Monday, July 11, 2022

Trump’s Trojan Horse Court

So, as the rabid skunk stench clears away from the Clarence the Clown and Brat Kavanaugh court maneuvering of a week or so ago, that which undermined DEMOCRACY wherein the “High Court” jesters found reason to “Divide” this nation some more, well it ain’t over with yet! Maybe just the beginning! As more noteworthy today, it was only a matter of time, we now witness the same dereliction in the conviction of binding arbitration diseased through jurisprudence incest, with the “lower courts” following suit it is payback time to the Almighty Trump - for rigging the courts with jesters. See, everybody that waits in vain to see Donald John Trump held accountable for “crimes unbecoming even a Turncoat”, they was prematurely jumping for joy today, as District Court Judge Carl John Nichols – a Trump nominee – well the judge gaveled away every damn defense possible that Stephen Bannon was going to use in his soon to be trial for “Criminal Contempt”. Everybody on the other side thinking it means toast for Bannon’s future freedom! It was an unprecedented gavel judgement, basically narrowing to nothing any probable cause defense. Bannon pleaded “Not Guilty” to that “contempt”, after failing to show up for a subpoena issued by the “Select Committee”. Without any defenses to prove that plea was righteous, well good luck and the Harvard Tribe is laughing out loud with joy – that a maggot of the Fuck’n Moron Trump was about to find out what it means to have no stool pigeons on that jury and thus facing jail time in a cell with Bubba. Matter of fact, Bannon’s lawyer chastised the judge with words to the effect “why have a trial without a defense”. The fact that the judge found “zero” leniency to what Mr. Bannon’s legal posse wanted to present to the jury but so denied, it was done but for a reason. As no jury-of-peers will ever convict Bannon, as they will be able to see right through this unfairness, as it was designed intentionally to defeat the purpose of a fair trial. Normally in a court room setting, it is the judge that is confronted with the notion of an unfair trial, in persuasion by either side and then must rule in order to squelch any lopsidedness, which usually finds a dismissal. Nichols has been playing a cool-hand Luke game of chance with the courts discretion in matters concerning Trump, like asking the DOJ to intervene in an interference pattern against the Federal Government in another case, yes a genuine “INVITE” in an order by the court and like a case within a case with U.S.A. v. U.S.A.! It don’t make any legal sense, it was designed to fail the system! That interference could make matters very unpleasant for the government, this in the Mark Meadows case – so maybe another sabotage attempt in the works. In review of what has occurred in the U.S.A. v. Bannon case, all things considered relevant to a proper defense have been disallowed by Judge Nichols. Not just a few things, but every consideration that has been Bannon’s reckoning since the inception of the case, due to go to trial next week, it has been denied. Bannon’s lawyer is correct, there is no longer any viable “Defense” that could persuade a jury through that “guilty” or Not guilty” verdict. And without a defense, because a judge ruled against everything and anything worthwhile in the category of a defense, well the jury is not stupid. They will see right through this disenfranchising, and that is what the court wanted all the time, to deny in efforts to instill doubt and thus a jury will have but for a single outcome choice of “NOT GUILTY”! This is a continuation of the January 6th “Coup d’scare” that is disabling the Founding Fathers’ DEMOCRACY. This is how far the Ginni Thompson MAGA movement is advancing, wherein even a judge is on board as to how the courts can help out this Trump bowel movement. I may be wrong, but when you analyze what Judge Carl John Nichols has ruled, against the norms in what is acceptable for a jury to be instructed upon in mounting a defense, when “NOTHING” is allowed per order of the court, well this is a “Mutiny” upon justice. Time will tell, but if the jury does see through this Trojan Horse philosophy of “no defense” allowed and then finds sympathy for Bannon in the home stretch, the intent worked. So the important thing to watch for in the coming days is whether or not the defense is behind this extended coup also, as any decent attorney that was handed the same kind of denial all around for his client’s defense, it would mean by COB today a motion filed for a new judge! And if the plan to find Bannon “Not Guilty” through a jury trial fails, wherein the defense cannot mount any worthwhile negotiating to sway the jury away from any guilt, on appeal there is no court in this land “sea to shining sea” that would insist that Bannon was allowed a fair trial, due the fact the judge disallowed a “defense”. IMAGINE, in the United States of America, not able to defend oneself in the court of law is what this is all about today. So this is a Trojan Horse reckoning, courtesy of the Federalists getting control of our courts, from the Supreme and now down through the lower echelons, wherein the courts have been hijacked in efforts to recalculate who we are as a nation.

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