Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Alaska UFO

Interest in Unidentified Flying Objects are once again hitting the news and blogisphere, as the other night I watched a special wherein Peter Jennings was the commentator. To employ a guy of this caliper for such a subject matter is indeed out of the ordinary. Especially with the UFO following, as in some circles it has about as much credibility as with that found upon members of the Flat Earth Society and believers in just that, falling off the earth! And over the years, the UFO phenomenon has greedily entertained a conspirator like theory. Now just last year the United States Air Force brass reported in a “final” report that the Roswell incident was nothing more then a secret government spy program and kept under lock and key for national security reasons. So that report was supposed to forever put that incident to rest! But there was and continues to be so much hype and a cult following with those that believe in the extraterrestrial – that is very hard for any government entity to arrest that interest. Many still believe that Uncle Sam is hiding the true facts over fiction. Now Alaska has domain jurisdiction over of a whole lot of sky. So how come the 49er doesn’t get visits from outer space? Seems like discrimination that this state doesn’t enjoy sightings and hysteria that provokes fear, over objects flying around and not in any way shape or form affiliated with a military mission. Sure in the summer time it would be hard for a human to spot an object against the midnight sun sunshine, but it would not go undetected by any stretch of the imagination, as Alaska maintains some of the most sophisticated radar and eavesdropping equipment available - the Best Available Technology. We have the Air Force at our door-step and on a constant vigil to police the sky. We have somewhat hidden and secluded military bases, all part of the PAC – Pacific Air Command. This state is tied into the major war rooms, NORAD and Dick Cheney’s pacemaker. Why? Maybe because of this state’s close proximity to Russia, and the lingering cold war tactics that are still played out on a daily basis. Bear bombers are once again testing our patience along the coast. But Alaska has little to offer in the UFO “sightings” category. And not because of lack of sightings! Probably the greatest event above Roswell occurred right here in the “Last Frontier” state. To this day, the government has been very successful in keeping a lid on an occurrence wherein this state did get a visit from an alien spaceship. Keeping the lid on this event was tantamount as when the Roswell incident started leaking out, it caused a major concern. So maybe Roswell was indeed a government run program, to spy on the Soviet’s nuclear testing. But it was not anything close to a government run program with what happened up at Clear Air Force base, back many years ago and still kept secret. It was a visit. See, over time with sophisticated equipment available and a cold war mentality reducing the threat level, many of the government’s radar eavesdropping systems were turned over to civil servants – justified for research. It allowed some of the equipment that was turned towards Russia to be used to invade outer space. And these systems had lots of excess power availability, so the heat was turned up to explore into the ether, in search of life. A cast of scientist started experimenting with what was thought to be an alien S.O.S. Somehow or another they had come across a mysterious code repeated and replicated from outer space and through triangulation determined that it was coming from an intelligent source. Brain pow-wows indicated that it was a language or form of communication from another life form, extraterrestrial! So they reversed engineered the code and wondered what would happen if from earth an alien S.O.S. were broadcast. Would it signal a Mayday and bring help? That is what was envisioned and that is exactly what happened. The signal was sent out and low and behold, a visitor made a rescue attempt. But this Good Samaritan called upon for help was not met with open arms, as it was a UFO invading our airspace. Was it a secret Soviet Trojan Horse? Regardless, it was destroyed, not by our military but self-destructed when the space travelers realized that it was a trap. Nothing was left of the craft, as the destruction mechanism was foolproof. But where it crashed continues to be an out-of-sight off limits secure area. Why? An unknown force field still exists today. It disallows even snow or ice to accumulate. It is a piece of land void of trees or other vegetation that remains thawed out even when winter hits and surrounding temperatures reach well down to minus 50 Degrees Fahrenheit. Ant this parcel is under close observations by an agency of the government, but it is not the air force. One can read about this incident for free in a novel called “S.O.S. from Beaver Lake, Alaska”. Goto http://storylineonline.com, navigate to Alaskan Novels and scroll down to then double-click “S.O.S. from Beaver Lake, Alaska”. Best read by downloading MicroSoft Reader from the MS download site. Maybe it is time to get our Alaskan stories in the limelight. But beware, as this is still “Top Secret On a Need To Know” stuff. And those in the know are well aware of it!

CopyRight 2008 – Dixie Productions/MSK Media/Eagle Rock Press
Contact: Storylineonline@gci.net or www.Storylineonline.com or www.chinookjournal.blogspot.com


  1. That special you saw was probably Peter Jenning's "Seeing is Believing". That ended in a very controversial fashion since most people that were interviewed for the show never appeared. Either that or their interview was hacked up. Some of the best parts were left out leaving more room for skepticism than the truth.

    Here is what Bud Hopkins from the Intruders Foundation wrote about from his experiences with the show in relation to what he actually put together for them. There were many, many others with the same or similar complaints.

