Monday, February 18, 2008

No Bragging Rights Here Beth!

Wow, is this Anchorage Daily Stool columnist for real? First, the only reason Ted is back here exists in the fact that Congress gets an entire week of “paid” vacation for “President’s Day”. It is exactly that, a “day” and how Congress has swindled 7-days out of this one day of respect is disrespectful for all the hard working Americans that don’t get the day off. I had to work! Bottom line, in my book and the book of ethic revelations, Ted is not welcome back here in the 49’er. He should retire along with Don out at the Coconut Grove. Now it is not so much the Allen House Follies or the fact that the FBI is spending what could be road repair money to investigate Ted and son, it is the fact that the huddled masses are sick and tired of the father and son shenanigans show - just go away and stay away! This state has become the laughed upon crapped upon state because of the corruption in politics. Look, Ted is under investigation. Don is under investigation. Both crocks are spending millions in legal fees as if they didn’t do anything wrong. Maybe that money wasted could be feeding and helping the needy. And MoanaLisa, she wants to torture people that didn’t vote for her. See, for years it was “pork” that threatened this state’s real voting personality. We were forced to vote and re-elect Ted and Don or else. You hear it all the time from the voters, the fact that these two scoundrels bring home the bacon, which aided and abetted our “true” voting desires. This is Alaska, the state with the greatest oil reserves. The state that pumps oil for export in tune to many Middle East countries! But we have succumbed to bribery and have become the biggest welfare state of the union – and we have oil? But the “pork” is becoming a thing of the past. So now it may be the threat of being considered an enemy combatant and being subject to water-boarding that sways the vote - as the “freebie” money tree is dying. We still have oil! I hope that some day soon the War Crimes Act takes the MoanaLisa’s down for the count. Hey, why did Ted vote against the torture? Talk about wasted money! According to reliable sources the resources that it is taking to make damn sure the Lawmen have all the right evidence in its efforts to indict those that caused this state to get crapped upon, it is mind-boggling. So bank robbers have gone crazy in this city. Really, as they know the FBI men are busy rummaging through Ted’s house and office and reams of campaign contribution kickbacks. Now I must respond to Beth’s column, as her response is just more of the same “crap”. According to her article in the Daily Stool, “He can weave earmarks into an omnibus appropriations bill better than anyone”. It was earmarks that placed Ted and Don into the investigative crosshairs! Earmarks are nothing but a seasoned thief’s tool of the trade. Nowhere in the Constitution, or found in the Amendments, is there permission to pull the wool over the American taxpayers and use this method of thievery. It is money secretly hidden away. Earmarks are for special interest only. In fact, earmarks have created more millionaires then any lottery or Publishers Clearing House giveaway. Earmarks suck, as they are not intended to be equitable but to buy favor. It is my hard earned money being spent by crooked representatives, no different then bank robbing. Gee, when they are not looking! So maybe street bank robbers and Treasury robbers are one in the same. Anyway, Ted acting like a kindergarten kid gone wild with a glue gun? Maybe he should spend some time reciting the “Kindergarten Creed”. “I will listen. I will obey. I will make good decisions. I will be good”. Hey America, we are sorry. Your rebate is in the mail!

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