Wednesday, September 10, 2008

McCain's Rabid Response Team

The McCain Rabid Response team was on a rapid mobilization towards the “Last Frontier” in efforts to get involved in somebody else’s business. “Rabid” is a word readily abused by the bonafide membership of the GOP – a.k.a. Grouches Outlawing Peace. See, Don “Billy Goat” Young insists that Linda Pelossi is a “Rabid Skunk” that runs around the halls of Congress foaming at the mouth, or something to that effect. Alaska Congressmen Don Young – GOP Alaska - is under indictment, not for illegal hunting of skunks, but for theft upon the U.S. Treasury. So is U.S. Senator Ted Stevens - GOP Alaska - under indictment, so is Ted’s son, Alaska state senator Ben Stevens – GOP Alaska. So is… Alaska is no longer known as the “Last Frontier” state, but the “Corrupt Bastards” state. No longer do visitors get thrilled or ask about the wildlife, but joke about the “Corruption Follies”, which has been at center stage for the last several years or so – headline news it seems. Mr. “Madman” McCain, please leave Alaska alone! You have no business getting involved in the politics of “My” state. Sarah Palin - Mrs. Vogue Mature - broke the rules when she became involved in somebody else’s business – the right to work violated – so now she is under indictment, so let the honorable Alaska state legislature do what they are sworn too do – the “October Surprise” is coming your way! And remember this, Alaska has a Constitution that is more powerful then the Constitution you have failed too respect and protect. If you don’t know what I am talking about, the Iraq invasion is un-constitutional yet you continue to allow the sitting president to get away with treason and war crimes. And isn’t it against life, liberty and pursuit of happiness when you allow jobs to fade away, especially when you Mr. John “I am a Black Criminal” McCain were instrumental in allowing military contracts for new winged fuelers to be shipped overseas when welders and “Rosie the Riveter” were heading to the unemployment line instead of the frontline – to build stuff for a strong America. But your disregard over the years of endangerment as a senator has allowed the Constitution to take on an entire new dimension that is making the signatories of that emancipator of freedom tearfully watch the shredding to confetti! You are not alone to blame, Ted and Don were around to help. In my book, you are all “Corrupt Bastards”. If this disregard for minding your own business is any indication of how you would conduct yourself as a leader, this GOP that has for the last 8-years taken this country down the road to almost doomsday, America is indeed doomed if you get the helmsmen’s position. But you are a seasoned turncoat, so what else would one expect in the category of “sleaze”. Remember your famous quotes that cannot be erased, as a reminder such are listed below in case you have a selective memory. Please repeat several times and then retire for the good of civilization. You picked on Sarah because you are desperate. The thought that she would be a good running mate is preposterous. She is a good governor, but you have accomplished rape upon a person who was an upcoming star in the political arena. The cradle has been robbed. In my book, you will always be remembered as a turncoat, and now you are using your ace of spades to get you what you don’t deserve by any stretch of America’s imagination. And with that, this true American can only revisit some real words of wisdom by a true statesman. “Woman is the nigger of the world”. And you are seeing to it that John’s words are for once and for all convincing. Not for advancement, but using Sarah for your failed egomanias. So go away, leave Alaska alone. In honesty, answer me this. Did you not receive preferential treatment when a POW? Americans deserves the truth! And how many planes did you destroy? Pilot. Maybe Pontius! So please. Leave us alone! Take you bimbo wife and try for once to be an American, before it is too late. But maybe that is not in your blood! And for the rest of America not in the know, find below your famous words of wisdom that profess your true ideologies.

McCain’s Words of Wisdom:

John “Punk” McCain’s anti-American propaganda confession: “I am a black criminal and I have performed the deeds of an air pirate. I almost died and the Vietnamese people saved my life, thanks to the doctors”.

John “After the War” McCain’s fuck the commander-in-chief speech: “We thought our civilian commanders were complete idiots who didn’t have the least notion of what it took to win the war”.

John “Senator” McCain’s hate American speech: “I really did not love America until I was deprived of her company”.

CopyRight 2008 – Dixie Productions/MSK Media/Eagle Rock Press
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