Sunday, November 9, 2008


What the heck is all the fuss over the unemployment numbers coming out from the Bureau of Labor Statistics? For October, it meant in increase in out-of-work Americans to the tune of 240-thousand! For the past three months, 651-thousand have joined the rank and file of the down and outers, so it reeks of a discouraging job-market. I guess it is safe to say that this year alone will see approximately 1.2-million American taxpayers begging their way to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. “Brother can you spare a dime” may be the number one theme song, deja vu, as during the 70’s that all too familiar tune made the top-ten charts many times. It bothers me, as the current situation seems to be placing a burden and bother on Wall Street. Isn’t it proper to “clean” house before moving out? Hey, is it safe to say that George Bush was terminated? Or is he just that insensitive to what is going on around the country he is supposedly in charge of! In his emotional see-you-later speech the other day, he went on how enthused he was in having to find a new job and a new house. Did he and Laura also get a foreclosure notice? Anyway, I don’t know of anyone that enjoys either effort, unless one is a spoiled rich person. And when popy has silver plate spoon fed a son all his life, what lesson in life is really learned? Nothing! Is it true that no publishing company is after George’s memoirs? Hey, it would just be a bunch of pages “Intentionally Left Blank”. Anyway, I am a little concerned that this gloom & doom scenario was premeditated because of the presidential election upon us all. I guess it was supposed to provide one candidate abetting and abiding but somebody gave John McCain the wrong cue card. “The economy is strong”. Really! Maybe it was Sarah, in a sabotage attempt? I wouldn’t put it past her. Anyway, there is noting to fear but fear itself with the fear factor unemployment numbing numbers. Why? Well here it is in plain Don Young English. Sidebar: Even though Don is being investigated for political corruption, we up here in Alaska continue to vote him back in as a senior citizen congressman. Why? We love his lovey-dovey wife, Lu. See, Don sponsored the wackiest and most complex apportionment bill that ever hit George Bush’s desk. In fact it was so complicated that everyone voted for it, bipartisan magic it was. Why wacky? Because it guarantees jobs. Good paying jobs at that, exceeding twice the minimum wage going rate, for “zero” experience. See, in the “Safe, Accountable, Flexible and Efficient Transportation Equity Act” signed into action in 2005 and in effect until 2010, the money doled out by the Treasury Department courtesy of the taxpayers – you and I – it equates jobs to the down-payment! This long-winded bill with over 11111 subtitles is also referred to as the TEA-LU bill, where TEA is understood as Transportation Equity Act or short title and LU, in honor of Don’s wife. Anyway, in that bill which had a term life expectancy of 5-years, it prioritizes Treasury money above anything and everything accept the military budget. And the “accountable, efficient and equity” is based on the following fact, which was instrumental in getting the votes for passage. For every 1-billion dollars handed out by Uncle Sam through Don Young’s approval it will create 48,000 jobs. Now let us put this in perspective with the present situation with respect to job loss. Because it is a “prioritized” form of Federal welfare, it means that the 25-billion allocated for 2010 is now available, which equates to approximately 1.3-million jobs! Enough to cancel the unemployment ranks for this year! Now with that in mind, what about next year? Well the bail bondman has just approved 700-billion for the Wall Street financial collapse. One would demand the same kind of return on investment, with the jobs creation that is. So I had Phineas J. Whoopee figure out this gigantic jobs program problem. The bail out accounts for enough cashola to provide 33-million jobs! Good paying jobs at that. Jobs that fuel a healthy economy! Considering that the unemployment rate drop-off has only demonstrated approximately 1.3-million jobs loses per year, with a tanking economy, the bail out is basically a 15-year jobs creation program in disguise! So with all the doom and gloom, there is a long way to go before it gets as bad as it seems. If you loose your job, just call the Department of Transportation and demand a job under the TEA-LU bill. If you have problems, call Don at (202)225-5765. If Don is of no help, call LU at (907)271-5978. And since it is not a timed release handout, it means that it will create jobs when needed. So we are not to worry, unless? If the crap that comes from our Congress has no accountability with respect to the selling points, then we as Americans have been sold out, by those that control the purse-strings. And if so, then I propose the following if indeed unemployment should make the pursuit of happiness here in America yet another wet-dream. For every 1-million jobs lost over a year’s time, we decrease the number of sitting congressmen by 2 and sell off a senator’s seat. The salary saved could feed two income earners, their families and at the same time the income earners take over the loosing representatives’ health plan, maybe a piece of his or her retirement. OK, to be fare, they don’t loose their job forever and can continue to represent, they just have to go on unemployment, kind of like a let’s change shoes sort of mission. How the Congress determines who loses a job is their business, maybe mud wrestling! Now if you really want to see how far government is out of control with bills that sound good but really don’t deliver, just read Don Young’s TEA-LU legislation. This should become the poster-child of corruption, and all those that voted for it are as guilty as Don. And just as a tidbit of what is contained in this massive bill, how about a way to pay for all the shenanigans that probably doesn’t create anywhere near the jobs the bill is supposed to enjoy.

(1) Imposition of tax.--
(A) In general.--There is hereby imposed on the sale of any article of sport fishing equipment by the manufacturer, producer, or importer a tax equal to 10 percent of the price for which so sold.
(B) Limitation on tax imposed on fishing rods and poles.--The tax imposed by subparagraph (A) on any fishing rod or pole shall not exceed $10.''

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