Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Imposter In Our Midst

How much does a present day U.S. Senator pay himself? I was about to say “or herself” also, but Hillary has been missing from the scene for a long, long time with her bid to make America the laughing stock nation supposedly still under the influence of democracy. Democracy crated about 8-years ago when the Supreme Court selected Mad George as the president. So, how does Hillary do it? Where does she find the time to do this extracurricular activity and at the same time hold down a job and be a wife? Does she use sick time or vacation time? I would think the latter is not so, as Congress seems to always be on vacation. And how much is it costing us righteous hard working citizens to provide escort service to Hillary – courtesy the Treasury department that continues to hold a lien on my paycheck, and yours’ also. I came up with a bright idea. The taxman should not take any more money then what is necessary to provide a strong and able-bodied militia. Aftermath, if Sam needs money then he should apply to the citizens for a loan, from individuals. Think about it. It would drastically cut down un-necessary spending and pork addiction would be a thing of the past. Talk about investing in America! Now this would thrill many of us, as finally Alaska could commit to electing responsible representation and then maybe nepotism could be outlawed. See, since Alaska is the biggest of welfare states, we must re-elect crocks and daughters of crocks in efforts to keep the addiction satisfied. OK, I meant Hillary’s security detail costs - before I went sidetracked - as she was once upon a time the second lady. I am not wrong with this assessment, as Monica was the real 1st lady when Bill was the president and admitted in a state of the union address in front of men, women and “our” kids that he didn’t have sex. All the kids laughed. Now that escort thing may hold true for Bill, while he is out on the road with Hillary. I am sure Hillary is way too tired to have sex with Bill, so maybe the escorts are required. And can you imagine a sex party in one of those “Campaign Motor Homes”. Somebody told me that a majority of these in use right now in New Hampshire were once the property of FEMA, declared surplus and sold cheap to a lobbyist who then sold these houses on wheels for a wheel of a deal, to the campaigners. Do we pay for this shelter on wheels also? I once talked to a bunch of FEMA guys, out assessing damage from a little too much rain in rural N.Y. They had driven into the city from the damage site and were staying at a hotel. See, even though the FEMA Motor Homes come equipped with a queen size bed and a modern kitchen with satellite TV and high-speed Internet and an office with government issued laptops, the guys that assess the damage for a living after retirement are also provided with a U.S. Credit Card! So they get to stay at hotels, drink beer and surf the “uncensored” Internet in the privacy of their hotel room and the further away they are from the damage, it is better as they get paid “Travel Pay”. Two beds, when there are many “bedless” Americans! Some victims of Katrina. Now back to this preferential treatment escort stuff. And there is no accountability with respect to ethics with this price tag for extracurricular “crap”. I am sick and tired of the way money is stolen from me then used for “crap”, senate approved “crap”. Ok, so Hillary and the rest of the bums on K Street garnish from us a whopping 165-thousand dollars for 120-days work. Damn, I get a third of that take-home and work 240-days a year. No wonder most Americans despise our representatives. Does MoanaLisa get that? She has been in that job for only a few years. No way in hell should she be taking in that kind of salary for a beginner. Isn’t there a trial period? Can we get our money back? She has been a complete failure, just as bad as her dad. How many more years? Her only experience was that of a nepotismaniac. Now there is another interesting concept, getting our money’s worth or back if need be the case. As a two-income family, I don’t even make close to that senate take-home pay and I work in the oil industry and my wife is a teacher. God forbid having to do double-duty at a Wal-Mart to keep up with the Clintons! How can people afford it, or put up with it when all around us the crocks are in control. Now, in order for this guy to get a pay raise, I must have some boss provide a performance appraisal. If I meet expectations, I would most likely receive the norm, which amounts to a cost of living increase - say 3%. If I walk on water or have pictures of the boss taking advantage of young girls from Thailand, then maybe a 5% raise would be in order. Below the grade, forget it, as without a cost of living increase the wife and kids think of abandonment and I am automatically in the hole some more. So it is really writing on the wall to look for another job. Anyway enough on Hillary. I want to get onward to a more pressing subject and change the chatter towards some guy named George Mitchell. He was at one time a senator, now in retirement. It goes to show that we pay these crocks way too much, as they should enjoy retirement and leave us all alone. Now this guy has single handedly started a vendetta against the greatest American pastime, Babe Ruth’s baseball. So his current actions must be a carryover from his days getting chased around the House’s podium. Hey, you guys and gals that roam the halls of Congress get away with all kinds of misfit adventures, like calling a colleague a “Rabid Skunk”. And ethics? It is a joke in your line of work. Now I stopped watching baseball when Pete Rose was lambasted, for betting on the sport. Regardless of his addictions, or pastime, he was still one of the greatest ball players around. In fact, I won’t visit the Baseball Hall of Fame, for the singular reason that Pete has been banned from being part of that glamour. This guy is an American hero. In comparison, there exists no not one even close hero in Congress. Fact of the matter, I wouldn’t even think of visiting the U.S. Congress, as I am afraid what ethics I have left would be stolen away. So this not-to-great guy Mitchell, just what the hell is he trying to prove? That he is a terrorist in disguise of an American? In my book, to waste taxpayer money and time to investigate the Big League, what is it good for? Like WAR, absolutely nothing! If these men want to suck away steroids and have a third ear growing from out of their groins, so be it. We should not get involved, as it is a private industry that has so far provided entertainment for cheap. You are ruining America Mr. Mitch, so go away. Find something that needs fixing, like how come rape is so bad in Alaska? Our own senators can’t seem to get a grip on the situation and provide meaningful assistance, so maybe you can change your focus and do something for humanity, besides ruining the careers of individuals and ruining what made America great. You must have “terrorist” DNA in your bloodline to continue doing what you feel is righteous when it is far from that. It is a sin against the many fathers that made that pilgrimage to Fenway Park with their kids, a family time out, when it was all the hard working Irishmen could afford, the only yearly vacation in efforts to show the fortunate kids what America was all about. It is what I remembered from my youth. You are ruining it for us. You are ruining it for my dad, who defended this country. Did you ever have to put on a uniform? So what about breast cancer instead of your personal vendetta against baseball because you failed at sports and as a senator? There should be a moratorium on you and others wasting time and wasting money and a moratorium on Ted Stevens and Don Young “Pork”, until things like breast cancer and “bedless” poverty - right here in America - becomes a thing of the past. I am appalled at this guy George’s continued efforts to accomplish nothing. Take the other George’s advice, call your vendetta a “mission accomplished”, regardless of how much pain and suffering it has already commenced upon others. Remember, pain and suffering is against the Constitution. Now like mentioned beforehand, go away imposter. Better yet, take in a baseball game, to see what life is all about! Then maybe you can say the Pledge of Allegiance without a forked tongue muddling the true meaning and learn to leave well enough alone. And why not try to get even a teensy-weensy bit of ethics back into your own game? To bad the people no longer have the power to harness guys like yourself, just like you continue to harness the Big League. It is a sad state of affairs when things like this involves a sitting Congress that was designed for other reasons, to be the people’s voice. There is not a single American out there that is dead set on ruining America’s baseball image, but you sir, want it your way. Which is definitely the “Wrong Way”. Please, go away and apologize for your so far destructive ways and means, including your time in office on my buck.

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