Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Thank You Joe

Finally, after 4-years of rotten peaches along with worm-ridden black-mold laced watermelon, best fit for the Gallagher "Sledge-O-Matic" or the garbage heap instead of a market shelf, because of Trump’s “broader border wall” policy that restricted the movement of migrant workers because of his own bowel movements in interference, finally “We the People” have decent watermelon once again. This is the main reason we must keep a prejudice bastard out of the Oval Office, as what in hell is “hot fun in the summertime” without the melons? God bless our migrant farm working families!

"Hey Joe, where you goin' with that...Hey, hey Joe!

And IMAGINE, a Commander-in-Chief that could not pull off a Simple Simon "coup"?

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