Saturday, February 16, 2008

People for Pools

As I drive around here and there in the Big Wild Wife city of the north a bumper sticker that gains my attention more and more reads like this: “People for Pools”. At first I thought it was a printing press mistake, as a more appropriate bumper stain for this city and for the entire state would have been “People for Fools”. That is what Alaska is all about, foolish representation! The place wherein “only fools rush in” and soon cast aside ethics for pig legislation! Alaska is “pork” heaven. Pigs feed the addiction. “Pig” was in the past a pseudo-derogatory term for the police force - Pride, Integrity and Guts. Take away the integrity and you get an Alaskan politician that has indeed guts to screw thy fellow man! And pride to do it over and over again with a mile long smile. So forget the pools people, unless it is a pool of cesspool runith over water for baptizing the newly frustrated – corrupt politicians and their cohorts in crime. Like a wakeup call it would be! “Do you renounce corruption?” Frustrated, frustrated, oh so frustrated! Ok Brian Conoco, you are frustrated that a dame is about to say no more ripping off the citizens of Alaska. We have been frustrated for 30-plus years by now, with “Big Oil’s” shenanigans, so maybe it is time for the crooks to feel what it is like to be forever frustrated. 30-years is forever when the money laundering multiplier hits home. How much did “Big Oil” steal away? For years it was not a give and take relationship but a take, take more and take again mentality. So maybe now comes payback time. You can no longer have your cake and eat it all up too. It is time to play by the rules. If you don’t like the rules, pack your bags and head out. Anchorage may be the rape capital of the nation, but that doesn’t mean you can get away with resource rape also. Bottom line, Bill Allen is long gone away, so is Frank and hopefully soon signora to Ted and Don. Damn, maybe rape will be a thing of the past! Regardless, it will be a great and historic day when all the crocks are looking for work. “Sorry, felons not allowed on the premises”! MoanaLisa can hang out a little longer, as it is good to keep some entertainment around for good old time sake! Actually she can stay in office until she admits that the Penny land swindling deal was “bad”. I guess she learned the business end of things from her dad. There is an entirely different scene unfolding before us. It should have been this way all along. But the henhouse curator was sold a bad dream drug and the Fox was thirsty for the taste of rape. Anybody who believes that this state was not raped by “Big Oil”, then you are in denial, as rape is that kind of mind manipulating attacker. Another great bumper sticker seen in and around Anchorage: “POW, George Bush’s War!” and “Monica Lewinsky’s Ex-Boyfriend’s Wife FOR PRESIDENT”. Oh one other thing. Please George, wiretap my phone. Yes I believe that a revolution is near and dear to America. So I wish that when you are hanging out down in Crawford town that you would wiretap and have a good time listening in on an American conversation that may indicate frustration over what you have done to destroy the American dream. Do me another favor, next time you get to kiss Geronimo’s dead head when out at Yale’s Skull and Bones reunion, instead kiss Cheney’s ass. Please, give back the remains. It is a sin that a dead man’s skull remains the focal point for a group of degenerates. And you “no sir at all appropriate” have single handedly destroyed the great emancipator to the point that a revolution is in order. We have that right under the 2nd Amendment, as the people’s duly summoned militia when government is threatened by the Commander in Chief’s taking on the role of Commander in Thief’s. Maybe you think you have the power above and beyond to quell any coup d’etat, but you don’t. You are weak when it comes to leadership to the point that nobody wants to be part of your sinking ship of fools. Talk about “People for Fools”! PS, I would like to try water-boarding, after it was explained to me by an ex-military training officer the rules of engagement for this war crimes sport! Or maybe scar face painting, Dick Cheney style! America, by the people for the people? That was in the good old days, before the fools rushed in and raped the people’s will! Who gave you the authority to destroy “My” Constitution? You are a fool. So is your decrepit administration foolhardy. The history books will show the same, a ship of fools you commanded, on a collision course of mayhem! And believe me, God was not on your side, he told me so!

CopyRight 2008 – Dixie Productions/MSK Media/Eagle Rock Press
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