Saturday, December 22, 2007

Scary Scenario

Scary Scenario
Wow, this is really disturbing. And it just goes to show that ethics and common sense - maybe lack of both - have been instrumental in dwindling away some more of our Constitutional righteousness. POWER to the PEOPLE is becoming a John Lennon song of the past. It is becoming a sad fact of the matter joke. What I am getting at is the fact that educated individuals still have trouble performing simple math. Actually, it has nothing to do with “I am not smarter then a 5th grader”. With modern data entry formats and fancy spreadsheets that take the mundane boredom away in efforts to streamline entering large numbers of essential data - like public office election vote results - and programmed to minimize mistakes, accuracy is almost a guarantee. So how come after 3-years the 2004 Alaska Senate race is still unknown? That involved the race between MoanaLisa Murkowski and AARP member Tony Knowles. Why in hell did it take so long for the results to be made public? And why did the Alaska Democratic Party have to sue this state’s very own Division of Elections to get such results? In efforts to see just what the hell went wrong back on November 2nd, 2004. Could it be that the 5th graders running the election were trying to hide something? This state needs more jails, as corruption is rampant like rabies, just like a “Rabid Skunk”. Even Don Young is in agreement about skunks on the loose. I guess it is a big problem down in Florida. I wish we had Don as our congressman, as he takes good care of the Floridians addicted to coconut schnapps. Now for those “Alaskans Left Behind”, the Constitution of Alaska guarantees not only a “Right to Privacy”, but also guarantees an “Open Record” statute, basically nothing is secret if it is of public interest. “Big Oil” changed that. So this state, which at one time held an almighty Constitution by the people and for the people, well it is a sad day now that it is “officially” undetermined as to who is really our Senator and supposed to be representing us in Washington. How come there exists not one able bodied person of power challenging this debacle? Do we have a governor? Do we have a political police force that is supposed to secure our rights? With the word coming down from the high court, how come nothing is happening? Maybe because Miss Vogue is more concerned about her wardrobe and posing for Mad Magazine. We have a system out of control here people! Bottom-line, we need to have another election and during the interim, MoanaLisa should step aside until an accurate tally represents the will of the people. She can practice real-estate rip-offs during the recess. So why was the “Open Record” policy hijacked by this entity that is part of the state? Now you don’t have to read on, but even a superior court judge made it clear and convincing that something was not up-and-up during this election with respect to how the Division broadcast return results. See, the media relies on the election results to give out minute-to-minute updates, as many people rely on the fact that they like to pick a winner. So why in hell was it that MoanaLisa’s vote tally went inflated during the early voting turnouts across the state? Inflated by a factor of exactly 1.5 over Tony’s vote tally. So as the results came into election central, for every vote cast for MoanaLisa, the digital tally indicated that she was gaining ground and outpacing Tony, all on a false and manipulated premise. This is hypocrisy. This is near Communistic. This is blasphemy. It is the most critical time to “LIE”. And to have this 1.5 adjusting factor, it smells of Republican crap. See, a factor of 2 would have raised a red-flag and maybe alarmed the authorities that something was wrong, as the people can’t be fooled all of the time. So somebody carefully manipulated the results, not so out of control but enough to have an effect on the end results. Now the Division of Elections admits the results were reported to the public in a “confusing” way. Sure it was confusing, as that was the intent. Confuse the general voting public in a way that it favors MoanaLisa! Confuse early on and one can almost calculate the outcome. So like monkey-see and monkey-do, the voters reinforced the fake results. It was a fixed race, that is the only reason that the Division has been playing “Hardball” with the “PEOPLE”. I don’t care if it is the Alaska Democratic Party or the Pa-Pa Pilgrim Party, we need to know who is this state’s truly elected SENATOR. We all realize that MoanaLisa held an advantage, being the incumbent, but the nepotism scandal most likely erased that handicap. So now, almost 3-years after the fact, we realize that there was something rotten going on over at the Division of Elections’ headquarters. And this state already has enough political corruption that we can use some more, so it is time to revolt against this corruption. In closing, I reiterate the judge’s response to the outcome of the Alaska Democratic Party suing the Division of Elections: “the system as it existed prior to this litigation, failed to provide sufficient means of confirming the accuracy of the results”. With this remark, the PEOPLE of this state should be practicing their 1st and 2nd Amendment Rights, as the system has been hijacked by Corrupt Bastards once again. So I have sent the following letter to the Division of Elections and also to MoanaLisa, asking her to step aside until another election can be scheduled. She is in that power position that can make a difference and call for another election. If she doesn’t then it is for one and only one reason, she knows the truth - that the election was manipulated to her advantage proving that nepotism is a high crime of treason against the Constitution, a crime against the PEOPLE!

Dear MoanaLisa;
With respect to the Senate race of 2004, I feel that it is time to look at the possibility that illegal activities favored your outcome. I am an average AMERICAN that likes to win. So when I saw the news media broadcasting the early returns the evening of November 2nd, 2004, I cast my vote for you. But it was based on false premise and with this in mind I now retract such vote. I reserve that option when it is known that illegal activities of confusion may have tainted the election results. It is now known that those early return results were inflated, giving you an inflated winning position over your opponent Mr. Tony Knowles. I voted for you based on these results broadcast by the media and taken from the Division of Elections, a state entity that is supposed to provide an unbiased forecast, which has come under the state’s superior courts consideration and condemnation. In fact, the outcome of this election is questionable by the superior court’s own findings. I believe that the confusion factor was purposely administrated. Had the results been accurate and not manipulated by a factor of 1.5 in your favor and showed that in actuality that it was a much closer race, I may have voted differently. See, I am a hard working class AMERICAN with a family. It takes two incomes to support my family and make payments on our double-wide that sits over on Brayton Drive. In fact, my husband delivers pizza on the side just to cover the high costs of natural gas. Did Ben have anything to do with that inflated price fixing? Sorry, we just wonder a lot these days, with the Corrupt Bastards still out on the loose. See, I do not have the time and energy to follow the political landscape. I vote based on what other people feel is right, as maybe they have the time and energy to follow the issues. So I am asking you to take a recess, if you are not already on a recess, and step aside until the state can hold another credible election that can accurately validate a majority winner. If you hold off and come up with some kind of lame excuse that this is not necessary, just like your excuse over the Kenai River land dealings, I have lost faith in you to represent this state. Holding off may mean that you are guilty yourself of this scammed election. So please, step aside and allow another election to be held. In fact, before stepping down, use your Congressional clout to force majeure such an election upon us. You owe it to the people and America to set things right. Please, do not say no to this demand, as that would place you in the same category as Ted and Don. With the FBI and IRS agents still hanging around in droves here in the 49th state, maybe they can be employed to secure the results of this new election to make sure that the vote of the people is heard free and clear of corruptional influence.
Respectfully Submitted: Pam MaGee

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