Wednesday, June 18, 2008

What's Happening?

I honestly thought that the news of the day would have read, “Bad LSD Hits Hollywood”. Why so? I am out $13-dollars, as I went to see a movie the other night, called the “Happening”. There must be something in the air or water down that way if it isn’t a bad batch of LSD! This movie was sickening. Then my wife tried to explain that it was this director’s claim of concern to “Global Warming”. Damn, was Michael Moore or Al Gore co-sponsors of this ridiculousness? It was by far in no way shape or form a way to show one’s concern for what effect mankind is having on the changing habitat, through the use of fossil fuels wherein the outcome is heating things up a little bit. See - in this movie - the plant kingdom revolts and develops this human mind mesmerizing effect that makes people want to kill themselves! The wind blows then people start blowing their heads off, or start jumping off high-rise buildings. What was interesting was the fact that the entire East Coast was under attack by this ephemeron like assassination. Trains came to a standstill. Wall Street was shutdown. But cell-phones continued to work? And with instant messaging and picture downloading, it was real gory. And this movie goes to show that handguns should be outlawed. Yes “Global Goring” is upon us, but as world leaders talk about what to do and the common working people talk about what to do, nature is already arresting the adverse effects of our out of control ways and means. I was down in California, at a place called Craig’s Crag. It is a camping area with a day hike up some pretty steep mountains, all in view of Mount Shasta. At a rest stop close to the top, I became engaged in a conversation with a scientist from the University of California - Davis. Now this is where the topnotch scientist hang out. I say that every time I toast life with Nappa Valley Sonoma wines. French wine, it indeed tastes a little like dirty feet! Anyway, this enlightened individual went into detail how the glaciers on Shasta are getting bigger, as the effect of the warming trend is allowing more moisture to enter from the coast, thus providing a means to cool things off. In all honesty, we cannot hurt nature. Nature is the Creator’s pet project, and when the Creator designed humans with all of our weaknesses, that was taken into account. Our trials and tribulation upon this earth in pursuit of happiness was taken into account, just incase we blew it along the way. Sure glaciers are disappearing at an alarming rate here in Alaska, but it was a much cooler year for the start off of spring. So as we contemplate and do nothing, nature is already at work. In fact it was exactly 8 degrees cooler and that is why everybody was jubilant, as they thought it meant no more dandelions! But the dandelions are exploding all over town - maybe from such a late spring. But the so-called weed grows in such a manner that it aids in cooling the earth – to help arrest the overheating trend. I remember my dog taught me this, when on warm days it would find a thriving dandelion plantation to bed down in. Interested in this, I made some observations and measurements with a thermometer. Sure enough, the ground that was taken over by the “lion” maintained more shade and the “lion” and its waving tentacles assisted in keeping a breeze going, thus it was a mini lesson in how the earth is doing its own thing. It uses all of nature’s little tricks to right something out of balance, unlike that “crap” movie that showed nature revolting wherein little old ladies were pushing their heads through pain glass windows. This movie had more blood on the scene that Al Gore’s carbon credits reserve. And we should revisit Dr. James Lovelock’s DaisyLand theory, wherein nature shows a rather unique quality, to heat up where it is cool and vise versa. It is based on a balancing act, all part of the Creator’s equation of design. One day we will vacate this earth, as it is just a training ground for learning how to conquer the challenges of space travel and “assisted” living. The earth will one day be a historical place visited by future generations, to see where mankind’s quest to learn to survive on planets of the solar system will be enjoyed. We are all part of a great experiment wherein we will learn to live in peace and harmony with our brother and sisters and space will no longer be the “Last Frontier” but mankind’s home. That is what the Creator has in plan for us. From our mistakes here on his earth, we will learn what it takes to travel through space and live not in war, but in peace. Wherein we all work for each other, the way the Creator wanted it to be it will one day be. Earthlings are special, as we have been placed on this earth to be part of that experiment. We are all part of it in some way or another. How do I know this, I don’t. But give me another reason why we have imbeciles like Bush, that is given a license to lie then kill? Because we are still in search of the “mission”, based on the proposition that it is not war and hate that will find our future, but peace and love. If today we said no more money for the mental war machine, scientist engaged in space travel instead of things like the “Active Denial System” - wherein some military assholes have been successful in designing a moveable microwave oven bean, a beam that can cook people from a distance – it is then that we will find the answers. But you know what really scares me over this “Global Warming” thing? A neighbor’s lawn with no dandelions? I let my front yard go wild. I have the “lions”, some lupines, some rhubarb, wild roses, Alaska raspberries and many other wild flowers. It is a front yard that is alive and well. Robins and chickadees and nuthatches enjoy the hell out of it. When I look around at manicured lawns that are virtually dead, that is what scares me. See, we don’t give a rat’s ass about cooking the earth to extinction or designing weapons that will cook people – as a means of crowd control. Has Hitler been re-incarnated? What if tomorrow an Einstein or Newton concluded that the earth would burn up in 10-years unless we allowed dandelions to grow everywhere? Do you think it would be allowed voluntarily? No way. And like mentioned already, to see a lawn without life, it is scary. What is this image thing we are so stool stuck on? But like I mentioned before hand, it is all a test, all an experiment. What it takes now is for every single individual to find within themselves that “mission”, that includes not only themselves, but all of mankind. Try it, as it is in there somewhere because it was all part of the Creator’s design!

CopyRight 2008 – Dixie Productions/MSK Media/Eagle Rock Press
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