Friday, February 15, 2008


And we thought the Goring Bushwhacked 2000 Florida presidential election turned selection process was un-American. Seems the democrats are about to practice that eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth mentality, against themselves. No wonder the entire educated and un-educated world has a good laugh on us! Canadian war dodgers that left this country back in the 70’s are now at ease that they made the right decision. We are laughed upon by others, here, there and everywhere! And it is not a laugh aimed at the hard working class heroes of “this land is your land, this land is my land”, but a laugh upon our so-called leadership – George Bush and company along with the constipated Congress. I see it and I hear it in my travels. And how come both the democrat and republican parties continues to have a bag of tricks wherein they can haphazardly control our destiny? What is up with this “super delegates” bull-crap? As bonafide voters, we have to contend with scary scenarios like the Electoral College infringing upon our rights. We have to contend with the lopsided Supreme Court, again infringing upon our rights. We have to contend with a Congress bent on shredding the Constitution, infringing upon all of our rights. And now we have this “super-crap” to contend with! That is all this secret weapon is all about, the “super delegates”, pure unadulterated “crap”. It makes me sick and tired to hear that Bill Clinton is making phone calls to this select “super delegate” delegation in efforts to support Hillary’s bid to become the captain of the helm of the U.S.S. America. I would rather have Joe Hazzlewood at the helm. Sidebar: Information is beginning to surface that the 1989 Exxon Valdez wreck was sabotage and may have been instigated by members of Congress as a ways and means to perform a behind the scenes breakup of Exxon. They couldn’t get this giant corporation on anti-trust and Lee Raymond was good at the monopoly game – playing by the rules that came from Congress. So how else to destroy a powerful corporation that held an almighty infrastructure and had enough money to topple foreign governments? Turn the people against it! It is food for thought. Anyway, why doesn’t Bill go away and start doing something worthwhile for mankind? As a ways and means to get out of our hair and repent against his unorthodox ways of sabotaging the female image here in America. He is a whore. But he didn’t have sex! His ways and means to take advantage of the female race has set women back many years. Anyway, Hillary is not for change except to take away my spare change! And McCain, we will all be prisoners of war, as he has said that the Iraq war will be around for at least another 100-years or so. Just because he was supposedly a “POW”, it doesn’t mean us also. It is a sad time when only two parties rule and those still in control carry along baggage that stalemates this country’s freedom dreams. What this country needs now more then ever is an independent voice. But the rules and regulations - the ones made by themselves for themselves instead of by the people for the people - along with lobotomy style campaigning, it has cast a shadow of doubt that anything positive will soon happen and continues to look like more of the same coming our way. I hate to say it. I hate the word hate. But even though this country is ready for change, a “Big Change” and that a “Black Man” has risen from the ruins of a lost and somewhat deprived culture and made “Change” a true reality over just a sermon on a false mountain of hope, I feel that it will never be a reality. There exist factions of power alive and well right here on this “my” American soil that will derail such efforts. Like who? PNAC comes to mind. PNAC - a.k.a. Project for the New American Century - wherein destruction of non-democratic governments became a stubborn dream of the Doctor of Doom, this organization is not now posed or will ever be open to a “Black” President. If sabotage in the form of assassination is not already planned, then I stand corrected. But I really doubt it!This “Project” started Armageddon across the lands, orchestrated from this land America by the Rumsfelds, along with the Wolfowitzs and the Kristols and the Kagans and many more who are all in hiding. And when the smoke clears, they will come out of hiding and laugh. Destruction seems to placate their egos. But that smoke will never clear, it gets thicker and thicker each and everyday as the saboteurs like what they see and have the power, the money and a no-guilt attitude that they know what is right for “all” the people “all” of the time. This land was your land. This land was my land, now though it is but a failed country that is so constipated that “Change” is not an option. We have been hearing the same rhetoric over and over again. We are already prisoners of war, right here in America. The war has consumed our economic future. And any worthwhile candidate that sets out an agenda to not immediately stop this terrorist act of destruction, then we have not leaders amongst us but hypocrites. Obama, I wish you well in your endeavors to right the wrong of this existing democracy. I am ashamed that the constables of PNAC still enjoy freedom, as they should be in chains and not allowed to derail this country getting back on track to what our forefathers envisioned, freedom at last, for all, and a lasting freedom at that with no strings attached. There exist so many strings attached to government these days that is more like a protective spider’s web, keeping the voice of the people away. It blows in the wind but goes unheard! Yes it will indeed be a good day when the “militia” must hold a bake sale for tanks, and other means of destruction. And remember, “War is over if you want it”. Maybe that is what Obama is saying, a true prophet amongst us. If indeed the Neo-Assholes get their way and we see Obama become yet another victim in the King Memorial Brigade, then this country must revolt with a revolution that makes our radical forefathers proud that there is once again hope and the people have heard the call to safeguard this once great nation over criminal representation. So to the tired, the poor, the huddled masses yearning to breathe free, a revolution may be upon us. It is good, as revolution may clear the smoke of crooked government and constipation will become a thing of the stuck-up past. Obama, you have my vote. Hillary, go away. McCain, take that campaign money and buy a one-way ticket back to Vietnam, to see what destruction our efforts still awaken that country too each and every day, then maybe you will realize what it means to be a true prisoner of war!

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