Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Once again, nation wide polls show Anchorage sees the most expensive motor gasoline pricing. Merry Christmas! If it ain’t price fixing, then it is clear convincing evidence that the Juneau bureaucrats have perfected self-inflicted lobotomies! In Cheyenne - way down Wyoming way - gas is selling for a $1.37 per gallon. Wyoming doesn’t even have a refinery and Cheyenne is probably out in the middle of Nowheresville. Anchorage is in Alaska. Alaska boasts the largest “PRODUCING” oil fields in North America. Alaska has refineries attached to the 800-mile long pipeline that delivers millions of barrels of crude oil each year to Valdez, where it finds tankers to take that commodity to markets. Like maybe to a refinery that makes motor gasoline for the filling stations located far away in Cheyenne! It is pathetic that on an infrastructure comparison basis, I am paying $1.04 more then the folks in Cheyenne and 75-cents more then the national average of all the contingent lower 48 states combined. And 15-percent of the oil used to make gasoline at that national average comes from “My” Alaska. What is over pathetic is the fact that our regulators cannot find any reason whatsoever why gasoline prices in Anchorage are higher then normal. And Anchorage has the lowest prices in Alaska considering that as one drives away from the “Big Wildlife” city of interest, prices follow an exponential increase, for no apparent reason except a lobotomy is in vogue for politicians! Hey, they have been looking for that smoking gun for 30-years by now, and it is a habitual failure. One stupid task that never finds a reasonable explanation. Thieves are good at hiding the truth, especially in the “Corrupt Bastard” state. The Pope is a dope, for his reasoning that man is going extinct because of gays getting married. Kids are going extinct because the Catholic Church employs a bunch of perverts! Now what is over-thy-cliff pathetic is to once again have even more evidence that Ted Stevens was the true “Millionaire”. Remember that 60’s show wherein this secretive stealth-like character would go around helping out people and families in need, by giving them money? Well Ted found his calling, as this same character extraordinaire fits Ted like an O.J. Simpson glove. See he found out that the U.S. Treasury was a gift-giver and under his “Senator” authority, one that keeps on giving - energizer bunny style. Ted’s fan club has made more self-endowed millionaires then all the state lotteries combined. If you were in good with Ted, then becoming a lobbyist was the way to go. Can you imagine working on the sideline for Ted and pulling in 1.2-million for only 9-months work? Seems to be what happens in D.C. but doesn’t stay in D.C.! Now even though Ted never made the big-time and complained about his “poor” financial situation - that he could have made a lot more in private practice - well what he did behind closed doors was “private practice”. So I guess he decided it was best to surround himself with confidants that could take advantage of his power then maybe he would have friends for life surrounding him with wealth for life. Hey Buddy can you spare a dime, hah hah! It is nauseating to listen to the crooks that took advantage of Ted and now he is down for the count. And you know what? Ted should be a free man, right now, but right before Christmas we see injustice being served. See, Ted’s privacy was compromised by the Federal government while he was performing his duties for Alaska. Right or wrong, it was illegal for the FBI to wiretap. Bill Allen should have realized this also, as Alaska’s very own Constitution trumps any other “constitution” as we must always side towards the emancipator that defends one’s freedom above and beyond. It is evident that a “Right to Privacy” was a suggestion and never guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution. But Ted represented Alaska. With that he was afforded home-rule protection even when he was far away in Washington. His “rights” were violated. The State of Alaska’s rights were violated. And why his legal team is not out in full force and why this state has not dispatched its own legal team to defend Ted, well it goes to show that “pork” for bridges to Nowhere is more important then liberty! So I don’t give a rat’s ass what Ted did, as a more important fact is the fact that we are being trampled upon by “Big Brother”. We get so bogged down by doing as they say instead of doing what is righteous – just for the handout – with stuff that has all these strings attached. Instead of Ted being under indictment and facing San Quentin, it should be the cast of his self-made millionaires in trouble, as they should have realized that they were raiding the hen house, on Ted’s watch. But maybe the sentiment rules, that if you can’t beat them join them, it is beyond comprehension and feasibly reachable. Now what is even more pathetic then a political lobotomy gone haywire and “Ben, legitimate son of Ted” appears on the scene, is this idiot FBI “whistleblower”! He should be held for contempt of court. He should be dragged to prison on the day after Christmas. Why? Had he known that there was illegal activity going on before and during Ted’s trial, to remain silent is cause for indictment. He or she had a responsibility to be upfront when our system of justice – which is a subsidiary of our democratic system – is compromised. But the entire state of affairs is being brainstormed like a reality TV show, as I am sure book endorsements are the dreams of many. Bottom-line, maybe a true to life movie will give us the answers we have been looking for, like who is getting rich under Ted’s watch for unreasonable prices at the pump! And remember this. When the CEOs of “Big Oil” were summoned to D.C. to be scrutinized by our Congress over outrageous gasoline pricing, guess who said in no way shape or form were these CEOs going to testify under oath? Talk about a mutiny against the Americans with respect to immunity. Thanks Ted, I for sure am one individual that will not miss your patriotism!

CopyRight 2008 – Dixie Productions/MSK Media/Eagle Rock Press
Contact: Storylineonline@gci.net or www.Storylineonline.com or www.chinookjournal.blogspot.com

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