Friday, May 16, 2008

What WAR?

Is Uncle Sam still in a jam, “way down yonder in” Iraqinam? Realityreal©, it is getting more and more difficult to determine if the surge protector has had any effect on George Bush’s “missing mission accomplishments”. Has George made any “positive” contributions to the human endeavor upon this earth? I heard someone say there has been an increase in Mad magazine subscriptions. Now for a long while following our invasion upon another country way far away, the news’ broadcasts made time out for moments of silence, for our fallen soldiers. Young kids dedicated to a cause we are still trying to define. So I can tell you this with all that, we have become a despicable nation of fools, especially here in Alaska. We have lost touch with realityreal© and the “Big Bully” attitude seems to finally be sinking our nation’s once good standing and is threatening our economy. Look at the price of bread? And a rice shortage in Bethel? Here is my take. George Bush should remain in office until he fixes the economy, ends the war and has a bout with Dick Cheney on WWW followed by a mud-wrestling bout with Laura and Mrs. Dick, but that would indeed ruin the sport – the latter. Lets get into some specifics of despicable! The other day I came across a traffic jam here in Anchorage - the rape capital of the Americas - wherein people were fighting for a parking spot. At first I thought it was a giant garage sale. But it was Sunday morning parking rage for the Alaska Airmen’s Association annual Trade Show & Conference. Now let us face the facts. There came some fancy cars and trucks lined up to take in the festivities. And let us face the facts again, owning a plane is for the wealthy. Doctors, lawyers and crooks. So, wealth had amassed this day to enjoy the show. Now flying is important to Alaska, so not everyone here this day would fall into the class that believes John Lennon was full of crap when he sang, “Imagine, no possession”. Bottom line, a plane is but a fancy toy if it is used for enjoyment over necessity. Anyway, what blew my mind away was the fact that on display at the air show was a C-130 Galaxy transport from Elmendorf Air Force Base. That cost the taxpayers a whole bunch of money somewhere along the way. But the sad fact of the matter is this. We have soldiers stuck over in Iraq that can’t get home, because the contract airline that was supposed to be fit to provide transportation went belly up. It stranded our soldiers and most likely stranded those now assigned to that flag draped wooden box “home”, until they get home and have a decent burial ceremony. And here is what really irks my chain. Other Air Force bases in Maine have been scrambling to do as much as they can to provide transport for the stranded, with Galaxy type aircraft, designed to perform just about any task necessary to support our troops. So why the hell this bird was not being used to ferry soldiers or those “Be the first one on the block to have your kid come home in a box” – thank you Country Joe – well somebody in the military has his head in the wrong orifice. The base commander who saw a need to have a Galaxy on display at the trade show when at the same time young kids aren’t getting home to see their new born never seen before with the possibility they may never get home with the backlog of troops already delayed, it is a mortal sin. So why does it happen? Somebody had to call someone in efforts to get this monstrosity free from service and allowed to go on display instead of gainfully working. And it cost time and money to fly this bird from the base to the Ted Stevens International Airport. Now Ted rings a bell! Hey, when somebody needs something, just call Ted. And what I noticed when trying to get around the slowpoke traffic, it seemed as if every damn car and truck had an “Elect Ted” bumper sticker. Just goes to show that our priorities are just that, our own. Bottom line, this C-130 transport should have been gainfully working where it was needed. It should have been ferrying soldiers back and forth to that war we have forgotten about. I wanted to write Ted and ask him to reprimand the base commander, or at least remind the base-man that there is a war going on wherein our soldiers are stranded, but Ted doesn’t think straight these days and believes that if you are not with him then you are not a taxpayer and therefore you deserve no representation. I would rather have no representation then corrupt representation! Think about it. The “Hulk” - I mean “Runt” - was instrumental in getting this no-bid government contract crap shoved down the taxpayers’ throats. Sure it benefited the native corporations here in Alaska big show time. But now we read wherein one of those “no-bid” lucrative military scams has allowed offshore drilling, in efforts to down-hole away corporate taxes. Yes indeed, another fleecing of America by anti-Americans. Look, anybody who takes time to dream up scams like this is not an American. Anyway, this contract is filling the offshore havens with un-taxable loot. It was taxpayers’ money to begin with and now it goes away to tax freedom heaven. So it is more of the same corrupt mentality. What happened to America? When people in corporations continue to use scam like tactics to steal away our economy, what is left except a revolution? The money needs to be taxed again and set free. In fact, the hell with taxation as it only creates more George McCain “killing field” invasions, just set the money free into the economy. It is money saved away for reasons none other then tax shelters as many think they can take it with them when they go! Hey, the Creator can’t be bought. Anyway, it was also interesting to see Jake the Fake get out of the rat race. Just goes to show what goes on behind closed doors wherein ethics is just a suggestion is sinking this ship of all around fools. In fact, ethics is a lost cause. Maybe that is what John should have sung about, “Imagine, no ethics”. That is what it has come too. In fact, turning back may be an impossibility. The entire corrupt union of representatives should be thrown out, maybe in those tax haven holes they create for their friends through legislation. It is not legislation, it is thievery with a pen! Did you hear that one about TED? Not Stevens, but the “Terrorist Escape Device”. Following the 911 attack, secret tunnels were dug underneath Washington. From lessons learned from Boston’s “Big Dig”. These tunnels are designed to take the president’s men, House and Senate members to a safe off-shore location where they will board a super-submarine. It was tested with a simulator! And when all aboard the model simulator – wherein the passengers thought it was the real Armageddon – these assholes divided up the Treasury loot as the simulator was running the worst case scenario show, wherein it was total destruction of America. But when the model allowed the sub to surface, it was found out that it was just a test wherein Americans watched as “their” loot was divided up, so the submarine had to dive quick, as people were ready to perform an Armageddon upon this misfit group of crooks who think they are representatives of the people but are just representatives of evil. I guess the sub is still floating around somewhere and because of its cast of misfits has been denied political asylum everywhere but the moon. So the programmers of the simulator code are trying to figure out something. Anyway, sounds like a realityreal© in the making. In the meantime, the war goes on and maybe John Grunt can one day see his kid and wife. And maybe that crying dad and mom can one day see what they feared most, the “box”. But not this time for the “Grunt”, as his delay means first another tour of duty somewhere out of sight and out of mind. So go ahead, re-elect Ted and Don and MoanaLisa, if you are a fan of Uncle Armageddon. Hey, did you see that comic of Don in the buff? The coconut balls were a laugh. But what the hell happened to his manhood? ED? Maybe a realityreal© “missing in action”!

CopyRight 2008 – Dixie Productions/MSK Media/Eagle Rock Press
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  1. Thank you, S. My thoughts, too.

  2. Nice Post!

    Just FYI, the C-130 is the Hercules. The Galaxy is the C-5A. If it had four props, it was the former. If it had four jets and was HUGE, it was the latter.
