Friday, November 7, 2008

NPR, Sick Journalism

I woke this morning and what was coming over the airwaves was so sickening that I immediately found myself with a headache. The good thing, it again re-assured my reasoning as to why I no longer support NPR. Maybe instead of National Public Radio, it means National Pathetic Radio! In fact, I wish I could get my money back for all the years I did lend support, while somewhat cash-strapped and raising a family! At one time it was a good journalistic outlet, until the neo-conservatives - that have Murdoch money - started buying their time on supposedly “neutral” radio broadcasting. Anyway, some f$%^’n reporter aligned with the FOX hit the airwaves and could not offer anything of encouragement about Obama’s choice of a press secretary accept the acceptor of such a challenging position likes using the “F” word! What a cheapskate way to display professionalism! Is that it? And mind you Miss Manners – a.k.a. Mara Liaison – as if you have never used the “word”. In fact wasn’t that you overheard saying “Oh F%^&” when Obama started collecting enough electoral votes that the FOX was running for cover? Now this mad outburst came about in the morning when families gather, to listen to what is happening around the world, when dads and moms are having breakfast with the kids, before it is time to head off to work or school. This f%&# lady needed soap! Even though she didn’t sound out the “fuck” word, she threaded the needle enough to make it clear and convincing that people from FOX are indeed afraid of the “Change” coming our way. It was such a cheap shot that it sounds of the “poor loser” syndrome, just because Obama won out over the McCain & Palin follies. And if this is the way left out right winged Americans will right off the bat disgrace this country even more, maybe it is time for such turncoats to take a boat ride, to a place where the FOX is king, but I don’t know any boats that know the way to the neo-conservative promise land, a.k.a. Hell. Fox, Liaison, you F%^&$# lost! Now just move over and be quiet as inciting riot like rhetoric is not an exercise of the 1st Amendment. Here in Alaska, the state Constitution goes like this. And since NPR seems to continue to pollute the airwaves here in the Last Frontier, Murdoch, it doesn’t release you away from obeying and abiding the following laws of MY land:

§ 5. Freedom of Speech
Every person may freely speak, write, and publish on all subjects, being responsible for the abuse of that right.

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