Thursday, August 11, 2022

Instant Karma Boomerang

Yes indeed, a “karma boomerang” is was “indicted for nothing” fall-guy Michael Cohen is calling it, now that Donald John Trump’s “golden shitter” at Mar-a-logo has run out of 2-ply! For real, a raid by the FBI that had also at its disposal a “Counter-Intelligence” police force to go through Melanie’s “boudoir”, that was well furnished from Russia with Love – get over it Melania is a double penetration SPY. But Cohen, who was Trump’s lawyer and thrown under the bus by his “boss”, well Cohen is calling this “raid” a “karma boomerang” in effect what goes around comes around. I prefer to call it the “golden shitter Mobius” or how about instead that “karma booberang”? But when Trump refused to give up the love letters sent to him by Kim Jong Dung and Melania refused to give up the love letters she received from Vladimir Vladimirobitch Putin’s horse with a big dick, well Uncle Sam finally said enough is enough as those letters are a “National Lampoon Tampoon Treasure”! Now this “boomerang” in “karma”, well the fact that Trump refused to hand over the stuff when he was given a “reasonable doubt” chance and thus he may be guilty of a “crime” under 18 U.S.C. 1924. So what it is only a misdemeanor. Wow, it used to be a small fish crime, but when Trump started the “lock her up bend her over”, well his deepest confidant – which is defined as an individual of interest with GOP lipstick having a MAGA dildo up his ass and then shoving himself up Donald’s anal hole in company Matt Gaetz and Mitch McConnell room for more there’s Kevin McCarthy – well Devin Nunes convinced the Fuck’n Moron to extend the penalty for mishandling of sensitive documents. All because the GOP thought they could get the handcuffs slapped on Hillary Clinton – wish they had - but instead the crime in passion of stealing “love letters” was revised to that of a “Felony” and now Trump is facing his own medicine. Talk about a MAGA dildo on “vibrate” mode!

SEC. 202. INCREASED PENALTY FOR UNAUTHORIZED REMOVAL AND RETENTION OF CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS OR MATERIAL. Section 1924(a) of title 18, United States Code, is amended by striking ‘‘one year’’ and inserting ‘‘five years’’.

And according to Phineas JJ. Whoopee-Cushion, anything over a year in the slammer is a “felony”. Way to go Mr. Fuck’n Moron. But I for one believe that Mr. Trump wants jail time, as then he would get a “free lunch” courtesy Uncle Sam’s cindered spirit generosity and not have to live with the sounds of Melania getting humped by a Russian tennis instructor - aka Stewball "STUD"!

Wow, July of 2022, and two noteworthy RIPs! First, well the man that created the worst environmental disaster in my lifetime, Captain Joseph Jeffrey Hazelwood, which reminds me time to add something to that “bucket list”, the graves I want to piss on! Amazing, as nobody paid the fine of that crime of a century. Amazing some more, had the Alyeska Pipeline Service Company that allowed Captain Joe to binge drink as a condition of continued employment before trying to DUI a tanker full of crude oil – crash! For real, the workers in Valdez tried to STOP the madmen as drinking had become the “norm”. And when no one listened, the workers said screw you and signed up to be represented by the “Union”. And guess what, the “Oil Men” killed that attempt and then Joe was off the hook, free and clear to ship-wreck the EXXON Valdez! Pissed off or pissed on? As Charles Bukowski ended it all: “Don’t Try It”. So it is, time to say goodbye to James Ephraim Lovelock, but his legacy not to be forgotten, as this man that introduced many of us to the GAIA hypothesis, well he has left behind the “Daisychain Algorithm” - wow what a discovery! It is an extension of the “Gaia” thing. And since I was a fan of his because of my writings about Alaska, I have been allowed a sneaky Pete preview of what that almighty “algorithm” has discovered about the Universe. It tells of enchanted forests that exist beneath the surface of all those planets out there, those things we thought were just rocks in desolation. The “ultimate” Mobius with respect to our earth and an inside out existence. But yes, underground livable environments, controlled in temperature for living and growing things! Along with “conduits” that allow the suns energy to filter through, a “utopia” for mankind’s future. How do we get there, first we must redefine “kind”!

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