Sunday, February 17, 2008

Cheap Creep Critic!

Why is it that a Virginian not so “slim” that lives some 4000 miles away from the 49’er can continue to be a thorn in the side of Big Oil here in Alaska? Alaskans get it from both ends. We get harassed by Big Oil and harassed by outsiders that should just mind their own damn business. But like pain and suffering that is endured long enough, one gets used to it. Ask any water-board survivor. “Cheap Creep Critic” Chucky Hamel - self made and condemned “Industry Watchdog” - has been teamed up with several congressmen for many years now, with one intention. That intention is to waste the taxpayers’ money for a self-imposed agenda of playing get “even with Stevens”. The congress guys that seemed to team up with Chuck’s early on attack plan were originally from Michigan and California. But George Miller must have decided it wasn’t worth it so now some guy named Rahall, probably from Mars, has taken up the vagrancy vacancy and worthless cause. Hey guys, isn’t there stuff in your own neighborhood that needs fixing? I honestly think that the only reason that John “Dingle-Berry” Dingle is concerned about Alaska oil safety is a sly way of getting even with Don Young. Look at the statistics. Don has been roaming the “rabid skunk” House chambers for many years during which time he was very successful at steering the “pork” rations this way at the rate of three times to what was taken in with income taxation. Talk about “Tilt”. Now John is not stupid but realizes that a state that has oil doesn’t need so much damn welfare. So I think this is Dingle’s way of getting even, through “Big Oil”. No I am not taking sides with the oil crooks. Just give to Caesar what is…. History discovers that Hamel was a failed oil broker who tried to break into the lucrative Alaska North Slope oil business. He failed. It was that David verses Goliath syndrome. So came a campaign that doesn’t stop, even today to get even. He runs a spy outfit that collects data from disgruntled workers and then starts a feeding frenzy attack upon the industry when most of the time the facts of the matter are missing in action. Why? Most of the time his allegations are ridiculous. But there exists a method to his madness. This is all speculation, but I challenge anybody to circumvent the truth with credible lullabies. Look, the EXXON Valdez wreck was not an accident but a planned attack of sabotage. The time was ripe for such an attack. Hamel had lost his battle against Exxon, with the brokerage litigation. He was no doubt disgruntled and angry. Other political big-time climbers, who had envisioned massive wealth by buying into Chuck’s dream not come true, they were also on the looses trail. And congress was bent on seeing to it that another SOHIO like power monger could never get so powerful as to be in competition with “government”. Hey, without a fuse in an electrical circuit, the light does not work. Without “fuel”, the military machine does not work! But it was too late and extrapolation into the future of EXXON’s revenues proved that Lee Raymond would have been able to buy the entire U.S., all before his retirement. But when a war started and the deficit took over, that buy out plan was put on the back burner, as the oil executives realized that a war meant resources - like jet fuel - in demand. It made EXXON much more valuable, as its worth in asset valuation when compared against the American deficit “money” system was astronomical. Hey, one man’s deficit is another man’s benefit! So take a moon beautiful night in Prince William’s Sound with calm seas – a rarity. Take the fact that somebody in the know realized that Alyeska’s oil-spill barge was out of commission for repairs – a rarity. Take the fact that somebody was spying on Joe Hazlewood as he left a watering hole in Valdez and headed back to take over the helm of the ship. Take the fact that the pilot that steers the tankers out of the “Narrows” saw no reason not to turn the helm over to Joe, which meant the now famous captain was not impaired. Take the fact that the Coast Guard was not monitoring the extended reach radar that would have shown “Tilt” when the ship hit Bligh Reef. Matter of fact, that system was mysteriously turned off! Take the fact that the first blood-alcohol test performed on Joe by a Fish & Game officer showed well below the limits of impairment. Take the fact that another test performed 6-hours later showed the same, but for reason of insanity, extrapolated to show a positive. Take the fact that the state’s local area “skumbag” environmentalist was ready and willing, camera and all, when the call came in about the wreck - at some ungodly early morning time. Hey, how often is your stuff ready to go at a moments notice, especially that video camera? Take the fact that this same “skumbag” - this so-called environmentalist - had no problem churning up the Mineral Creek watershed with a backhoe to supply his Kingdom Heights with road gravel. All without a permit! I was there and confronted him only to find a shotgun in my face! The sound of marine mussels getting crushed by the hoe’s weight was criminal. And take the fact that the navigational radar codes for the tankers had been compromised and access from a land-based site was a technical reality, manned by another disgruntled individual. It meant somebody could steer the oil-laden beast in any direction desired, right smack into Bligh Reef if so desired and the crew would have been blinded by the right! Would you like me to keep going with true unadulterated facts? No wonder EXXON is fighting all the way to the Supreme Court with the punitive damage lawsuit. Exxon is not stupid and realizes that it was not an accident, but it is not looking towards the public for sympathy, as that doesn’t make money. I would too challenge the punitive verdict! It is a crying shame that some 15-years after the wreck, it is still considered an accident. Bottom line, there exists enough evidence that indicates that the radar systems aboard the EXXON Valdez Tanker Vessel could have been compromised. It may have been out of revenge desperation from a single individual or it could have been a team effort. People hated Alaska’s “Big Oil”! Others were angered over lost opportunities and expensive litigation. Sure it was an accident waiting to happen according to Hamel and his predictions, but it didn’t happen by an accidental screwball screw-up, but most likely through something more serious - like maybe a premeditated crime of terrorism. But since everybody thinks differently, readily accepting the accident bit, it sheds credibility on some individuals who may one day be in need of a good lullaby. The TRUTH does hurt! So until death do us part, the critique will continue, as that may be the only unturned stone that continues to cover the truth of how and why the EXXON Valdez rammed into the reef, full steam ahead and way off-course!

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