Sunday, September 14, 2008

Phineus J. Whoopee Predictions

It was unfair that news hound Charlie, Charlie, Charlie Gibson asked Sarah “Mrs. Vogue Mature” Palin about the Bush Doctrine. Bush isn’t smart enough to have his own doctrine of leadership or for that matter anything to be proud of, except maybe a fill in for Alfred E. Neuman. And even the Mad executives have borked at that possibility. In fact the so-called Bush Doctrine, it may mean nothing less then “Total destruction is the only solution”. At least that is what seemed to be Sarah’s answer to something she knew nothing about. See, the Bush Doctrine is in reality the PNAC Doctrine. PNAC - Project for the New American Century – was designed by the Doctor of Darkness, Richard Perle and advanced by the Karl Roves, William Kristols and Robert Kagans. Signatories of the PNAC mission were genuine deadbeats like Don Rumsfeld – where’s he hiding now? And Paul Wolfowitz – where’s he hiding now? And the list goes on and on and on. It is basically a sickening list of turncoats. Now PNAC was successful in placing a puppet president into office, in efforts to advance the doctrine that basically called for America to be not patient any longer and attack the nations of the world that were against us, as this was the time to mark our territory - globally speaking. It meant going after resource rich nations that we could supposedly take over – like Iraq. That is why those behind the occupation of Iraq thought it was “mission accomplished” beforehand. But it failed, and the PNAC website has crashed. But you can’t trust these neo-conservatives, so watch your back! Now this past weekend, the “litmus” test for the nation unfolded right here in Alaska. In Anchorage more true Americans turned out to denounce Sarah Palin as John “Madman” McCain’s running mate. In fact, it was a 250-to-1 turnout. Eddie Burke had his fan club out and about harassing true Americans, but his bully attitude was a big laugh. His efforts to not allow Americans to “assemble” failed, just like his attempts to win a political seat in any administrative position here in Alaska. Yes, he was a used car salesmen! Anyway, it is evident that even though Sarah may maintain an approval rating of 85%, that doesn’t mean Alaskan’s think she is vice presidential material. And with McCain staying close to his ash urn, well Sarah could be called into the oval office to take on Bill Clinton. So it is confusing, that McCain would pick this Wasilla Alaskan nobody to be his running mate. The only reason she became Alaska’s governor is because Alaskan’s became fed up with political corruption but were threatened by Congressmen Don “Coconut Grove” Young and Senator Ted “Big House” Stevens that to vote democratic meant an end to Federal welfare. I hope one question remained with all the news’ hounds that have headed this way to see what Alaska is all about now that Sarah has allowed my peace and tranquility to be invaded, “Where did all the money go”. Alaska has yet to build a sustainable infrastructure. We have oil and we have a whole lot of welfare but nothing to show off. So with the fear and threat that one’s life, liberty and pursuit of happiness could be derailed, Alaskan’s are forced to vote back in the crooks – time after time. Sarah was at least a step in the right direction. But she ain’t a miracle worker by any stretch of the imagination. So confused was I over this issue that I resorted to my dear old friend for an answer. Phineus J. Whoopee made available his 3DBB – 3 dimensional magic Bulletin Board – in efforts to explain what McCain was up too in his bid for president. Picking Sarah was indeed a Hail Mary play. It was designed to get wishy-washy voters to commit themselves to a woman. All the time, McCain and his crew – which includes Karl Rove which means PNAC is back on the scene – it was realized that Trooper-gate and other skeletons could and would undermine Sarah’s credibility. But once the hoopla fizzled out, it indeed garnished votes in favor of McCain. So here is what the 3DBB shows may happen. Sarah will get torn alive by the media digging into her true selfishness. McCain will have to dump her, all part of the plan! But she has already garnished a respectful backing, which means the sympathy vote will cast those voters in stone. And then there will come the aftermath sympathy votes, that it was the media that failed her. Again, bringing votes to McCain. Then McCain will pick somebody with experience to debate Joe Biden, like Fred Thompson. Hey, it was the movie star mentality that made Reagan president, not his political experience. So look to see Sarah dumped and Fred Thompson debating Biden. All the time, Karl Rove can sit behind the scenes realizing that there is yet another way to steal away votes. Be it redistricting, disenfranchising and with pure deceit working this time around. This McCain madhouse doesn’t give a rat’s ass about Sarah Palin or Alaska. She is being used and will be abused. In the end with Sarah’s doom, Alaska will go back to normal – from a national perspective. Now there was one all-important question that all of the news’ media went derelict upon. Does Sarah wear a thong? In fact, does any right-wing Evangelical Christen – we hate gays – wear a thong? And here is why this question is so important. I went over to the fake church on the corner of Lake Otis called Abbott Loop Community Communistic Church, or something like that, as there was a gay bashing ceremony going on. I wanted to see what kind of derelict parents would take their children to this place of false worship on a Saturday to be fed more bull-crap. It is fall, it is football season, kids should be playing out under God’s alter, not stuck in church. Now during the sermon, it was evident that to wear sexy underwear is an act that is not condoned, in fact, white panties are the only undergarments true evangelical women are allowed to wear. Really, this is what was being preached! So, does Sarah wear a thong? Maybe Todd can help us out with this question, as it points to whether she is a true worshipper of the fake religions that seem to not understand “separation”. If she indeed wears a thong, then she does not practice what she preaches. But that doesn’t matter, as she was hired as a pawn for the desperado, John Madman “I am a Black Prisoner” McCain. Mr. McCain, come to your censes. To listen to the likes of Karl Rove or anybody affiliated with the failed PNAC agenda is so dangerous to “My” country. And John, do you think Sarah wears a thong? Oh, one other thing the news media failed upon. The true story of the plane she sold on E-bay. There was a reason that Sarah and her per diem entourage refused to use the plane. This is pretty gross but goes with the territory. When Frank Murkowski purchased the plane with homeland security money stolen away from the U.S. Treasury, it was purchased as a multi-use asset for the state. It was to be used to ferry prisoners to Arizona, as the jails in Alaska were becoming overcrowded. Now when the public started flipping the Murkowski’s crap over the purchase of this jet, the Mrs. thought is was unfair that everybody was picking on her husband. It was about the only time we heard from the 1st “Big Lady”, except when she was involved in Champaign, for christening new ferries. Anyway, she wrote an article in the Anchorage Daily Stool about the jet, that it wasn’t a fancy jet at all because the bathroom was too small. Hey, if you have a big butt what do you expect! So this didn’t go over to well with the general public, to complain about the bathroom. And it didn’t go over too well with the prisoner population that used the plane to further their incarceration far away from home. So on one particular flight following the Mrs.’ letter to the editor, a prisoner decided it was OK to defecate on the seat. Following that gross and off-the-wall occurrence, the Murkowski’s refused to board or use the plane. And then this piece of crap was taken over by the Palin administration, so guess what, she decided to get rid of the piece of crap. I would too! Anyway, just in. Somebody saw Eddie Burke bending over at the anti-Palin rally, he wears a thong! Talk about a maggot.

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