Sunday, January 20, 2008

Truth Hurts!

Truth Hurts! We Are Victimized?
OK, the truth seems to be coming out slowly but surely over time. But it is way overdue, this truth stuff. So who out there had nothing better to do this past Sunday then find entrainment once again courtesy the Daily Stool? Actually it should be re-named the Anchorage Daily Stool for Fools. That is what happens when there is no competition with what comes off the printing press. We would be better off reading MAD magazine in efforts to get up to speed with current issues of interest. As this magazine provides a roadmap into the “how and why” of Alaska’s political scene. And next month, it’s “Vogue”. This state’s bureaucracy must follow Alfred’s philosophy on “How to run government with a house full of fools”. And let us face the facts, that a one-paper town is an unsafe town. It’s un-Constitutional! We have let our defenses wither. Hey, does Bill Sheffield still have a nosebleed? The damn train depot out at Ted Stevens’ International pirate ship must be closed for a reason. Wow, I just returned home from outside. Seems Anchorage has taken a turn for the worse in its contention for top honors in the “unsafe” cities category. And what is with this “Trade-Mark” crap over the “Big Wild Life”? Who in their right mind would use this slogan if there exists a possibility of ownership “infringement”? BIG WILD LIFE, BIG WILD LIFE. I hope the bastard company making money over this crap has its law firm send me a cease and desist order. BIG WILD LIFE, BIG WILD LIFE. This crap is probably making outsiders rich. Really, somebody is getting a royalty for this slogan’s usage! What a scam. Why not do as other normal cities do. Have a slogan contest for the 3rd grade kids around town and give the winner an all expense paid trip to Juneau, or McDonald’s – the parent’s choice. I bet the burgers win out! Can’t we do something by ourselves without getting screwed, once again? Maybe “Bent Over” should be this state’s motto. But the “Corrupt Bastards” motto is still the envy of other corrupt states run by the Mafioso. And Alaskan lawyers are even smarter nowadays, as they have taken a new approach to do as little as possible for the most income. That’s like a self-inflicted raise. See, they used to have to perform something in efforts to make money. Nowadays they get money from this state to lobby, for those “Bridges to Nowhere”. Really, we are fools when we put trust in a law firm to look after this state’s best interests, as lobbyists. It is just a game of wine, dine, deny ethics exists and follow the Larry Craig code of bathroom etiquette. And this Eastaugh outfit that is reeling in the dough for a lobotomy contract - I meant lobbying - isn’t Eastaugh a superior Court Judge here in Alaska? Something is really wrong with this picture? Of course, this could be expected for this state with respect to such a fool hardy spending spree. Save for a rainy day? Anyway, many others and I care about what happens to this state, as we have been telling you and warning you all over and over again. And one day, acquittals will come to those of us that cared. So there came a long-winded “Stool” article about the state’s interest in having an outfit build a natural gas pipeline south. In the article, besides all of the crap that isn’t expected to be understood by anyone because it is just that - a smokescreen to confuse - there was a smidgeon of evidence that the people of this state have been run over by a run-away train with “Big Oil” at the throttle. Hidden away in the print came this mind-boggling few words. “Unless no one else will do it, TransCanada says it won’t build or run the gas treatment plant, an enormous North Slope factory for stripping liquids and carbon dioxide out of the gas before it goes into the pipeline”. Carbon what? See, this is indeed what has happened over time. “Big Oil” utilized and continues to this day to pollute “OUR” natural gas. Yes “OURS”! It is the lease-holders’ resource by virtue of a lease agreement, but in actuality the gas belongs to the “citizens” of this state, you and me buddy! So when you hear that the natural gas belongs to the “oil companies”, think twice. Don’t believe me? Well the Supreme Court has made it clear and convincing that eminent domain is a government tool, meaning this state could take back the leases if “Big Crybaby Oil” cries too much. Or if “Big Oil” has jeopardized that resource to the detriment of the people’s economy. See, over time – like 30-years by now – that natural gas has allowed “Big Oil” to produce just that “oil”, the “black gold” of resources. And in that effort to extract as much of the black “goo” out of the ground, all kinds of scientific madness - with names like “tertiary recovery” - have been utilized. It is physics and chemistry at work, gainfully employing the minds of our brightest scientists. But over time, the gas that is used and re-used, it has become polluted with “carbon dioxide” and other weird constituents. What that does is this. If you take a can and fill it with natural gas, it has a certain BTU value, the amount it takes to boil water. With contaminated gas - like the introduction of carbon dioxide - the BTU value decreases, as the other crap takes ownership of the can by volume brawling. Carbon dioxide is a byproduct of this “tertiary recovery” game. So the gas becomes a lower grade energy source. Which means it is crap. So one must take the crap out before it is transported. Why? Because a company like TransCanada doesn’t make money moving crap down a pipeline. So who’s responsibility is it, that this gas has been used and contaminated to the point something must be done? Bottom line, “OUR” gas has been manipulated to a lower value at the same time it has enhanced the oil recovery and throughput. It is solely one entities responsibility, “Big Oil”. Now you thought the Native Claims Settlement Act was complicated, which delayed the construction of the Trans-Alaska-Pipeline by 10-years until it was settled. So before natural gas will move out of Alaska, the contamination problem will have to be ironed out. No way in hell will “Big Oil” take responsibility and offer to build a 6-billion dollar plant to rid “OUR” natural gas of the “THEIR” carbon dioxide. See, it makes the gas less valuable, that is why there is no way in hell that an outside interest will be able to build a natural gas pipeline, not unless the cleaning fees can be tied to a transport tariff. That hurts US! It is double jeopardy. If that is the case, every righteous citizen in this state should protest. See, “Big Oil” contaminated the gas for greed. Now they want to introduce greed back again into the equation. If they get their way, sure a pipeline will be built, but we will pay for it over and over again, through a ridiculous tariff, just like the oil pipeline. An increase in the tariff hurts this state’s bottom line, as we must pay the fee out to get “OUR” share of the energy out to the markets. So a higher tariff means less income for the state treasury. Basically, we got screwed with the oil and we will get screwed with the gas. Then what? It is time that we take control over this mess. Write your representative - excluding Kevin Myers - and make it clear that the natural gas in the North Slope formation that has been contaminated through “tertiary recovery” shall be re-conditioned back to its original composition, at the lease-holders’ expense! Then we can talk about a natural gas pipeline that is worth it.

CopyRight 2008 – Dixie Productions/MSK Media/Eagle Rock Press
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