Thursday, September 11, 2008

Palin NOT Alaska's Governor!

The Constitution of the State of Alaska
Adopted by the Constitutional Convention February 5, 1956
Ratified by the People of Alaska April 24, 1956
Became Operative with the Formal Proclamation of Statehood January 3, 1959

Article 3 - The Executive
§ 1. Executive Power
The executive power of the State is vested in the governor.

§ 2. Governor: Qualifications
The governor shall be at least thirty years of age and a qualified voter of the State. He shall have been a resident of Alaska at least seven years immediately preceding his filing for office, and he shall have been a citizen of the United States for at least seven years.

One cannot argue the Constitution. Be it the U.S. Constitution or individual rights inherent in a state constitution. Under the Alaska Constitution, nowhere does it mention that a “She or Her” can legally perform the sworn duties as “Governor”. As a matter of fact, under the State of Alaska Constitution under Executive Powers it mentions “He” time and time again, but never mentions the opposite gender. It never utilizes the “She” or “He or She”! This was well known following the election results, but it was all swept under the table. Why? It may have meant a re-election and the Democrats were sure to be in a better mood to takeover where corruption has reigned. So is Alaska a state without a leader? Has Palin been sitting in as a fake? Or maybe it is as simple as this: She doesn’t understand the Constitution! Or selective in what is right and what is wrong when it affects her standing. She should resign now, realizing that the State Constitution does not allow a “She” to be the governor! Then again, maybe she has balls, and that may qualifier her for the position.

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