Monday, November 10, 2008


The election is over! So why does the Anchorage Daily Stool continue to pick on Sarah Palin? She lost, isn’t that enough flack to swallow? Why do the pundits think they have a say-so in her future? Are the Palin’s renting out a room to FOX’s Greta Van? She is always up there in Wasilabilly country. Maybe she should drive up towards Denali and interview Jeff King, the moose slayer. Anyway, the Stool sets out seven challenges that Sarah must face and accomplish in efforts to “Face the Pageant”. This amounts to exciting a riot. Just go away news-people and respect another’s right to privacy. Here in Alaska, the state Constitution provides such a thing, again, privacy is being compromised. And Sarah must need her rest. Not for what she has been through, but for the future. Soon, Sarah will find out her true mission in life. It is not directly related to politics, but she may be instrumental in picking up where others have left off or failed. I am talking accommodating the handicapped. I am talking championing for equal rights beyond and above what it is today. When she was out on the trail, she made it clear and convincing that voters would have a voice for “special needs” in the White House on a McCain & Palin ticket, a voice for those that harbor handicaps. Sarah’s new addition to her family - Trig - is a child with Down’s Syndrome. Sarah, your new mission is at home, as a mom, as a dedicated full-time mom, as to say “it ain’t so Joe” is cruel and unusual punishment and also a syndrome, like in “denial”. What Sarah & Toad as parents don’t realize right off the bat is the amount of work it takes to raise a child with this anomaly. I am not such a parent, so there may be some offended by what I say or words used, but I was also best of friends with a couple that have endured the challenges. After raising three beautiful girls, they were blessed with a son, with Down’s Syndrome. So Daily Stool and Greta Van along with the rest of the news-pundit celebrity-ship of fools, there exists before Sarah one all important “Challenge”. Raising Trig to be socially acceptable to the greatest extent possible. It takes time, so much time, so much dedication that it is very hard to get the point across. Again, I have watched a family excel through the trial and tribulations of raising a child with such a burden. It is a full-time plus job. For all the members of the family. And there are some familiar similarities between my friends and the Palin clan. My friend’s husband was a “slope” worker, just like Toad. So it means several weeks away from home followed by a re-uniting period. It is indeed a very tough schedule for a relationship, for families. In raising a child with handicaps, there will come the adult prejudices, wherein influential and educated “bigots” contest having “different” kids in their kids’ classroom. This will go on and on and on, attacks by supposedly well-respected lawyers and doctors and crooks who believe mainstreaming is a crime. There will come the threat letters, cease and desist scare tactics that will send parents of “special needs” children sobbing and placing them on the edge. Just because they are trying to be a voice, trying to make it better in that life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. We are so insensitive to others in trouble and in need. Then there will come the pageant queen teens that will use such innocent victims as pawns in their Broadway fantasies to disenfranchise their enemies. The mean girls at school will use anybody in their pursuits, even the innocence of those with handicaps! And parents against mainstreaming will set-up their own children in efforts to fail the system. Lying and cheating becomes the norm on this battlefield. And this goes on for years, just trying to get through the school years. And let us not forget the extra medical issues that many “special needs” children must contend with. And just when you think you have it figured out to some semblance of decency for your “special needs” child, there comes the mind-boggling efforts to figure out the system. And in this day and age, because of the complicating matters of such, one is cautioned to put away money for that rainy-day attorney that specializes in this subject matter, including discrimination. But going public is important, as it does indeed lend itself to furthering acceptance, as we are not created equal but must be treated equal. So Sarah, home schooling just doesn’t cut it. And when after some 12-years the school challenges come to an end, then parents must concentrate on the years after, like what work exists for kids that have a difficult time holding a knife, when even cooking classes at the University of Alaska - an Equal Opportunity learning establishment - are disallowed, all due to liability factors. And when one looks at the availability of jobs for the handicapped here in Alaska, it is pathetic. Maybe because it is still a supply and demand thing, but not so should it be so difficult when one considers the money this state has to play with. Sure there exists the Carr’s market chain that accommodates the handicap as part of their dedicated work force development. But is that the extent of meaningful and gainful employment? It seems to be. I shop that institution for that reason, because at least this business is somewhat sensitive to others unlike others. I boycott the Wal-Marts, the giant retailers, as these outfits remain insensitive to potential workers with “special needs”. It isn’t out of prejudices, but merely a business decision. How come the Mart can sponsor athletes? Sure most outfits have spent money to accommodate the handicapped that want to spend money, but that is only because the Fed.’s insist upon non-discrimination in the retail arena. But what about workers rights? Anyway, when I see what it takes from the sidelines, I wonder. Maybe Sarah has left one lingering aspect of a good campaigner. She should not give-up now as an advocate for “special needs”. Just because she lost doesn’t mean she can throw in the towel as she has already excited the base and others over the possibility of an advocacy championing in furtherance of “special needs” legislation. It doesn’t matter with a win or lose with respect to the presidency. She made that commitment to the people of this land, that she would be a voice for those with “special needs”, she cannot renege upon this promise now or forevermore hold her peace. If she does nothing, then we know who the true Sarah Palin is, just another cheapskate politician trying to win a pageant for nothing more then greed be mine! So of all the hip-hip-hurray hoopla for this and that, “special needs” advocacy is needed, especially here in Sarah’s own backyard. Let’s see if she comes through. This is the real test of time, her time to shine! So that is how people should gage Sarah. In four years time, we should compare where “special needs” has advanced. And that will tell us if she is a promise keeper or a promise breaker! It is that simple. We Alaskans and the media should concentrate on that one and only leftover dedication. Sarah, don’t let us down. Let the staff concentrate on the other things of interest, like a natural gas pipeline and off-shore development. As right now it is time to develop on-shore interests, like “special needs”.

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