Saturday, July 16, 2022

Tails from the Cat Box


Tails from the Cat Box

Dear Joyce Vance

Thursday night on MSNBC, you got it all wrong with the “Select Committee”! This Friday am “on a roll” you got it all wrong some more, with Navarro and the same “Committee”! So commonality rules in your flavor. The “mission” of the “Select Committee” is not intended to get to the bottom of the Trump January 6th “coup d’scare”. It sounded good, but let’s be serious! It looks good for the “Committee” when the stage presence finds millions of viewers wanting to see that Jamie Raskin “blow the roof off the House” extravaganza still a dud, like in “where’s the beef”? And with Adam Schiff’s rage over the DOJ, when he also is looking for an audience - poor soul still stuck in “Impeachment Hell”! As with Bennie Thompson, still holding on to that fantasy of “must protect the institute” and “part and parcel guilty”, well that is why and how members of Congress, that have been served a valid Congressional subpoena, how they can disregard that motion to compel testimony and get away with it all. And of course these members have very valuable turncoat testimony, gone by the wayside and it may mean the “missing link” still AWOL, so no Chairman Thompson cannot connect all the dots! No doubt this “protectionism” follows the trickle-down theory, so hold on to your hat and wallet as it will be no different in the end with Trump. Of course the DOJ has already “balked” at holding Donald John Trump accountable for any wrong-doing on that dreaded day in D.C., as to do so otherwise that would open up a can of worms as no doubt Trump is guilty of being an accomplice to a “Murder Most Foul” event. That kind of indictment attention would be very embarrassing to Democracy, so best leave it all alone for the time being, which may be the underlying Merrick Garland sentiment – what’s best for the nation rules! IMAGINE, the “History” books calling out a murderer President – guided tours anyone, autographs! But a better picture of what is happening all around, but very seldom realized by the “mass media in blitzkrieg retreat” mood because it is all too boring in subject matter, look at how the courts are falling over backwards to assist Trump in his continuing January 6th endeavors. Said again it looks sound in jurisprudence and justice must be severed, I meant “served”, but it is yet another “coup” attachment promotion. Take for instance with Judge Carl John Nichols, just yesterday conceding and giving Bannon a “new defense” strategy, after Bannon’s lawyer complained of not being allowed any “Defense” due objections by Uncle Sam and such were considered valid arguments and thus accepted by the judge. But now, like an over-night sensation “so help me god”, wherein we may see that Trump “Executive Privilege” nightmare scarface surface again, because Judge Nichols balked! But I am sure Nichols received a phone call from the Chief Justice of the Court, namely Leonard Leo. Funny following the judge’s change of heart, that the DOJ did not list the Trump “privilege waived” letter in objection in “Trial” evidence, like it already knows that Nichols will cave in and give Bannon a chance at a “Free at Last” challenge. Maybe in commotion a “motion” to dismiss, due the fact in stupidity 3-members of the “House” in the leadership filed an “amicus” to support Pelosi’s cause and effect, and now want to exercise the “Search & Seizure”, wrong again I meant “Speech & Debate” to protect their so-called “isolation”? And the same with the Mark Meadows case, as why would the same judge offer an INVITE to the DOJ, not a party to that case, an invite to merely cause an interference with the Congressional Office of Legal Counsel that was assigned that case? Sounds like U.S.A. v U.S.A. And these two cases under the same judge – a Trump nominee and a member of the Federalist Society – such yields the precipice to undermine the legal authenticity of the “Select Committee”. But the best of the best as to my theory that we are being sold a bridge-to-nowhere with any genuine intent to get to the bottom of the responsible party to that “coup”, in the Bannon case his lawyer states that “Mr. Bannon has not had a change of posture or of heart. Mr. Bannon has always been consistent, that because President Trump invoked executive privilege with respect to Mr. Bannon’s testimony and the production of requested documents, Mr. Bannon was obligated to honor the President’s invocation, unless and until, either your Committee reached a constitutionally required accommodation with President Trump as to the invocation of executive privilege or your Committee obtained a ruling from the Federal District Court that the invocation of executive privilege was improper or did not apply to the particular question or document sought. I consistently informed you that if either of those events took place, Mr. Bannon would comply with the decision.” Interesting concept, as was not this “privilege” concept settled by that Brat Kavanaugh “non-binding” decision back in January of this year, in verdict by the High Court “jesters” that was then sent back to the court to evict any “Executive Privilege” in exercise by Trump, that was causing interference? One would think that would have closed that case, time to shut the door on Trump and his ”free-loading” expectation of a “privilege”, the Supreme Beings have spoken! But for some reason in that case, our very own government is allowing “extensions” for Mr. Trump to “plan his next move”! I ask again for the Democracy friend, what next move? The Trump v. Thompson case is still open, alive and active, with Trump being allowed over 200-days for his “coup” planning, phase Z, now through September through a most recent motion accepted by our very own Uncle Sam legal counsel! So this “new defense” talked about earlier, it played right into the Bannon “coup”, which is an overzealous extension of the Trump “coup d’scare”. And I ask for a friend named Democracy, what next move? The fact that case has not been closed and the Federal Court in jurisdiction not yet rendering a closing verdict, well it tastes like “rotten peaches”. So it all looks good from the outside, but it appears there is a mandate to not go where no man has gone before, to disrupt the tranquility that Congress is immune from any responsibility! That the “must protect the institute” is embedded in stone also protects any individual lawbreaker aligned with a Turncoat President, that is still on the loose because “We the People” have lost the wherewithal that was handed down by our Founding Fathers in legitimacy our Democracy. But my real point-in-contention, how much did the Keurig Dr. Pepper “stock” go up when the “Select Committee” broadcast Sidney Powell toasting a can of “Diet Dr. Pepper” to the 25-million viewers. Good thing for the “Committee” that timeout motion soon after, as it was time to call that broker! Of course that was a planned event, as the “coup” continues on and about the only benefit seems to be that $money honey$ opportunity, as that is what we have become in difference a once great nation, before someone discovered how easy we were susceptible to a thing called “divided” and we are falling and failing by “dictahypocrisy”!

Just in, as the “Sky is Falling”:

CNN: Former Trump White House trade adviser Peter Navarro rejected a plea offer from the Justice Department, prosecutors said in court on Friday. The deal would have allowed Navarro to plead guilty to one of two contempt of Congress charges for not cooperating with the House's ongoing January 6 investigation. Navarro would also be required comply with the House select committee's subpoena "to the satisfaction of the Justice Department," prosecutors said, and would cap Navarro's potential jail sentence at 30 days. "No one in his position has ever been prosecuted with criminal contempt of Congress" for following a "presidential directive," John Rowley, Navarro's defense lawyer, said of rejecting the plea offer. Navarro has said he can't comply with the subpoena because former President Donald Trump informed him he was shielded by executive privilege.

This, only a few days after Donald Trump started exercising his “Executive Privilege” still in effect to protect his minion minnows, because we have a Congress with a legal counsel “Asleep at the wheel”! And there is but for a signal reason for this dereliction in the conviction to justice being served, wherein these career legal scholars can administer such when their hands are not tied, because that legal counsel is being coached by the “Boss” of Congress to make it sound good, make it look good, because we have been sold that “bridge” and the return policy is just too costly, so we use it as they use US!

Wow, the DOJ just answered the Judge Nichols’ calling, that INVITE to explain what “immunity” is all about, talk about a “revolution”? No as this “amicus” is the epitome of a “Convolution”, what we get from a Mobius Strip fascination!

Keep up the good work!

Stugots – Lousy Hat Solidarity Party

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