Monday, March 3, 2008

3:00 am Phone Call...

It is 3:00 am and the phone in the oval office rings.
“Hi Hillary, this is Monica. Bill is on his way home”.

Have Another Hit…

I met a brother the other day. He was posing as a down and out homeless person. His domain for begging included the intersection of the Old Seward Highway and Dimond Boulevard, so traffic flow at this location is excellent, and paramount to survival when you must rely on others’ goodwill to survive. “Buddy can you spare a dime” was written all over his age-old smile. There was a smile! Anyway, this is a unique area of Anchorage, as there exists this massive American flag that overshadows everything below its territorial revival, sort of like an umbrella of protection. In fact, it takes one hell of a Chinook from the mountains to the oceans to get this flag to wave. And that is what bothered me. This guy was not a homeless person but a man without a country. He was a Vietnam veteran that served this country between 1967 and 1971. These years of that conflict included high casualties, agent orange abuse and other atrocities of a very unpopular war, like Nixon’s “Vietnamization”. I asked him what he thought of the Iraq war, he gave me the throat-cutting signal, a tear jerk came to his eye. He pointed to his head, saying it was going to be another case of brain-damaged soldiers coming home to nothing, as that is what happened to him and many others. Spare change it was. As he departed and tried to sell his situation to others bothered by his non-persistent attempt to enjoy what life, liberty and pursuit of happiness was still fueling his will to survive, I could see that this must be a grueling task - this means of everyday survival. The Vietnam War is over, but it still haunts us. I saw that today. Now this is a long-winded light, so there is plenty of time for those of us on the “other side of the fence” to find some spare change and get that Good Samaritan fuzzy feeling. And this turn lane is just the quick route to “Best Buy”, so giving up some “chump” change should not be a real bother “brother”! And look at the amount of money that flows into the coffers of those running for the presidency! And there are people starving on the streets of America. So why is Hillary running? Why is John McCain running? As for years they have run away from the real problems facing this nation. I have heard the same crap over and over again. Anyway, it looked as though it were a “Slim Pickens” kind of day on the beggar’s circuit. And it wasn’t too cold, so that should not have been an excuse to not open the window and accommodate this man’s wishes based upon his addiction to beg. I forgot, it is a misdemeanor to give in to beggars’ begging here in Anchorage. Over the years, the begging ranks have swelled here in Alaska’s “Big City”. And the business owners thought it hurt tourism business. I am sure that people visiting this state were appalled to see such a scene. This is Alaska! This is a state that has oil! This is a state that receives at least 3-times the amount of Federal welfare – earmarks – then any other state of the Union. This state even gives its residents a separate welfare check, from resource revenue. So laws were written to say beggars weren’t welcome, even the veterans. At first, the lawmen made it a crime to beg! That didn’t go over so well, as what rights to defend do the homeless have? And why fill up the jails with their likes. So the burden to stop giving handouts fell on the people who could afford to drive here, there and everywhere. It was all right when Floyd was begging all around this town. He was the guy that seemed to be everywhere, carrying a milk jug and giving up a dance when someone accommodated his wishes for “spare change”. So I broke the law. I called this guy back, even held up traffic as the light had changed. Boy, do people get irate when they see you breaking the law. Talk about rage! It was time to get back home where there existed protection away from the maddening crowd. When I arrived home, I felt proud that I had broken the law and gotten away with it, in efforts to help a brother in need. I liked breaking the law for this reason, as normally I am a law-abiding citizen. It felt good, as it seems some laws are made too indeed be broke. Just ask the politicians, especially the Alaskan crooks. I played with the fact that maybe a good “joint” would ease the pain of frustration to what we day-in and day-out see right here in America under the red, white and blue. Homeless people, disgruntled people and with the economy crashing all around us, just what has the leadership got us into? The war in Iraq is strangling us. George Bush is now as lame as ever and will move on to Crawford and write his memoirs and let somebody else figure out how to get us out of this mess. That thought of torching up a joint was becoming more of a habit revival craving then just a thought. And I had two ancient marijuana joints at my disposal, right here in front on me. See, we were downsizing and when we were going through some old correspondences, two reefer joints were found. They were a gift from my younger brother who is no longer with us, as he could not stand the Vietnam War era, being a peacenik. And you know what really gets me, is to hear my generation talk that the drug thing of the 60’s didn’t work! It stopped the WAR. It was basically the same thing back then. Wherein the leadership was afraid to admit they had screwed up. We didn’t take to arms, but to getting high and listening to Rock’n Roll. The leadership was afraid to act! See, screwing up may dismiss one from that two-term prize of a lifetime! This country is in a quagmire again today, as the leaderdhip cannot figure a way out of this mess. And with so much more restrictions by “Big Daddy” over the years, it would be good to bring back that era, to see if it could once again cause a disconnect and force the WAR to an end. But the laws will never allow it, as the Hoover mentality has also strangled our freedoms. But we have available to us “freedom tools”. It is time for all of us to open up that toolbox in efforts to rebuild what has deteriorated over the past years. So I have no problem sticking my freedoms on the line to call for an all American exercise of freedom wherein our 1st and 2nd Amendment Right, reserved for things getting out of control, utilized to protect Lady Liberty now and forever, Amen. We need to take the 1st along with the 2nd to heart and assemble then parade in force and begin a show-down throw-down against the Washington bureaucracy of greed, death and Constitutional derailments orchestrated by the Cheney mentality. I wanted to use the word “attack”, but that is not what a march upon the derelict in duty is all about. We just want righteousness restored wherein our voice, that of the poor to the hard working middle class, is heard above that of sleazebag lobbyist loyalists. No doubt, the lobbyist are trying to keep this war going and growing. WAR, it makes money for the war machine debutantes, CEO’s that make more money the more their companies bring in. These types are not true Americans! They represent the Ken Lays of a sick and secular society. We would be better off under a socialistic regime then a discriminatory regime wherein the rich get richer and the middle class joins the ranks of the poor. That is happening right here and now with energy cost strangulation. With such burdens upon the middle-class heroes, how can the poor ever realize that pursuit to happiness is not merely just a wet-dream. It is now time overdue to gather together and make it clear and convincing that we as Americans are sick and tired of corrupt politicians and we aim to take control of our destiny and the destiny of this once great country. We have that power and right under the Constitution to protect ourselves, to protect this great doctrine that is under attack by a leadership controlled by “Turn Coat” interests that have no interest in what you think but may have a change of heart with what we do! I’ll 2nd that! How precious this Constitution when the people have it at their disposal to right the wrongs of corrupt politics. Maybe we did learn something from the Vietnam War era, protest. It worked and we are experienced to do it again. Maybe that is what the 60’s were all about, the training grounds for what we have facing us today. This is not a call to anarchy, as that already exists within our own rank and file administration, as a government for the people and by the people does no longer exist. This is a call to freedom, as any diminishment of such is a government out of control. Our freedoms are eroding away like the coastlines due to global warming! Nature will fix that. We need to fix what was once ours – freedoms. It is time for Americans to show the world that we do indeed care about ourselves, and have the means, the willpower and courage to see it through to another day wherein that flag blows in the wind not from hot-bloat escaping away from the false doctrines of inept leadership, but from the sounds of freedom ringing out the voice of the people from those mountains to the prairies to the oceans to those intersections of dissent, dismay and disparity!

CopyRight 2008 – Dixie Productions/MSK Media/Eagle Rock Press
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