Sunday, December 21, 2008

This Crap Stinks and Sticks!

It is nauseating and sickening that the thieves - home grown terrorists disguised as American businessmen - continue on a full-court press robbery spree while most of us are trying to enjoy the holidays, especially before the real crap news hits the headlines. According to officials, one can sign up beforehand for unemployment benefits, just incase. It is rather scary when the Brinks armored truck pulls up in front of a grocery store to take away the ding-dong offering collected by the Salvation Army. Armored guards escorting donations, pathetic! I honestly believe that the best thing that could happen to this country for so long without leadership, is a downturn meltdown of the economy, a real depression, as we will once again see that it is the will of the “True” and “Hard” working class American heroes we are that will ignite restoration. The hell with government intervention! Government intervention has but one incest intent, bribery for and by bribers! It seems now though these well-dressed thieves that have infiltrated righteousness in government are no longer required or bothered to hide their identity. They are everywhere. Do Harvard and Yale actually offer a degree in “thievery”? These crooks have been indicted on Wall Street. They have been seen at the Oval office, where the idiot hides out, wherein indictments are but a suggestion, no matter what law or public policy is broken. Hey, George’s legacy? He knows how to “duck”. Even up here north in Alaska the signs of a dwindling economy is center stage. The stores have been empty during the past 12-days before Christmas. I mean empty! And I bet that most Americans have not saved for the rainy day blues forecast to bring in the New Year. When Uncle Sam finds it necessary to garnish my hard earned dollars for shenanigan like governance, we are a doomed society. Again, maybe the current state of affairs is befit for this country, as it has gone far out of control for way too long. Money, all that money, if garnished then put back where it belongs in concert with the Constitution’s rules on apportionment, we would not be in dire straits with the economy, our future would be noble. We have something to fear, be it fear itself. And whatever happened to “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country”? So why is “my” country bailing out the crooks? You know that guy from Lehman Brothers – the CEO who admitted without fear of punishment that he was to blame for that company’s failed investment strategy – his wife had a $5000.00 a week clothing budget! And the bailout seems not to have bothered this extravaganza, except the guilty that now rely on “my” money for the continued bad habits, they have the audacity to request “brown” bags after their shopping spree! And each day we find something more bothering with the way the White House and Congress have handled giving away my hard earned income. The entire government giveaway program had contract language that stipulated “non-binding”. Well you know what, my to taxation is “non-binding”! Right now as we prepare for celebration with the holidays and the upcoming inauguration, this country is being robed. I had a “good” dream the other night. It was Dog the Bounty Hunter on the prowl, for the entire Bush administration. It was great when the Dog’s wife tackled Laura Bush! Bottom line, the bailout has not offered a single hint of relief. It was too much to handle, too little too late! It is like trying to repair a highway bridge that went far too long without maintenance and repair came as the bridge was falling into the river. And CEOs are still drinking and dining on the taxpayers’ dime, I mean dollar. Why the taxpayers are not fed up with arms defending this country’s economic sovereignty, I am lost for words. Had this same rip-off occurred back when the Green Mountain Boys and other vigilante types cared about this country and practiced patriotism, we would maybe have something to celebrate upon, that being life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness without abortion like tactics from those sworn to uphold the Constitution when all the time they are engaged in dismantling this great emancipator of freedom. The entire political train has been wrecked and there are crap slingers that believe it is possible to get blood out of a turnip. I feel the squeeze each and every day. The American system of democracy is doomed beyond relief. Only about 2-hundred years in the making, it was indeed a great experiment. When the smoke clears and we find ourselves under self-imposed socialism, we will realize that we had a good thing going but were too busy being Americans while the hen house was raided and sold to American terror-businessmen. And this leads on to a more pressing issue at hand. Lord forgive me, for sometimes I drink too much Sam Adams and know not why I must respond. So here it goes. Reverend Rick Warren as the inaugural speaker for Obama? Hey, can I take my vote back. Had I known that even before the swearing in ceremony that I would be swearing at Obama - as it seems Obama decided to show his true colors - bottom-line I would have voted for Ralph Nader, again! I cannot tell a lie, I did! Now like John Lennon, I am not afraid to use the word “nigger”. Why? I was given a lesson by an educated “black man” out of St. Louis on the particulars of this challenged word. When I say educated, he was a taxi driver. In a big city, there is not a more knowledgeable source then that found within a guy that makes a living as an associate to all, hookers, businessmen, dope dealers and nuns. I have many “black” friends. I have to this date in history - December 20th, 2008 - not had to use the ”n” word, as when used by a “white” guy against a black guy”, it is derogatory. So I refrain. Lennon sang that “woman is the nigger of the world”. I am coming close to using the word, against the president elect. He has let us down, and January 30th is still a few weeks away. Many Americans cried the night that Obama was elected to the presidency. It was a big day for “equal” rights. It was Martin Luther King’s day finally here, that a “man be judged not by the color of his skin, but by the content of his character”. “Content of Character”, how powerful a message! All may be lost. The fact that Obama has picked a gay basher for his inaugural address, it goes to show that all hope for a “Change” was a misinformed dream. Again, to all listening, can I take back my vote? Now my son warned me early on about Obama, that he wasn’t by any stretch of the imagination a “Change” man. My son was right. To have a gay basher invited to speak at the inauguration, it is a sin. For sure, I will not invite myself to the inauguration. I will self-inflict a boycott. The entire affair should be boycotted, protested against and enough fear should be sent Obamna’s way that the Secret Service should conclude that the entire ceremony be postponed. It is tainted administration from the get-go. I feel nauseated over the fact that this is a low blow upon the gay community. Martin Luther King is probably crying in his grave just about now. In my book, Obama has lost even before getting off the starting line. If his olive branch approach to the Sean Hannity like ideologies continues like this, it is a slap in the face to equality. Maybe his confidants have infiltrated and want Obama to loose before even beginning? So with Obama as the 1st elected “black man” to win the presidency, the “black” will step ahead a notch higher on the ladder of power. But with the gay community, it is just another sad verse in history wherein actions like what Obama continues to practise, it discriminates against with fallout and “gays become the niggers of the world.” So maybe the best thing that could happen has happened, Obama sealing fate with the last draw, to completely disgruntle Americanism. Bush started it, Obama seems to want to end it all. So as the Time's radical columnists called out that Obama was a bigot, I could go one step further, but it is Obama himself who has set the gay community back, and he deserves to carry upon his shoulders his racist like decisions and accompanying fallout. But here is one thing he can take to the bank. Come the next election, I hope Obama is in the running just so I can cast a vote against his rotten soul. So America, “take a look around you” as Lennon is quoted, you will see the “niggers” of the world growing in numbers! Thanks Obama, have a Merry Christmas decked out in power, the un-American way. We are all created eveil, maybe you missed that when growing up!

CopyRight 2008 – Dixie Productions/MSK Media/Eagle Rock Press
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