Thursday, January 10, 2008

Who's On 1st?

Who the hell is running for the presidency? One would think that the election is just around the corner with all of the hoopla. Hey before I cast a vote, I want to enjoy some true Alaskan fishing - a.k.a. combat elbow to elbow style. Along with some midnight-sun days off and drink a few more beers. In fact, in my book it is still the holidays. My Christmas tree still lights the family room during the long days of darkness. So MERRY CHRISTMAS bigots! In fact, I might keep the tree up all year, and wish others MERRY CHRISTMAS all year long. Especially those that choose this “Happy Holiday” crap instead of the real McCoy. This “social correctness and acceptance” over a simple greeting has indeed started a Hatfield and McCoy ruckus. It is amazing what gets the people upset about these days. Now in actuality, we must get through winter, spring, summer and fall before the first voting precinct falls apart by that dreaded Delay disease! Really, this is what happened during the last two presidential elections when Tom Delay was still on the loose. He had this crud and was a carrier of such. And he knew all about it all of the time! In fact, Don Young - a.k.a. Coconut Grove Congressman - has been quoted as saying there was a “Rabid Skunk” in Congress, possibly carrying this same disease! It causes this disenfranchising effect wherein those that voted for the Democratic nominee found their voting district had disappeared, so their vote was disapproved and counted for the Republican nominee instead. It was weird, because the vote tally was accurate, except all votes going to the Republicans? OK, here in Alaska there exists only one real season – winter. About June comes along some semblance of a summer. This summer reunion – when Alaskans can laugh at tourists – is always interesting. Tourists have this love and hate relationship with the 49’er. They despise it when they are here, as price gouging is rampart and now downtown is nothing but a bunch of sweat-shop garbage outlets. And that place over behind the Peanut Farm, it smells like it was built on a “dump”. Why do so many Ravens hang out here? And what really gets to me is the complaints about never seeing any wildlife or the top of the “Big Mountain”! Hey, stay in Anchorage instead of spending a bunch of money to go up Denali way. It is just more of a rip-off as prices follow the exponential scale of sleaze the further one drives north. Here in the “Once Safe City” of Anchorage you will see bears roaming the downtown streets and as an added attraction, live rape action and shootings on 4th Avenue. If you are lucky, witness the Fish & Game biologist in a gangland drive-by shootout. This state used to be known for its basketball shootouts, not any more as the 2nd Amendment is alive and well up here. In fact it is legal for preachers to shoot churchgoers in the back. And your chances of seeing that “Big” mountaintop are much better from here then there. Now I must admit, if you are braving sightseeing as a pedestrian out and about the downtown area, “BE CAREFUL”, as some Alaskans like to target people who think they have a right to J-walk – or attempt to walk at all as obesity is out of control up here, so jealousy causes friction. See, this state is hoping to get approval for stomach removal surgery wherein Medicaid can be continuously ripped-off by Doctors of No-Ethics. That’s yours and my money to begin with. After that approval, wherein the hospitals will also make out like bandits, is it easy to classify “Obesity” as a handicap. So the few parking spots that are not painted “blue” will be a thing of the past. Another thing tourists can complain about, as this downtown has no parking at all. So who is really on 1st? I do believe the aspiring candidates are Chris Matthews, Tucker Carlson and Joe Scarborough for the Democrats and Sean Hannity for the Republicans. Where the hell is Miss Dracula - a.k.a. Ann Coulter - during all this uproar? Talk about bashing. Don’t these guys have anything better to do then bash thy fellow man and woman, day in and day out? I think Ritalin is in order, taken with prune juice. I am a little perplexed, as John Lennon sang out that, “Woman is the nigger of the world”. Hey, just look around you, it seems as though bringing up the idea that Hillary won the “Live Free or Die” state demonstration was due to the fact that it was the race card out in full force. See, these guys can’t believe that they were so far off base and were bluffed, by the people for the people! This foray over what went “wrong” made the pollsters look as crocked or inaccurate as Diehard voting machines. Hey get a grip guys, as nothing went wrong! When you start questioning the people’s vote, after-the-fact like you have it all figured out with statistics and employing a bunch of voodoo scientist, then “Mission Control”, we do indeed have a problem. As a mater of fact in equality, we should do a day after poll targeting the pundits, to see just how screwed up their thinking was. No