Thursday, March 13, 2008

Freaky FERC

I wish the All-Alaskan corruption sweapstakes would finally come to an end here in Alaska! It takes away from things that are important. Maybe instead of spending more money keeping the FBI gainfully employed, how about an amnesty program? If the bastards come forward and admit their guilt without having to spend more taxpayers’ money, there can be a discount incarceration. Exceptions? Ted, Don, Frank and Ben. In fact the FBI boss is complaining that it is hard for this branch of government to do the job required of it following the 911 attack, as the Alaskan corruption case is running the resources thin. Imagine that, all because of homegrown terrorism! Anyway, “After he took from you everything he could steal” is a great verse from one of Bob Dylan’s great musical sermons, “Like a Rolling Stone”. That “he” in this case could mean George Bush, Ted Stevens, Don Young…. Anyway, what is with this FERC interference with respect to having the final say so over a natural gas pipeline here in territorial Alaska? This state would have been better off sticking with territorial status. Had that been the case, it would have by this time meant financial independence. It would have meant no Ted, no Don and no Murkoski, including MoanaLisa “Daddy Made Me Do It”. Does anybody out there in la-la land know what FERC is all about? Is there anybody out there in the land of the “Corrupt Bastards” that understands why FERC is involved in Alaska? The latter is probably a big “No” as the new generation that has come to Alaska for the “PFD Rush” has no idea what this state is all about. I am sure there are plenty out there that understand the first question, what FERC is all about. Those of you that work for FERC! But with the second question, it proves the point that most Alaskans are not smarter then their pet dog’s crap pile. There was a teensy weensy article in the Anchorage Daily Stool with regards to Alaskan style FERC-enomics, most likely not paid any attention. I am sure very few understand why this Federally sponsored “Commission” is trying to tell this state what it can or can not do with respect to our desires to build a natural gas pipeline. We have a gas problem, so need some relief. Now FERC is the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. It is like FEMA, same thing but supports a completely different clientele. FEMA is for the people. FERC is for “Big Business”. Now FERC’s mission statement defines its jurisdiction in a clear and simple way. It is involved in “Interstate Commerce”. Alaska is a state all by itself. There exists no “Interstate Commerce” as this state borders no other state of the Union. In its mission statement, FERC also explains how it is not concerned with “Intrastate Commerce”. That is what we have, intrastate and nothing else. There is only one border and none of that border engages another state of the Union. Now you may ask why in hell is FERC so involved in the Trans-Alaska-Pipeline? As the 800-mile dipstick is again all Alaskan “Intrastate”. It is some 1500-miles from the nearest piece of America, the lower 48. Thanks Ted, Don and Frank for this freaky FERC interference that now no doubt will once again get this state screwed over, with what is rightfully ours to begin with - the resources. See, back about 30-years ago, “Big Oil” needed a whipping post boy for their own selfish interests. At one time, “Big Oil” was afraid of Alaska, until Bill “Nose Bleed” Sheffield became interested in politics because he wasn’t getting any meaningful sex. He basically sold the henhouse to the FOX, a.k.a. “Big Oil”. And since FERC is a businessman’s bail bondsman, “Big Oil” found a way to find something that was “Interstate” for no other meaningful reasons except to run an interference pattern and trump the state over oil taxes, royalty and realistic pipeline transportation tariffs. The latter three things make money for the state but take away revenue from the thieves. When the “Bush Rat” was in charge, “Big Oil” behaved. Jay Hammond I am talking about. Anyway, when the squirm worm entered the picture, “Big Oil” invested the “Hail Mary” plan and it was an entire different ball game, into overtime. It worked. “Big Oil” with the help of this state’s sleazebag representatives that were successful in turning the House of Representatives, a.k.a. Congress, into the House of Rabid Skunks, found themselves at the whipping post, for the corporation. Soon, the pipeline was defined as “interstate” as the oil had to travel by tankers to the states. It still didn’t involve breaching another state border. It really sucked that the Federal government would employ such trickery and treachery. But when told to do so or else, what else could they do? See, FERC is important when a pipeline crosses a state wherein eminent domain greed could levy a tax burden that could make failure a reality. So FEREC is a referee for “INTERSTATE” difficulties, so it has some credibility. But there is no such threat here in Alaska. The only threat “Big Oil” had to contend with was the state of Alaska, US! So now FERC has become part of the scene and will side with “Big Oil”. Precedent has been set. It never should have been allowed to happen. They should have minded their own business and not wasted the taxpayers’ money so “Big Oil” could get away with crying out loud temper tantrums. Had we had decent representation, when FERC tried to bud in on our business, they would have had their hands slapped and cuffed if they pursued such nonsense. But now, this outfit feels compelled to have an opinion when called upon by the “Cry Babies”. Really, have you ever witnessed so many crybabies, those Alaskan oil company CEOs? What a ship of fools. So, FERC getting involved can only provide a win loose situation. We will always loose. Business will always win, it is that simple. There is not a single FERC case outcome that benefits the people directly. It is a detrimental opinion that sides with “Big Oil”. Basically this outfit’s mandate focuses on the fact that a savings here and there for “Big Oil” will mean a savings down the road for the consumer, as shit rolls down hill. The concept is supposed to work but the trickle down theory becomes the dried up dog crap syndrome and in the end, the consumer gets screwed over. So what do we do about this behavior that allows the state of Alaska’s coffers to go under nourished? Ted, Don and MoanaLisa can tell this bureaucracy to bud out. Unfortunately, the power of the courts could be called upon to use the precedence set reality to keep its reign here in Alaska alive and well. It is like a cancer, as you think it has gone away when it is dormant and can come alive and wreck havoc when you least expect it. Of course in this case it is controlled by “Big Oil”, so it is to be expected. So, a lesson learned. The fact that Ted had VECO build him a mansion and the fact that Don is a twerp, this stuff doesn’t really matter as it was a one time all the time state of affairs. With FERC, because precedence was set, it will haunt this state forever. That is what we should remember about Ted and Don and Frank. The original “Three Stooges”, as FERC’s suckling tentacles upon Alaska occurred while they were at the helm. Part of their trademark, their behind the scenes efforts to screw us from the front, side to side and from behind, crisscross and broadside. And still coming at us in directions not even discovered! The momentum is there. Hey, Ted admits that he was a poor “dad” and it goes the same with Uncledom! Don? What can I say! Frank, you better go hide. Now sure they will all deny having anything to do with allowing FERC to invade Alaska. But their record of shenanigans while keeping us hostage during their terms of endangerment is clear and convincing. Bottom line, they should have never let it happen unless they wanted it to happen. Anyway, FERC madness is upon us like a sea gull on a dead salmon’s eye. And they are already getting involved in the natural gas pipeline debate. Why? Because “Big Oil Crybabies” are disappointed that Sarah, a.k.a. Mrs. Vogue Mature, is calling their bluff and moving ahead with them or without. Good luck momma! “F” is for Find, “E” for Excuses, “R” is for Rebate and “C” for the Crybabies. FERC, Find Excuses to Rebate the Crybabies. Maybe we didn’t really understand what FERC really stood for! And guess what, your taxes pay for this outlandish oversight!

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