Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Select Committee Hearing 8/3/2022

BREAKING NEWS: The Select Committee investigating the January 6th “Domestic Terrorist Attack” on the U.S. Capitol will hold an “unscheduled” emergency “Public Hearing” starting at 8:30am PST from the NAPA County Courthouse, that is tomorrow on August 3rd. The witness will be Paul Pelosi, who is facing jail time for a DUI misdemeanor, so under oath may provide testimony on what Nancy Pelosi was doing on the days leading up to that event and maybe we will find out who it was the real culprit that defecated on the House Speaker’s desk, as many believe it was Nancy herself that “brown stained” her signatory Marjorie Soylent Greene panties in a panic to get out of the Capitol, because Paul had the keys to her Porsche. Glad to see Beenie and the jet-set are focusing in on the Real McCoy issues.

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