Sunday, April 6, 2008

Historical "Earmark"

Earmarks! That talked about and complained about giveaway program courtesy the taxpayers’ payola. The complaint side of “earmark” legislation comes about most likely from the fact that it is “extra” money given away and isn’t shoveled out for “all” the people. So it is basically a segregated inequity. It is a very select process wherein the beneficiaries somehow or another understand back-door closed-door sign language. Now “earmarks” have a very interesting place in history. In fact, the backlash that has now focused upon this abusive process of giving handouts to friends that work in the #1 sector that is determined to derail the Constitution - namely lobbyist – it is finding itself the subject of a coup d’etat, or revolution when in the non-French mode! Because “earmarking” is basically a corrupt ways and means to fool all of the people all of the time, especially here in Alaska. But time seems to have run out and earmark legislation is under scrutiny. Why it is considered “legislation’ is beyond comprehension. And the entire roadmap to successful “earmarking”, it may have been orchestrated from Alaska know how. Maybe it was just being in the right place at the wrong time, but our longstanding representatives seem to have figured it all out, as others have figured out what they have learned over the years. And there is no other state in the Union that has benefited like Alaska from this secretive giveaway program, held more secretive then what goes on behind closed doors of the Skull & Bones crypt located over at Yale. Basically this is what we know about earmark funding. “It is my money and I can do anything I want with it”, was the sentiment out of the vocal orifice of a current Alaskan representative suffering ED – explosive diarrhea of the mouth! Anyway, some time back, the good citizens of this nation enjoyed April 15th! Why? Well that was when all that interest paid out for auto loans and credit cards could be deducted against your income. So we got back some of our fines to utilize credit and buy new autos, to keep the economy going. Now once Congress realized that people were hung-up on credit cards and one could get a card that could easily ring-up a humongous credit interest payback, they went scared. So they devised a ways and means to do away with interest write-offs, unless it was tied to a business expense. That is why nowadays we find so many fake businesses. Really all it takes to claim a legitimate business in effort to write-off at least ¼ of your home’s value as a depreciating asset is to slap a 59-ceant sign on your vehicle! Anyway, even though interest write-offs became a thing of the past, it didn’t warrant a tax-break even though the government was giving less back for returns. It is called a “surplus”. But low and behold, it was a gold mine of extra cash that was never needed before by the Treasury. So our representation realized that it wouldn’t be missed if it were mysteriously used for shenanigan type “anything goes”, including money to measure the penis size of the male Musk Oxen found here in Alaska. It was a failed project because nobody in their right mind would try to go out in the wilds and attempt such an insane act. Lets hope not! Anybody seen MoanaLisa lately? But the earmark money came our way anyway! So over time, that money that we lost out on, it was thrown away through “earmark” legislation. It became a very convenient buddy-to-buddy giveaway system without any checks and balances required. Basically, it was grand theft by our representatives and in no way shape or form by the people and for the people but for the buddy in my back-pocket syndrome – a.k.a. cronyism. Of course here in Alaska we also put up with nepotism. Hey is that MoanaLisa chasing a musk ox? It looks like Don being chased! The project was to measure the penis size of the ox not a Billy goat. Now I requested that Mr. Phineas J. Whoopee help me out with the numbers that would testify to this earmark historical. Was it a trick all the time, to tell us we could no longer adjust our income with respect to interest when at the same time the representation already had a plan for that money saved away from those that paid it in the first place? Hey, jail time for all the political crooks that have screwed over the system of checks and balances. Anyway according to my friend Mr. Whoopee and his 3D-BB the amount of money that is secretly doled out to friends and relatives for “crap” projects and a system wherein accountability is non-existent, the money amount has followed a trend that is consistent in the actual credit card debt, just from interest. So had the representation not taken away the interest write-offs, the debt problem would not be as bad as it has turned out. I would have to say that the amount of money wasted on “earmarks” has been carefully calculated, or miscalculated, depends on how one looks at the circumstances. If it is theft against the taxpayers’, I would have to say it is a miscalculation, as this kind of representation no doubt diminishes freedom. And isn’t that what our representation is supposed to uphold, our freedoms? But what is really sickening is the fact that our representation insists that the taxpayers continue to buy back fishing boats. It is not only “earmarks” that support the James’ gang. And Alaska continues to write the book on how to rape the taxpayers of America. See, somebody came up with the bright idea that if you buy out the fishermen’s equipment – their boats – then they can’t fish a certain species and that allows limited harvesting to support the supply and demand theory. So we waste money buying boats. Then the boats are auctioned off for pennies on the dollar. The same boat owners buy back their boats, at one hell of a discount. Then they outfit the boat to fish for another species. In time, the same thing happens as another species is threatened. So the boats go up for sale again, same thing, auctioned off at a discount. In fact, it is well-known that some boats in Alaska have been purchased three-times by the taxpayers! And this also is an act against the Constitution. But what can you expect from lackadaisical representation that is on the run because somebody is trying to measure their manhood?

CopyRight 2008 – Dixie Productions/MSK Media/Eagle Rock Press
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