Saturday, November 8, 2008

Rabid Skunk Election

It is day 3 since the conspiracy theory started ruffling the feathers of normal thinking people. Talking herein about how the pollsters flunked out with the pre-election post-election results, for Alaskan voters. I had moved on to bigger and better things to write about, yet this morning I stopped and gave this theory at least a small consideration of worthiness, which to my surprise came an appreciation of plausibility - it smells skunk like! When Pierre the republican man comes out in the open and admits that he didn’t vote, it would occur that the numbers would be way down for voter turnout, for the republican party that is. Which would have meant an even a greater victory margin for Begich, running against incumbent felon Ted Stevens. And in the congressional race, it would have meant Don Young’s saddle heading to that hitching post in the barn. This was an election like no other times before us. Voter turnout across the nation anticipated humongous increases, with the possibility of long lines, but even longer lines soothed by a hefty increase in “early voting”. So what happened here in Alaska? Why was this one state different then all the rest? In statistics it could be called an “outlier”, wherein everything is orderly on the outside but there is something rotten on the inside, causing even the stats to fall short of expectations. An “outlier” ruins the hocus-pocus behind statistics being of any worth. So is usually expelled, as it is outside the range of accuracy so if included, it muddies the waters. But in this case, it cannot be cast away as bothersome as it is troublesome, as it is the voice of the people, supposedly. As far as the lopsidedness with the so far results, wherein Ted and Don are sitting pretty once again making Alaska the laughing stock state of the Union, well the answer is easy - the early votes were stolen and discarded. And early voting had become the pride and joy of democrats bent on “Changing” things. When one looks at the demographic layout and voter preference for the votes that did make it too election central, where the official count would take place, well Begich won the bush. The strong link to disenfranchising comes from the Anchorage and the Valley, where voter fraud could be easily orchestrated. We had an army of lawyers involved in this year’s election, which means there was money, which means maybe the election was compromised. Lets face it once and for all. With honors being the Corrupt Bible state, - I mean Corrupt Bastard state - I am sure that there came a coordinated and concerted effort to make sure that this state continued on the sour side of ethical responsibility. I call it the “Rabid Skunk” syndrome. See, Don Young above all should not have been re-elected. It has nothing to do with Coconut Grove. He has no business as a congressman now that Linda Pelossi is in charge. Don once referred to Pelossi as a “Rabid Skunk”. So that would act as a disadvantage for him and us up here in Alaska, revenge of the “Skunk”. Anyway, this will be my one and only take on what happened here in Alaska. The election was sabotaged by theft as thieves are still in control of Alaska. We would be Sarah Palin stupid to think otherwise! So somewhere there is a guilty individual with a party affiliation that would stoop that low, and steal away the will of the people. One more thing of international interest before moving on. The crystal ball is oscillating bright to dim upon Sarah Palin’s future. Just look what happened to Kathleen Harris. She was the inept individual that allowed the entire voting process to allow the election process to become a selection process, and this country ended up with George Bush. Why did Kathleen demonstrate such low-life responsibility almost to the point of being a turncoat? She thought that if she sabotaged the voters’ right she would be in good favor with Jeb and company, the Bush family. She was right on and soon found it meant a selfish move up the political ladder. She made it and then she found out that it takes smarts to weather out the storm. And now she is yet more proof that failure is a reality. This will be typical of the road Sarah treads upon, if she doesn’t sit back now and realize her limitations. The political arena is not about a pageant! It is serious business. So I am about to write out a check to those collecting money to investigate what went wrong here in Alaska. I said it early on in the campaign. Where’s David Bose? As I am sure he and his posse of lawyers will soon be heading this way. Can you imagine the predicament Sarah would find herself in if she had to make a decision to hold another election? This may be her one big test. And that saying “We’re In” has an entire new meaning now. It is called National Enquirery!

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