Friday, June 6, 2008

Bush Executive Order

Wow, what an ordeal trying to fetch the morning paper. It was right out on the steps of the front door, but an obstacle blocked the door opening. Good thing my family wasn’t practicing a fire drill and trying to quickly evacuate, as the door wouldn’t budge open! What the hell is in that big plastic bag? Now I remember, it is phone book renewal season. I thought somebody passed a law restricting the delivery of the “Yellow Pages”? Sorry, that would have interfered with the 1st Amendment. Anyway, finally some decent news that should get the peons riled up. First, did you hear or listen how Secretary of Defense Gates scolded his underlings for allowing a nuclear warhead to be transported over the states. There were no “4” letter references, but read between the lines and you get the picture. When I first heard the remarks, I thought maybe Gates was talking about his boss, George. It was language appropriate. Does anyone out there have anything good to say about President Select George Bush? How about you, Laura. Can you say anything good about your husband? And Barbara, is your son worthily of anything but “solitary confinement”? Daddy Bush, you failed! And now that the Senate Intelligence Committee Report has hit the Hall’s of Congress and once again we are told that we were fooled, well “WE HAVE LIARS AT THE HELM”, so what do you expect. When is enough really enough? If I were George or Dick, I would run away in embarrassment. There is no need for impeachment, as it is a slam-dunk case of malfeasance and George and Dick should just leave us all alone! But these lying bastards, these cheating idiots still believe they did no wrong by sending 4000 - and counting - kids to an early grave in the disguise that they were fighting for “our” country. For a cause that was nothing short a political gamble. But that is how the rich and powerful practice brotherly love – they gamble away the American dream as they were never part of that dream. And not to mention the thousands of kids that are to live a life forever with loss of limb and post "dramatic" syndrome. "Dramatic" is what the White House is calling this trauma! And how many lives have been lost altogether in that theater of dome and gloom – Afghanistan and Iraq? Honestly, when the history books are written to cover the Bush and Cheney years, it will look as though a Frankenstein Hitler evil was re-created. An experiment gone haywire! It is a sin beyond penance to what these two idiots have gotten away with and continue to get away with. And their terms of endangerment are almost over with. Will they get free and away? I don’t believe in sustained pain and suffering, but maybe George and Dick should be kept in that oval office until they fix things, like ending the war and getting the economy – strangled by high oil prices – back in sync. But they are already out to pasture and don’t care a rat’s ass about their misdealings that has thrown this once great country into the cesspool of ridicule. Again history will tell it like it was. But low and behold, do you think George and Dick will allow the publishers and bloggers to do them in-justice for the rest of their pathetic lives? No way. It is called an “Executive Order”. Now we have our rights of the pen with the 1st Amendment, no doubt about it. But “Amendments” sometimes see “amendments”, or legislative corrections that can either broaden or restrict our “Constitutional” freedoms. Now an “EO” can be used for just about anything, legal or illegal. What is leaking out of the oval office is this tidbit of interest. There shall come an Executive Order from the White House that will forever ban anything negative to be written and published about the Bush Administration. Bush has the authority to sign such “crap” and supposedly it was fostered by the fact that Bush’s own confidants are now coming forward with the bad news “truth” – just like the recent publication of McClellan’s “Proximity to Power”. This profiteer at one time lied so graciously for Bush and Cheney. Now this “EO”, it is almost like Hiltler’s book banning and burning years. There seems to be more and more Hitler like similarities between Bush and Cheney and the madman of the 40’s. Now Bush’s order cannot restrict the 1st Amendment Right, to tell the truth, but the EO will allow authorities to collect any writing suspect, and destroy the materials! This is what happens when power and filth infiltrate the leadership. As far as that Senate Intelligence Committee report, there is no “intelligence” with this present day leadership! As it is a sunken “ship”. And Gates, why not scold your boss? But as a political appointee, you are probably afraid to do just that and do this country justice. Americans have been railroaded and waterboarded by this administration. All for what? The truth, which will steal away our freedoms in the form of legislation that will ban that truth away from history. So George and Dick, at the same time you ban the truth of your lying and killing years, why not ban the words of a true leader like John Lennon: “War is over if you want it”, now.

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