Friday, August 19, 2022

Alas the Golden Shower 70s

Wow, so I did make it to that “Golden Age” romanticized in advertisement by LXX – bragging rights! Just think then, to what there is looking forward HO upon, another 10-up and I get the triple XXX rated. But it was with great expectations to wake this morning, cup of coffee in shaking hand, listening to song-birds out and about and then the duty called. Now I was in awe that I did make it through the night after a 6.9% hazed and confused bender, but now I know what my better half has been complaining about for all that half, as I forgot to put the toilet seat down in a previous reckoning with a leaking penis, due that prostrate thing. Wow, what a rude awakening, as it was that bottomless pit falling affect in effect, until the ass cheek brakes cushioned the doom! Oh well, easy to recover and enjoy a good shit. Until that “Text Message” ruined the so far morning silence of the lambs! OK, who is bothering me already. It was a message from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, on my birthday praytel “Your tax dollars at work”. Dear Old Bastard Happy Birthday…but just because you turned 70 don’t think that you can come down here unannounced and expect me to kiss your ass.” Wow, see and I thought the LousyLollaPelosi was in China with son Paul, but maybe she was in that SCIF-SHITTER instead. OK, hiding from husband Paul that wants Congress to bail him out from a DUI! So I responded back to Pelosi with a message from Melvin: “shampoo my crotch!” And then I thought, best delete that request, as don’t wish for something…now though for the rest of my race, spend my days as the Old Man of the Sea! Fish On!

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