Thursday, June 19, 2008

McCain's Witch

Ding Dong the Witch “ISN’T” Dead!
Did you see rich witch Cindy McCain on that morning talk show wherein she attacks Obama’s wife? Pathetic and Un-American it was. Hey Cindy, what about your husbands infidelity? We are in dire straits when the Republican party takes to such attacks. Like that lapel button found for sale at a recent GOP fundraiser for McCain. “If Obama becomes President, will it still be called the White House”? Coming up out of this election time Rush Limberger “crap” hole is the clear and convincing pathetic fact that prejudice is alive and well here in good old America, the land wherein it is OK for the Commander-in-Chief to get away with “War Crimes”. Anyway, when I saw and heard McCain’s wife try to shoot Obama‘s wife in the back, I heard this background chant. “Uh-wah, uh-wa-uh. Uh-wah, uh-wa-uh”. Which is a reminder that the “Wicked Witch” is alive and well and desperate to get to the White House. Sorry for the “bitch” comment, but this personal attack against First Lady Obama was so uncalled for that if not a crime indeed a sin. But there was this sick look of hatred on her face! It was despicable. What is wrong with this woman? I think she needs a release, maybe John has ED and can’t perform. Maybe he is so tied up in this presidential “crap” that he has lost touch with his spouse. Of course this is par for the course, as he is already successful as a bonafide “Turncoat” for releasing his famous freedom speech back when supposedly he was a POW. If you don’t know what I am talking about, John “Punk” McCain’s anti-American propaganda confession went this way: “I am a black criminal and I have performed the deeds of an air pirate. I almost died and the Vietnamese people saved my life, thanks to the doctors”. It is so ironic that with that “black criminal” comment that he is facing as an opponent for the presidency, a black man! And now he has is own wife picking on Obama’s wife, questioning her patriotism. McCain take your wife and your turncoat patriotism and all your wife’s money and go away. Retire and enjoy the fruits of your labor. In fact write about those labors as we would like to know what you have done for this country after all these years. But this guy McCain is like the energizer bunny, just keeps giving and going, as then he attacks Obama about trust - something to do about campaign financing. Well McCain, we put trust in you to keep jobs in America for Americans as it still holds water that it is a by the people for the people democracy. But you sold out to the foreigners in the tune of $35-billion, with that wheel of a deal to build new tankers for the Air Force going uncontested to an outfit somewhere over the rainbow! And now the GAO has reported that the giveaway contract in which you were instrumental in steering away from Boeing was illegal. Talk about trust, I bet you don’t even know how to spell that word. And what can we expect from a turncoat and a wife that wants to be the witch of the White House, which means if that does indeed occur it will mean a pussy whipped president and this wounded country would be better off with a Tin Man and a Straw Man vice. You are a “Turncoat” and know what we mean by that. How can you honestly salute the flag in earnest when your witch thinks it OK to steal cookie recipes, a true “turncoat”?

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