesting again for America. Even though it seemed to be so polluted and a segregated affair bent on disenfranchising the citizens, somebody had too do it, to rekindle the fire. But with Obama, - a black man - now part of history, maybe segregation is taking a back seat. Something is taking a back seat, as people are seeing how important it is to get and stay involved. You tried and succeeded in getting the people interested in taking NOT a back seat approach, but a stand to confront our adversaries, disguised as our leadership. I really would like to have seen your take on Sarah Palin. She was the governor from Alaska that became McCain’s running mate. It was a total disgrace like situation. I’m from Alaska, so can relate to the ridicule. I guess with today’s inauguration, it is not only MLK’s dream coming true, but for modern history, maybe your dream coming true. I felt when I was banging away at the keyboard, your presence filled the living room just has it had done for so many Sunday mornings, when you hosted the Press. There was nothing like a good cup of coffee along with a blanket to waste away a Sunday morning, with Meet the Press in the background. It was definitely the “forum” of our times. You left a good entourage to carry on your love affair with politics. Chris, Keith and now Rachel. Sorry if I left out anybody of importance. Today, with the inauguration ceremonies in the background, it means exciting yet tough times ahead. The economy has tanked. The Iraq war continues to stay a problem for this country and our troops. The Afghanistan war is getting more attention, as some 4000 new troops head that way to calm the Taliban. Some recap. Olbermann and O’Reily are still butting heads. Keith is winning! Matthews continues to become overly excited at times, he can get pretty angry when politicians or strategists try to bluff their way through tough questions. He’s getting pretty good, as you were a good mentor, for all of us “political” junkies. And Rachel offers a whole new spotlight on talent. To end, as ex-President Bush’s Executive 1 spooled up and lifted off, Olbermann quoted: “And to all a good night”! No other words could have rendered such closure. So after two-years of entertainment on the presidential trail, it has come to this. You were part of it all and with that said, can take credit for your contributions, as there comes now a blessing in disguise upon America. Once again. thanks for making it your goal to educate and excite wherein the fallout of your professionalism, attitude and unabated dedication has become our reward, America’s reward. If ever we need something in remembrance for the statesmen you were, a statue in Time’s Square would be justice for all. For that matter a “Journalism Library”, akin to a presidential library, in your name. Can you hear me now, a big thanks, Big Tim! More to come.

In Memory of true journalism lost, in Memory of Tim Russert.

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