doubt, they have center stage days before and days after so there is indeed an influence. With the 1st Amendment Right continuously stolen away by broadcast ownership, like our system of governance weakened by a Kingpin instead of a bonafide president, there is no independent “Lens”, just more of the same stale regurgitated crap. I honestly believe that they all got it wrong this time around because the people are sick and tired of how these newshounds try to influence, try to make fake predictions and try to also ruin our lives. Like anything else, they allow their own opinions to muddy the waters. We don’t want your opinions on issues of importance. It seems as though it is but another failure with Democracy. On the political scene, it is the failed Republicans verses the even more failed Democratic party. Of course it is a failed system, as even though the majority vote is in the Democrat’s favor, this party is still out of control and the minority runs all over the opponents when any meaningful legislation is entertained. There is something wrong with this picture and the only remedy is to have a “Third Party” enter the scene, to act as a referee. On the broadcast end of the spectrum, it is either the FOX network or MSNBC. Public radio and public TV is almost a thing of the past. The latter is for the most part an unbiased opinion, giving equal time and coverage to both parties, but since it is just that, it cannot survive on its own accord so should receive government funding. It did at one time, but some in power went afraid of the unbiased, accurate and truth of the matter opinion emanating free-for-all over the airwaves so the funding was cut off. It is on its last leg. Anyway, there is a whole lot of time left before we must once again be prepared for more political shenanigans that will once again make the present day voting system a shameful situation. Sure it will be more of the same. Just the other day the government released an official finding on what happened during the 2004 elections, wherein this “Disenfranchising” disease took hold. The government acknowledged that the accuracy of the “vote” was in question and it would never be realized what actually transpired from behind the voting booths. This is America! This is the democracy model nation for the world, and we have lost touch with one of our basic rights, the VOTE. We must start over. It seems this country, through our current state of political affairs, has failed the kindergarten creed. Back to Alaska as polar bears have been acting very strange. So have wolves. So has Lesil. So has Carl Marrs. And yes Mrs. Vogue Mature, the polar bears need protection, so do the wolves. That is a no brain validation. And I do believe that Lesil and Carl need help! Goes to show that maybe the people of this state were infected with that voting disease, as we thought we were voting for a genuine leader, but it seems now though that “Big Oil” - even when instrumental in making this state the most corrupt with respect to politics - has once again made it clear and convincing that they are crybabies with an addiction. And their pacifier seems to be our very own Vogue Centerfold! Gag me with a spoon as the saying goes. I guess local politics is still something that brings the best medicine, “Laughter”, all year long! And Carl Marr’s, get a grip on reality. “Pork” has been the addictive ruin of this state. We had the chance to do it right many times. But for a supposedly business guru guy like yourself to say we still need “pork” because we are still behind is nothing short of a “mission un-accomplished” statement. We have crooks at the helm, so in no way shape or form has government “pork” helped this state out. If one looks at the zillions that has come this way via earmarks and pork-chops, we have very little to show for the payoff. As it was just that, a big payoff to lucrative contractors with CEO’s paid way too much. How come we are still using the “Honey Bucket”? Look at our dilapidated road system. And just look at the upcoming statistics with respect to the job market? We failed at using the taxpayers’ money to design and upkeep a sustainable infrastructure. We failed, as we can’t even keep a dairy afloat. We can’t even keep the painted traffic lines on the roads good for one season. It all boils down to “Greed”. We had the chance. But our leaders, our business leaders like yourself, just didn’t know how to do it right as you all thought that Mr. Ted and Mr. Don were infallible and the freebies would never end. It is about to dry up, not by Mrs. Vogue Mature’s actions alone, but because of our own selfishness and through the inaction of a few politicians who should have retired a long, long time ago. This state will never again find such an opportunity. We blew it. You must not be that blind to realize this. Maybe I am wrong with my take, but I can play pundit and try to fool some of the people some of the time! “Fool’s Gold”, now that is a great state motto!

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