Thursday, June 19, 2008

Detainees, Swans and Bears

Swans put to death, baby swans at that. Bears wounded to almost death by shot-me-in-the-back assholes then tortured to death by rock throwing crowds. What the hell is going on here in Alaska? What would the elders say about this? Maybe Alaska would be a good place to institute that new age micro-wave beam military weapon, called the “Active Denial Control”, to calm the out-of-control mentality of ridiculousness. But that would also be torture. Then again, I feel like a tortured “detainee” living here in Alaska with idiooots on the loose who think a few pop shots at a bear is “Alaskan”, as we have the right to protect life and shoot at anything conceived as a threat. So maybe an eye-for-eye and tooth-for-tooth is justified. And I am tortured when I read that a group of young girls on jet-skis purposely revved their “engine on a ski” head first into a flock of swans to commit “torture”. Sounds like “water-boarding”. Maybe that good time slogan that “Alaskan Girls Kick Ass”, should now read, “Fake Alaskan Girls Kill Swans”. Off to the bumper sticker store! Anyway, that mentality to throw rocks at the wounded bear, to get a better photo-shoot reminds me of what has been going on in our “detainee” prisons here, there and everywhere under the Bushitler Cheney reign of terror. But the bad, maybe good news is out. According to the Army’s top brass comes the verdict, that the “Bush administration committed War Crimes and called for those responsible to be held to account.” This is the TOP BRASS saying so. Then why is George Bush not behind bars? Just yesterday in a mind-blowing hearing supported by a report out through the “Physicians for Human Rights”, Major General Antonio Taguba insisted that it is a “war crimes” act. Then why have not the MP’s showed up at the White House? Maybe we must start to exercise our rights! Has the military lost control of their mission, to protect even if it means arresting the Commander-in-Chief? That is their sworn duty, and if derelict in that duty, it is our “birthright” sworn duty to interfere to intervene. But there is a problem, as that would mean Dick would be in control, and he is also guilty. So it would mean the next in line, Linda Pelossi. And it is well known that she suffers from the “rabid skunk” disease, just ask Congressmen Don Young for specifics. Regardless, we are talking bonafide “war crimes” here. Bottom line, if a Democratic president were accused of this, every damn Republican member of the House of Congress would be doing what is right, storming the White House to take over. But why is nothing happening, “war crimes” I am talking about? See, many other countries and organizations have tried relentlessly to bring a war crimes charge against the Bushitler Cheney administration, but all have failed. We don’t let other countries tell us how to do our business. We don’t let private organization that thrive here in the states tell us how to conduct our business. But when this is something of utmost importance coming from our own “brass”, why are not we reacting? Why isn’t somebody doing something? The rest of the world should be boycotting this country. Why has America become powerless? Why is it that this once great country tortured by an administration - that uses Hitler like tactics to spread the fear factor - finds fallout of such the sad fact that we just sit back and do nothing? Think about it, the entire 8-years of George Bush’s terms of endangerment have been promoted by use of the “fear” factor. All for God’s sake? It is what Hitler used to further his flawed experiment of ethnic cleansing. Bottom line, Bush, Cheney and the entire House of Congress has been very successful in “ethic” cleansing to the point that we are now a country accused by our own of “war crimes” and there is nothing anybody can do about it except wander and wonder. Torture, that is what Bush and Cheney will go down in the history books to be remembered. And we are all guilty if we do nothing about it. Where will it all end? We need to take over where this administration has failed. It is time to boycott, as I hear Abe Lincoln calling us to intervene. I here George Washington telling us it is time to march. So what can I do, what can you do? Sign the proclamation petition that asks the European Union to begin an immediate boycott against America. Sure it will hurt our economy, but when an economy has already tanked through the badwill of an administration bent on ruining this country, through illegal wars and “war crimes”, then we have nothing to loose, except loosing Bush and Cheney. As it is not too late because the Constitution, even fretted and frayed during the present administrations malfeasance, gives me my rights - under the 1st, under the 2nd in the name of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The spirit of the Green Mountain boys lives on within me, and should be the same spirit within you if you are a true American. Please, rock throwers and idiots that think it is OK to shoot bears in the back, or those bent on killing baby swans, please to do not involve yourself in bailing out this country, as you are as guilty as Bush and Cheney, maybe not “war crimes”, but close enough.

Proclamation Petition to Boycott U.S. Trade & Commerce

Dear Organized Members of the European Union:

With the verdict in through the reports by the “Physicians for Human Rights” and testimony by the Honorable Major General Antonio Taguba that the Bush administration has committed “war crimes” and should be held responsible and made to account, the following proclamation petition is delivered for serious consideration. Americans concerned about these crimes against humanity but powerless because continuation of “war crimes” acts have and could effect any attempts to right these wrongs, ask that the members of the EU begin an immediate boycott upon all forms of trade and commerce into and out of the contingent United States, including Hawaii and Alaska, until such times the guilty of such “war crimes” resign, either through volunteer or forced resignation, from their elected administrative duties and through the chain of successors consistent within the framework of the United States Constitution, a new administration, not in any way shape or form also guilty of contributing to such “war crimes”, is seated and once again the American people have control, wherein “war crimes” are not only a crime against those affected, but a crime against this country’s Constitution, laws and goodwill relationship to the EU.

Respectfully Submitted, this 19th day of June, 2008.
CopyRight 2008 – Dixie Productions/MSK Media/Eagle Rock Press
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