Monday, April 7, 2008

Ted Steven's is Pissed!

I sent Ted Steven's an invite to post all the previous years "Earmark" requests, not just 2008 requests that are now floating through his office. This is the response that came from a guy under investigation by the FBI. And talk about "Fleecing of the Taxpayers". He spent $5.21 of the taxpayers' money just to send out some idiotic response that has nothing to do with nothing! It is a little hard to read but goes like this:
Dear Mr. Kelley:
I have received your recent emails and do not correspond with pseudonyms. S. Pam MaGee is not a taxpayer, and should do her own research.
Now S. Pam Magee is my pen name. Put the S. & Pam together, what do you get? Spam Magee, in honor of Sam Magee!

1 comment:

  1. Dear S. Pam MaGee-
    Could you please contact me about the downed UFO story! You can gain my e-mail by visiting my website.
    Neelie Ravencast
    IOPIA Founder, webmaster, UFOlogist
    Investigation of Paranormal in Alaska
