Sunday, January 13, 2008

"ALASKA Grown" Crooks

The state has pulled another fast one, by claiming privileges with respect to the use of the “Alaska Grown” slogan. It happened before with the “Alaska Made” slogan. And the problem that stems from this so-called “Trademark” that can no longer be infringed upon is the fact that in order to use it, one must pay a “user’s” fee. That is why we very seldom see the “Alaska Made” trademark any longer on products. Got Milk? The one that looks as though a polar bear is taking a dump! Hey, businessmen aren’t stupid. What profit increase does a measly slogan bring? Probably not worth the time and effort. And if you look at the “crap” that is sold along 4th Avenue during the tourist trade season, maybe the use of this slogan is no longer valid as most of the “crap” comes from China. Whatever happened to this state? But I can see the point, with this eminent domain theory to take ownership of the “Alaska Grown” slogan, as it may be important in the near future. In fact, the “State” judge that ruled in favor of the “State” placed a gag order on its use, to those who had already taken advantage of it. The threatening gag order, against some group that makes quilts, specifies that “threatening, intimidating, harassing, coercing, or otherwise interfering with the Alaskan Grown slogan” shall not be tolerated. So this is serious business against these little old ladies that sit around making quilts for the needy! But like mentioned before, getting a grip on ownership of this slogan is important. See, we have a handful of “Alaska Grown” crooks. In fact, an entire club of our own, all “Alaskan Grown”. And we have a bunch of Alaska Grown “crybaby” oil companies. And wow an “Alaskan Grown” centerfold, “Mrs. Vogue Mature”. I guess because there wasn’t much that fell under the “Alaska Made” category the Juneauites found another way to make their existence look important in efforts to keep the “capital of crookedness” away from mainstream Alaska. I truly wish that the capital had moved to methamphetamine central when we had the chance. Or at least moved to Cheelyville. OK, so this morning after retrieving the Daily Stool it was realized that I had clap. With my hands that is, now that Mrs. Vogue Mature has rejected Conoco’s gas pipeline bid. Dear Mr. Bowels, it’s the plan that didn’t work! It was stupidity at its max. “You can fool some of the people some of the time but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time” should ring a bell. Of course, you probably weren’t a Bob Dylan fan in your youth. Your company’s ridiculous proposal should have been rejected when it showed up instead of some bureaucrat saying it was still being considered even though the title of the proposal was “Alaskan Style Rape – Do Me Again”. Talk about crooks. I see where another one of Ted & Don’s career moves has caused the crooks to demonstrate that they watch these two guys like a hawk. For opportunities beyond and above. Let’s face it, the crooks reconfigured Ted’s house down in Girdwood while he was away. Weird crooks, as they didn’t steal from his house just provided stuff! It seems as though everything these guys do or touch costs the taxpayers more money. It goes to show that term limits is needed badly. See, these two misfits have no idea what it is like to work for a living wage these days. They have no idea that even though wages have gone up, it still affects the bottom line because medical insurance has also escalated. And I am healthy, so my deductible has increased, even for a Band-aid, so I never get to enjoy my insurance provider paying for anything – except for the paper and stamp that says, sorry payment rejected you haven’t met your deductible! May as well get unhealthy and join the ranks of the obese, as that is becoming the majority here in “Alaska Grown” country. Anyway, seems as though ex-American John Ashcroft has taken hold of a scam started by our very own Hulk - a.k.a. Ted “Veco” Stevens- and the Rabid Skunk Hunter – a.k.a. Don “Billy Goat” Young. See, Ted & Don were instrumental in getting this “no bid” bullshit rammed down our throats, deep style. So the crooks saw a lucrative opportunity to make it grow like a cancer. Nowadays, after retiring from Uncle Sam, John’s consulting company is making millions using the “no bid” policy that has infiltrated the Treasury. And where is it coming from, the Justice Department with respect to the way that government entity gives out contracts. This “no bid” garbage was just that, pure unadulterated garbage. It is nothing short of preferential “good buddy” theft upon the unwilling taxpayers. Here it is in a nutshell. You are a contractor that has been doing business with the government for eons. It started out when ethics and accountability was still something that American politicians were aware of. So your dad’s company grew over the years as did government grow. And because your family company did a good job, it was awarded the contract year after year through the bidding process. It was something your dad worked hard for so the award was justified success – the good old American way. Now comes the Ted and Don showdown. They are upset because they cannot get some of their buddy companies on the lucrative government giveaway contract’s bandwagon, due lack of everything. So they change the bidding rules and regulations so their buddies get the contracts, regardless if they have the infrastructure or not. It is theirs for the asking. It is basically a corporation with a name and no workers that sees an opportunity to make some money for its shareholders. So they don’t have to prove anything upfront, like would normally be required in a normal bidding process, like assets, manpower and performance on similar contracts. Yes sir, Ted & Don started it all and the Americans well get to finish it, by paying out big-time so somebody can make a profit. So the outfit that is awarded the contract must go to your company in efforts to get the required everything to get the job done. The “No Bid” rats make you an offer to do the job you used to do. But you are at a disadvantage, so you give in. See, the buddy company awarded the contract wants you to do the job for less. You have to give in but you must lower the workers’ wages. All in all, the government spends the same amount of money to get the job done with the side effects that the buddy company makes a profit on your hard work and at the same time your company’s profits go down along with the workers’ wages. Workers that have been loyal for a long, long time. And since you don’t have direct contract work, you are considered a subcontractor, which means your insurance premiums increase, so does your liability. It sucks. You got screwed and some “buddy” made out like a bandit. And this “no bid” preferential who’s your daddy rip-off is what John Ashcroft is taking advantage of. You can’t blame him, as he and other law department personnel were in the right position at the right time and saw Ted’s writing on the walls of Congress and other places frequented by Larry Craig. It is truly un-American to what these opportunist resort too, at our expense. How can a guy like Ashcroft take advantage of something like this? It seems to be a lost cause. The money that is wasted to keep this machine running on empty is mind-boggling to say the least. At least if the scoundrels realized that they are raping their own then maybe they would take a second chance look at their actions, or inactions in a lot of cases. Then again, maybe they are used to abusing others when power is theirs to enjoy. The bottom line, Ted & Don have created a Frankenstein monster ways and means to rip-off Americans when at the same time they stay in favor with the crooked lobbyist who will take care of their own when America is dry of ethics, and almost dried and tried of patience! We are controlled by this monster of the Hill, so remember the words of the prophet John Lennon:

A working class hero is something to be.
There’s room at the top they are telling you still.
But first you must learn how to smile as you kill,
If you want to be like the folks on the Hill.
A working class hero is something to be.
If you want to be a hero well just follow me.

CopyRight 2008 – Dixie Productions/MSK Media/Eagle Rock Press
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