    Source: The John E. Mack Institute

    Feb 25, 2005
    Budd Hopkins' Response to the
    ABC Peter Jennings "Seeing is Believing"
    Courtesy of the Intruders Foundation

    During the past year Jenning's producers interviewed me a number of times, and because I sensed what they had in mind, I made, as a preemptive strike, a number of careful, highly specific observations about the UFO abduction phenomenon. All of these crucial points - recorded by ABC on videotape - were designed to underline the physical reality of UFO abductions and to demonstrate the implausibility of current skeptical explanations.

    To its shame, ABC suppressed _all_ of these observations.

    I knew, of course, that the skeptics' favorite explanation du jour is impossibly simple: abduction reports, they believe, are all due to misperceived "sleep paralysis." Ranking as a distant second is another erroneous belief: abduction reports, they say,"ONLY emerge under hypnosis," and since hypnosis is "totally unreliable", all abduction reports must be discarded. In the light of these tediously familiar errors and misstatements, I made certain in my taped interviews to explain the

    * In the first two decades of our research, _all_ of the central abduction cases involved people who were outside their houses when they were taken _none_ were lying paralyzed in their bedrooms. They were driving cars, walking, fishing, hunting and even, in one famous case, driving a tractor on a farm. "Sleep paralysis" as a blanket explanation of UFO abductions is therefore, ipso facto, a ludicrous non-starter.
    Nevertheless_all_ of my insistent statements on this point were systematically eliminated by the producers.

    * Second, I indicated that there are many abduction reports involving two, three, six or more people who were taken simultaneously and whose highly detailed recollections are virtually identical. This fact alone eliminates not only "sleep paralysis" but "fantasy-proneness" or any other idiosyncratic psychological aberrations as triggering causes. My descriptions
    of these many cases of multiple abductions were likewise completely suppressed by the producers

    * Third, I showed the interviewers many photos of, again, virtually identical scoop marks, consistent
    straight-line scars and ground landing traces at abduction sites, and other physical sequelae. _All_ of these vivid photographic examples of physical evidence were suppressed by the producers.

    * Fourth, I was not alone in making these points. My colleague Dr. David Jacobs was asked by ABC to carry out a hypnotic regression for the camera, but since the woman he chose had been abducted in the daytime while driving a car, the case did not fit ABC's "sleep paralysis" agenda and was thus not only suppressed, but Dr. Jacobs' many hours of taped interviews were
    also scrapped.

    * Fifth, I made it very clear that perhaps 30% of all the abduction reports collected by researchers are recalled _without_ the aid of hypnosis, a fact which render the issue of hypnosis moot. This point was also suppressed by the producers whose only goal, it appeared, was to eliminate any data that contradicted their transparently false debunking

    Despite my having presented - and reiterated - the points above, the producers chose to trot out on camera two debunking scientists (whose experiments with a mere handful of subjects have yet to be taken seriously by the psychological community) to buttress the untenable "sleep paralysis" theory, the false
    "no physical evidence" claim, and the demonstrably untrue "its all hypnosis" assertion. The smug presentations of these two would-be experts were accompanied by the producers' lurid "reenactments" of "sleep paralysis" phenomena, complete with flashing lights and spooky music. The taped testimony of a serious mental health professional like Dr. John Mack was likewise suppressed, along with my statement that over the years eight psychiatrists and numerous other mental health professionals had come to me about their own UFO abductions. The producers' obvious goal was to conceal the fact that within the mental health community there are many professionals who look with amusement on the "sleep paralysis" theory, and who accept the physical reality of UFO abductions.

    So what can one say about such a deliberately dishonest presentation as Peter Jenning's "Seeing is Believing" take on abductions? Perhaps one can only shrug and warn, yet again, that the incurious members of the press and the many blinkered, conservative scientists had better collectively pull their heads up out of the sand and join us in our work. Whatever one's personal attitude toward the UFO abduction phenomenon, science insists that an extraordinary phenomenon demands an extraordinary investigation. What ABC served up on Thursday night was, instead, an extraordinary whitewash of the abduction phenomenon, and a brutal suppression of the evidence
    for what may well be the most portentous event in human history.

    Peter Jennings and his staff should be ashamed

    Budd Hopkins, Intruders Foundation
    New York

    Anyway, Jennings died shortly thereafter from lung cancer so the complaints stopped of course.

    I happen to have the program "Seeing is Believing" on video at the following address if you want to watch it again.


    And, here's all of the good videos on the internet. These 112 full length shows are television and radio both (a lot of coast to coast) and represent a total of 911 videos making up the 112 full length shows - All YouTube freebies but neatly organized in one address.

    That ought to keep you good and busy next winter. lol

    Tons more here below that will keep you out of the dark. Well, then again I guess that would depend on what time of year it is. he, he


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Let's try that again. This should be correct for the other videos. I hope. My html is rusty. lol

