Saturday, May 3, 2008

Lucy In the Sky

Indications abound that my generation has come of age, again. This time around though it is that age wherein life begins to find many posturing for penance as we head the warning, thy pearly gates await us. What haven’t I done that needs to be done! What I am talking about is the passing on part of our journey, to Heaven. I found myself focusing in on an interesting painting the other day, while in Boston. It read, “Success is a journey, not a destination”. Is not Heaven our final destination, after success, measured by many different methods and opinions? And at another gallery across from Boston University, I witnessed a bunch of young college kids, studying art. What was interesting was the show on display, that of naked “mature” women. I mean those in study were watching grandma! I got off on it. Nothing like a mature woman. It was enjoyable being amongst such a young crowd of enthusiast, as Boston continues to be the educational hub of the world. Colleges spring up everywhere, and numerous “wire-me” cafés’ follow. So there exist plenty of places to hang out, to watch and more so, just observe. That is where this coming of age thing comes into play. I just happened to eavesdrop on a group of youngsters, enlightened that our sons and daughters were in tune to some important aspects of current history with a past. It is too bad that the Iraq war has fizzled out in the popularity contest. Hey Americans, it is still going on and getting deadlier and deadlier. But this group of students was discussing something of genuine value in my book, the passing on of a gentleman named Albert Hofmann – age 102. Who, you may ask? Well little known to many this man was a scientist that is bothered with the discovery of LSD. Bothered is a decent explanation, as his intent was to deliver something of medicinal worth. But LSD became a vise enjoyed by my generation, to cope with this nation’s deceiving and corrupt representation that had infiltrated Washington and bent on destroying the Constitution – our freedoms at last going south. Just like is going on now, but in a dimension never before imaginable. We the People are getting screwed. In my book, George Bush should be denied retirement after he quits the oval office and made to visit the family of those 4000 that have been killed in war. Then he should be required to visit those 15000 wounded vets. Then how about some community service for the thousands his efforts displaced, because he wanted something to be proud about - his democracy upon the un-willing. After all that George, then the “mission is accomplished”. Bottom line, he is an idiot and his memoirs will be nothing but, “These pages un-intentionally left blank”. And Laura, please go live with the Queen of England. Your behavior as a 1st lady is despicable. Your sanitized disposition is the devil in disguise. I honestly think that the White House should be torched after the Bush’s leave. And yes Americans, the war is continuing to kill young kids at alarming rates. These kids should be over here in college instead of engaged in a nightmare. And I would bet that if Madman McCain gets to that oval office, our military machine will be back in Vietnam - to destroy all evidence that he wasn’t tortured but provided preferential treatment. Anyway, LSD had its downfall, as like other things it was abused and caused fatalities. But I don’t think it ever reached 4000 victims? So maybe that is what this country needs, a hallucinogenic awakening. And like marijuana, the drug’s subliminal effect made us aware of our environment and most importantly, it may have been successful in stopping that other idiotic war. We used the drugs to show off our independence, to protest, to exercise our rights, which was in defiance of this country’s corrupt leadership mission. Maybe our only way out with the current Cheneyism is to start a revolution of peace not war. I mention Cheney because this Dick Head is by far overboard this “worlds” worst enemy. How he continues to lie his way through life is indication that most Americans have not the time or energy to focus in on our commitments, to uphold this country’s Constitution. Everyday, that decree of freedom is spat upon, by Dick and George. And they continue to do it with a smile, or smirk. They are evil villains. Maybe it is time to re-institute the draft of LSD and marijuana, to re-start that Timothy Leary counterculture of “Live Free or Die”. Lets face the facts. War is no longer an option, unless it is needed here upon my homeland to take back what we have lost. More importantly, this earth has come to the global crossroads, wherein we need to destroy the military machine and start to focus our attention on destiny that doesn’t include a mentality of “build to destroy”, so think our “Masters of War”. Global respect is what is needed. Power brokerage is broke and a thing of the retched past. So maybe the passing on of Mr. Hofmann has meaning, a re-awakening call to independence, to counter the enemy of the people, to revolt and make it known to the crooks that we did it before and we can do it again with a little help from a friend.

CopyRight 2008 – Dixie Productions/MSK Media/Eagle Rock Press
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