Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Mr. & Mrs. Turncoat

Ok, so John “Madman” McCain flips off Alaska. I thought it was all just a joke! Not the flip, but what was John McCain really addicted too when considering Sarah Palin as his vice principle? Hey, take away the “l” in Palin and what’s left? Get what I mean. But now that the pick is about to puck shot McCain’s integrity way negative and ruin his chance at sitting in the same place wherein George Bush was lobotomized, the desperado is really showing off his insane mentality. Here is why I believe McCain will not do any good for this country. He has been part of the problem for way too long. Just like Ted Stevens has been part of the destruction upon the Constitution and not to forget Don Young’s contribution towards more of the same. It is pathetic when these so-called leaders are inept and blame everything on the past administration and Congress, when they were the same insane individuals behind it all. Is there something wrong with this picture? Anyway, desperate measures are being explored behind closed doors down at McCain Insane Central. And now, the true turncoat turns the Alaska governor onto “turncoating”. Peas in a pod. I am talking the fact that McCain will not allow Sarah to cooperate with the investigators hired by the state of Alaska legislatures with regards to Trooper-gate. McCain, leave “My” state alone. Here’s my take. If Sarah “Mrs. Vogue Mature” Palin has nothing to hide, then get on with the investigation to end. But the fact that it has become “subpoena-time-gate” and belittle a statesmen like Commissioner Monegan time, it is clear and convincing that the political scene is as poisonous as ever along with the fact that there must be something rotten in Sarah’s kitchen, I mean skeleton closet. Anyway, the fact that she was all for transparency was just a fake me out. John McCain is trumping Ted Stevens when it comes to “liar, liar pants on fire, your nose is longer then a telephone wire”. His entire campaign is based on lies. Why? It is an ego problem I guess. Desperado, why don’t you come to your censes? America needs respect for a change, you can’t provide that as evident in your present mindset to “LIE”. And I understand that Betty Ford has prematurely purchased a zillion dollar dress for the inauguration. I meant Mrs. Bimbo McCain, sorry Betty, just had you mixed up! In fact, is John McCain really thinking of wining without resorting to sabotage, like occurred in Florida 8-years ago? When I see Jeb Bush and Karl Rove working the dugouts, lookout America. Anyone seen the whereabouts of Katherine Harris? Hey, for those of you not in the know, McCain couldn’t even defend this country when he was supposed too. This bull-crap about service and country died with the Vietnam war, and he played a big role in its demise. It means nothing to be a troop nowadays. The fact that we send our youngsters into a fake war, it is a mortal sin. What have we done? Forgive them, for they know not what they do. The kids I am talking about. As Americans we have the right to defend this country, to bear arms regardless of a strong militia. Just ask the Supreme Beings! So the military doesn’t mean diddly-squat in my book, except a waste of money and the insane opportunity to have your kids come home in a flag draped box. And McCain wants to make it a hundred year war! He is insane. We best get his medical records. In fact, get the bimbo’s while we are at it. Hey, is it true that Palin’s son was forced to join the military because he was caught up in some juvenile crime spree, with school bus vandalism? Anyway, Floyd would make a better president then McCain and Palin put together. If you don’t know Floyd, then you have no voice in “MY” Alaska. Wow, it seems the “bitch” patrol – a.k.a. Sarah’s press staff – is out of control. They are going on the wire and trying to discredit Walt Monegan, as a “Rouge”. What a load of crap, this reverse psychology to discredit a fellow Alaskan. What this country needs are rules of engagement for political campaigning. And it is this simple. We learned it all in Kindergarten. It is called the Kindergarten creed, wherein we do things like “I will obey” or “I will do good” and “I will make good decisions”, and “I will wash my hands after peeing”. What a joke it has become, this John “Madman” McCain and Sarah “Madam X” Palin ticket. It is a ticket alright, right into the annals of Mad Magazine, right behind George Bush. McCain, read my lips. McCain, read my sign language. McCain, remember, you were once upon a time a “Black Prisoner” when you practiced “turncoating” and now you are taking others as hostage, to your turncoat tactics. I guess if it worked back in Vietnam, it may work for you here. Maybe best put, a “turnbuckle”, as you are great at twisting the truth. Hey, once a punk always a punk!

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Contact: Storylineonline@gci.net or www.Storylineonline.com or www.chinookjournal.blogspot.com

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