Saturday, June 7, 2008

Hero NOT!

Maybe George Bush is indeed a hero? In the eight years that he has incarcerated the American people’s freedom and stymied the American dream of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, the backlash of such points to a revitalization of Democracy. Even though the Crawford man - there is a town in Texas missing an idiot - invaded another country in efforts to promote this thing called “Democracy”, that invasion was really an invasion upon America’s goodwill. For Americans - with the Iraq invasion - there came the loss of soldiers, the loss of privacy and freedoms along with the loss of financial stability. This war - now called McCain’s 100 year war - is expensive and is strangling our economy. Our country cannot fight a war when aviation fuel is so costly! We have been through George’s terms of stupidity, through his pathetic administrations’ years of stupidity and now we see the outcome in the form of retaliation. Not in the form of impeachments proceedings for lying and incompetence, but true American retaliation wherein the hard working people of this land will take back what we have been loosing a little bit of each and every day for the last two terms of endangerment. So maybe it is all worth it. For those soldiers who have died in combat, for those parents that are still wandering and wondering the sacrificial cause, well it was not for foreign democracy, but for democracy resurrection right here on our own soil - be proud of that. This country needs to refocus that realization. So there is a resurrection of Democracy, which is long overdue and it can only make this country a better place once and for all. It will be a lessons learned period. Let’s face the facts, the Oval Office was ruined with Bill Clinton at the helm. He showed the world that lying was OK. That allowed the liar leadership to infiltrate and take control of our Democracy. It meant change, not for the good, but for the privileged. The invasion was a political gamble. It didn’t work there, so it is working here. Do you really think that Bush cares about soldiers gone to the grave? Not when it is all for show and has nothing to do with reality. It is a game the Bush dynasty plays out, and we - true grit Americans - have become the victims of fools. See, democracy doesn’t work for the rich, for the lobbyists and the special interests as fundamental to its failure is a class system. And that is what we have now before us. The rich have indeed become filthy rich as the common working heroes of this nation just make ends meet. So maybe George set in motion a catastrophe wherein the backlash will do us good and do justice to incompetent leadership. And how is this revitalization of Democracy transforming? It is the one and only tool that is more powerful then the 1st and 2nd Amendments combined, the “vote”! We see it in the “new” voter registration turnout, a true sign that America is sick and tired of a failed presidential leadership along with a failed Congress. And why this surge instead of that age-old mentality that there is nothing we can do? As there is a man with a vision, to see too it that Democracy is again by the people and for the “real” people. Word of warning, lobbyists and special interests and Don Young and Ted Stevens and MoanaLisa, you best run for cover! In my book, Obama is already a hero, from his message. It is a carry-on of the message of Martin Luther King, and not just for the left behind population, but for all who cherish Democracy. And for those that think John McCain is a hero, well I recall his famous speech, when he was a turncoat captive in Vietnam. John “Punk” McCain’s anti-American propaganda confession: “I am a black criminal and I have performed the deeds of an air pirate. I almost died and the Vietnamese people saved my life, thanks to the doctors”. What does he mean by "black"? And here is what the “Punk” thought about the war. “We thought our civilian commanders were complete idiots who didn’t have the least notion of what it took to win the war”. And this guy thinks he is fit to be Commander in Chief? So Americans, “emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, as none but ourselves can free our minds” and vote the man with a vision, not a man who tells the world he was “black criminal” and wants to come home to a heroes welcome and continue on where Bush left off, the crippling of “My” Democracy, the crippling of “My” America. One other thing. McCain was a wife beater! In my book, cheating on your wife is in essence “wife” beating. How many times? But if McCain sold out by telling the world he was a “black prisoner”, maybe he believes that “Woman, is the nigger of the world”, so lets lower ourselves by wife beating cheating. Bottom-line, a vote for McCain is a vote for the insane and will do Democracy no gain but more pain! Thank you Bob and John for the quoted words of wisdom. George, remember Crawford is still missing an “idiot”! Dick, please take up bird hunting again, we need the entertainment.

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