Friday, September 23, 2022

Confidence in Declassifying a NUT

He’s NUTS! Just yesterday Donald John Trump said his power to declassify anything and everything he lifted as a Treasonous President, it was like lighting a fart! But today, now he wants the Fredo Cannon “Skunk Court” to issue a “Protective Order” – basically a “Restraining Order” – that all that stuff confiscated by the FBI to be “locked up”, no disclosure! He said it was all declassified, when he lit his last fart in the Oval Office and Mark Meadows swallowed the afterbirth! Now the Fuck’n Moron wants it all “sealed” away with limited access? In that order: “Specifically…shall maintain Seized Materials in secure areas or on secure networks along with a copy of this Judicial Protective Order.” For documents that were free-flying about under Trump’s watch with no such security, for any Mar-a-lago freeloader to “Read All About It”. But this is for a reason. See now Putin will have to abide by the laws of this land and not tell us what the Melania “SHE-SPY” network got away with, that which ended up in Putin’s lap, as it appears a “Restraining Order” will protect Trump, well from “spousal abuse” as Vladimirobitch Putin is getting very mad. Look Putin is upset that the stuff he received courtesy of Maggot-a-lago was a CIA set-up, which he relied upon for his “Special Military Operation” when all Trump got in return was a “Special Masturbator Operation”? Trump knows that, and Putin is embarrassed as that information has failed his “mission”, that he was taken for a joy ride by the CIA - courtesy of a Fuck’n Moron sitting around in the White House lighting farts!

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