Monday, December 24, 2007

High Blood Pressure

High Blood Pressure
It is Christmas Eve morning, so why must we be bothered with “crap”. I am talking about Ted and Don using the “tidings of comfort and joy” occasion to justify their corrupt ways and means. See, it is a day wherein everybody should be in a good mood, so maybe they plan on using this time to crawl up each listening individual’s ass. Talk about a hemorrhoid! Now, according to the Anchorage Daily Stool, Don is adamant that “I listen and I provide. That’s what I’m elected for. You show me a congressman who says I’m not going to have any earmarks and I’m not going to listen and I’m not going to provide and I’ll show you a short-timer”. Hey Don, maybe you have been too busy running away from “Rabid Skunks”, but isn’t that what most honest Americans are after, “TERM LIMITS”? Or a “Short-Timer”? A short-timer would not amass Hulk like power as a means to earmark the hell out of my pocket book. Then Don, you get diarrhea of the mouth, “People think their taxes go up and that spending gets bloated. If the money wasn’t earmarked for the state, it would be spent somewhere else”. Don, if the money isn’t spent foolishly then maybe it means you are stealing away too much of my hard earned payola. If it isn’t needed, it is a surplus. You make energy companies give back rebates when they find a surplus, so what is the difference? Why not follow the laws you make other private entities adhere too. And instead of foolish spending, give the young troops a raise, for fighting your stupid war. Maybe you should get a real job once you get booted out of that cushion seat you have kept warm for way too many years, just to see what I mean about work. I’ll bet you’ll be the first in-line to sign a petition for a tax rebate. In fact, I bet you’ll be the petitioner! And then Ted runs away at the mouth in the Stool, just like Ben running away from the Lawman, like son like father. “I’ve told the state legislature for three years in a row that we are going to suffer reductions in the amount of Federal assistance if the state doesn’t step up to the plate and provide local assistance”. Ted, on your 13,990-day watch in the “Big House” you have single handedly created the biggest “welfare” state ever. And now that you are loosing power, you have to realize that what you created cannot be weaned away overnight, from pork bellies - not unless you come down hard on the “Big Oil”. Why must you continue to support foreign companies like British Petroleum, in their efforts to rip off the resources, cause environmental nightmares and kill hard working Americans? So, some idiot friend of yours is getting awarded up to a million dollars for berry research. And all this “pork” is in the form of grants – not loans – so payback is a joke upon the taxpayers. There is in no way shape or form any reasonable return on the “grant” money investment sent this way for nothing. Like it was once quoted, “War, what is it good for, absolutely nothing”. Well, “Earmarks, what is it good”, same sentiment in my book. And what the hell is this earmark for something called an Alaskan agricultural product? Something unknown to me and the rest of civilization here in Alaska, but what ever it is or supposed to be it was awarded a bunch of taxpayers’ dough. Hey, we can’t even keep a dairy afloat! And why the hell does 58-million need to be spent for Pacific salmon fisheries? What do I get in return, as all the salmon processors are from Seattle! And that continuous halibut season that you were all in favor of over a limited season, well I can’t afford that fish nowadays. Sure its fresh, but only the rich can get the drools over it. And I am sure that with the salary you have voted for yourself after all these years you also can easily afford the luxury. This fish business is as bad as the Coconut Grove scandal that your buddy Don is in trouble over. Hey, who does your performance appraisal? And that Denali Commission earmark, something in the tune of 90-million, what the hell for MR. TED? Why don’t you just be honest with us, it has been a complete failure time and time again. If it weren’t then Hugo Chavez would not have had to come to the villagers’ with aid, for heating fuel subsidies. And now that we are on the subject of failures, the Seward Sea-life Center is awarded a 3-million dollar giveaway? What are the taxpayers in the market for another asbestos filled ancient and dilapidated “Arcade” to buy away from another one of your buddies at an inflated cost. You must realize that some real-estate agents are going to jail here in Anchorage for inflating the price of property, called price fixing. MoanaLisa was caught in a similar situation but somehow escaped, just wait until her seat is back up for grabs. Your shenanigans’ goes well beyond that, what a laughing joke you continue to amuse us with. Hey, I looked into berry cultivation back some 20-years ago while living in Valdez. The business plan sounded good and caught the attention of the bankers, but it was just too risky a venture. Why? It’s called the “Weather”. So I felt that the experts had looked at something that I missed. See, I am a proud American that was raised on the true American spirit and righteous values. If you can’t do it the right way, then don’t do it at all. And listen to what others are saying, not what others are asking for. To have a risky business plan risking my taxable income, it is “goonatics” at work. You and Don are the pros when it comes to illicit and illegal taxpayer contributions run amuck. It is illegal, to waste my money, just read the Constitution wherein it talks about taxation. You are not the only guilty party, but you would think that with the time spent there in Congress, something good would have come from the House, other then high oil prices and a protracted “War”. So next Christmas, please don’t use the media in efforts to support your corruption. Earmarks undermine the integrity of our system. Nobody likes these secret giveaway programs that are orchestrated behind closed doors. And the fact that these things show up and nobody takes credit for it, it is treason upon my paycheck. So please don’t try to sell your snake oil remedies. You have been a failure, as providing misrepresentation that has done nothing but support a welfare infrastructure, the failure blame is yours to cherish Don’t forget to talk about it in your memoirs, at least one page will have something besides being “intentionally left blank”. And Don, keep away from that “Rabid Skunk”!

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